14. ユダヤ人は世界大戦を予見していましたか?(Did the Jews Foresee the World War?)

By Henry Ford

Before proceeding to a more detailed study of the connection between the written program of the documents which are called "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," and the actual program as it can be traced in real life, we shall now view those plans which were future when the Protocols were uttered. It must be borne in mind, however, that what was future in 1896 and 1905, may be past today, that what was plan then may be fulfillment now. To bear this in mind will be in exact accord with the expression of Protocol 22 -- "I have endeavored to indicate carefully the secrets of past and future events, and of those momentous occurrences of the near future toward which we are rushing in a stream of great crises." Some of those "momentous occurrences" have come to pass, and with them a brighter light on the Question which we are studying.

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An illustration of this which is fresh in the minds of all was furnished by the Great War. Jewish comment on this series of articles has made much of the fact that one of the articles was devoted to the then prominence of the Jewish Question in Germany, and it was sought to mislead the people to think that this series was really a part of subtle German after-the-war propaganda. The fact is that articles on the Question in a number of countries were set aside in order to bring the Question itself prominently before the minds of Americans with the least delay. The postponed articles will appear in due season, though out of their order. Germany is today, with perhaps the possible exception of the United States, the most Jew-controlled country in the world -- controlled within and from without -- and a much stronger set of facts could be presented now than was presented in the original article (the facts of which were at first denied and later admitted by the Jewish spokesmen in the United States). For since that article was written, public sentiment in Germany has swept the Jews largely out of public office. German public opinion exerted itself to the utmost to put German political administration back into German hands. But did that liberate Germany from the Jews? Not at all. For their entrenchments stretched further and deeper than mere display of official power. Their hold on the basic industries, the finances, the future of Germany has not been loosened in the least. It is there, unmovable. In what that hold consists, the reader will be told at some convenient time.

誰の記憶にも新しいこの実例は、第一次世界大戦によってもたらされた。この一連の記事に対するユダヤ人のコメントは、記事の1本が当時のドイツにおけるユダヤ人問題の目立つことに当てられていたという事実を大きく取り上げ、この一連の記事が実際にはドイツの巧妙な戦後プロパガンダの一部であると人々を誤解させることを求められました。事実、多くの国での問題に関する記事は、最小限の遅れで問題自体をアメリカ人の心の前に目立たせるために、脇に置かれていた。延期された記事は順不同ではあるが、順当な時期に掲載されるだろう。ドイツは今日、おそらく合衆国の可能性のある例外を除いて、世界で最もユダヤ人が支配する国 -- 内外から支配されている -- であり、元の記事で提示されたよりもはるかに強力な事実を提示することができます(それの事実は最初は否定され、後に合衆国のユダヤ人スポークスマンによって認められました)。その記事が書かれて以来、ドイツの世論はユダヤ人の大部分を公職から一掃した。ドイツの世論は、ドイツの政治行政をドイツの手に戻すために最大限の努力をした。しかし、それでドイツはユダヤ人から解放されたのでしょうか?全くそんなことはありません。彼らの堅固であることは、単なる公的権力の誇示よりもさらに深く広がっていたからです。基礎産業、財政、ドイツの将来に対する彼らの支配は少しも緩んでいません。それはそこにあり、動かない。その支配がどのように構成されているかというと、読者は都合のいいときに知らされます。

Germany is mentioned now, in connection with the Jews, for this purpose: It will be remembered that it was from Germany that the first cry of "annexations" came, and it came at a time when all German war activities and war sentiment were admittedly in Jewish control. "Annexations" was the cry that flashed across the world one day. And back across the world, from the United States, a nation that was not even a party to the war at that time, the word flashed back, "No Annexations." Thus by a dramatic play the whole question was thrust before the world.


Soon the people of all countries had forgotten the blood of battle, the war profiteers and every other vital point, and were discussing a matter which belonged to the end of the war and not the beginning, the question of "annexations." Now, when it is known who were controlling the formulation of war-aims in Germany and who were the chief counselors of the foreign policy of the United States at the same time, the projection of this question of "annexations" into the world's mind becomes interesting; interesting but not wholly intelligible.


Not until you read the Protocols do you get a full light on this -- and this report of the Protocols which is now given the world probably dates from 1896; there is absolutely ironclad proof of the date 1905.

議定書を読むまでは、これに完全な光を得られません -- そして、今世界に与えられているこの議定書の報告書は、おそらく1896年のものです;1905年という日付の絶対的で鉄壁の証拠があります。

The Second Protocol begins on the note of war, and its opening words are these:

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"It is indispensable for our purpose that as far as possible, wars should bring no territorial advantages. This will shift war to an economic footing, and nations will perceive the strength of our superiority in the aid we render."

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Who was thinking, between 1896 and 1905, of the new "no annexations" rule to be applied to war? Were you? Do you know of any statesman who was? We know that military men were concerned about the appliances and operations of any future war that might occur. We know that statesmen, of the more responsible sort, were working to consolidate a balance of interests that would make war extremely improbable. Who had outdistanced them all in foresight and planning sufficiently to lay down a definite program of "no annexations?"


Fortunately the clue to the answer is supplied to us by unquestionable Jewish sources. The American Jewish News of September 19, 1919, had an advertisement on its front page which read thus:

幸いなことに、その答えの手がかりは、疑う余地のないユダヤ人の情報源によって私たちに提供されます。1919年9月19日のThe American Jewish Newsは、その一面に次のような広告を載せました:


By Litman Rosenthal

Many years ago Nordau prophesied the Balfour Declaration. Litman Rosenthal, his intimate friend, relates this incident in a fascinating memoir."


Litman Rosenthal著

何年も前にNordauはバルフォア宣言を預言した。彼の親友であるLitman Rosenthalは、この出来事について興味深い回想録で語っています。」

The article, on page 464, begins: "It was on Saturday, the day after the closing of the Sixth Congress, when I received a telephone message from Dr. Herzl asking me to call on him."


This fixes the time. The Sixth Zionist Congress was held at Basle in August, 1903.

これで時刻が確定します。 第6回シオニスト会議は1903年8月にBasleで開催されました。

The memoir continues: "On entering the lobby of the hotel I met Herzl's mother who welcomed me with her usual gracious friendliness and asked me whether the feelings of the Russian Zionists were now calmer.

回想録はこう続けます: 「ホテルのロビーに入ると、私はHerzlの母親に会いました。彼女はいつものように丁重な親切で私を迎え、ロシアのシオニストたちの気持ちが落ち着いたかどうか尋ねました。」

"'Why just the Russian Zionists, Frau Herzl?' I asked. 'Why do you only inquire about these?'

「『なぜロシアのシオニストだけなのですか、Frau Herzlさん?』私は尋ねました。『どうしてこれらのことだけを尋ねるのですか?』

"'Because my son,' she explained, 'is mostly interested in the Russian Zionists. He considers them the quintessence, the most vital part of the Jewish people.'"


At the Sixth Congress the British Government ("Herzl and his agents had kept in contact with the English Government" -- Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 12, page 678) had offered the Jews a colony in Uganda, East Africa. Herzl was in favor of taking it, not as a substitute for Palestine, but as a step toward it. It was this which formed the chief topic of conversation between Herzl and Litman Rosenthal in that Basle hotel. Herzl said to Rosenthal, as reported in this article: "There is a difference between the final aim and the ways we have to go to achieve this aim."

第6回会議で、イギリス政府(「Herzlと彼の代理人はイギリス政府と連絡を取り合っていた」 -- ユダヤ百科事典、第12巻678ページ)はユダヤ人に東アフリカのウガンダの植民地を提供しました。Herzlは、パレスチナの代わりとしてではなく、パレスチナへの一歩として、それを取ることに賛成した。このことが、BasleのホテルでHerzlとLitman Rosenthalとの間の主要な会話の話題となった。この記事で報じられているように、Herzl氏はRosenthal氏に対し次のように述べました:「最終的な目標と、この目標を達成するために我々が行かなければならない道との間には違いがある。」

Suddenly Max Nordau, who seems at the conference held last month in London to have become Herzl's successor, entered the room, and the Rosenthal interview was ended.

突然、先月ロンドンで開かれた会議でHerzlの後継者になったと思われるMax Nordauが部屋に入り、Rosenthalのインタビューは終了した。

Let the reader now follow attentively the important part of this Rosenthal story: -- (the italics are ours)

では、このRosenthalの物語の重要な部分に注意を払って読んでみましょう: -- (斜体は私たちのものです)

"About a month later I went on a business trip to France. On my way to Lyons I stopped in Paris, and there I visited, as usual, our Zionist friends. One of them told me that this very same evening Dr. Nordau was scheduled to speak about the Sixth Congress, and I, naturally, interrupted my journey to be present at this meeting and to hear Dr. Nordau's report. When we reached the hall in the evening we found it filled to overflowing and all were waiting impatiently for the great master, Nordau, who, on entering, received a tremendous ovation. But Nordau, without paying heed to the applause showered upon him, began his speech immediately, and said:

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"'You all came here with a question burning in your hearts and trembling on your lips, and the question is, indeed, a great one, and of vital importance. I am willing to answer it. What you want to ask is: How could I -- I who was one of those who formulated the Basle program -- how could I dare to speak in favor of the English proposition concerning Uganda, how could Herzl as well as I betray our ideal of Palestine, because you surely think that we have betrayed it and forgotten it. Yet listen to what I have to say to you. I spoke in favor of Uganda after long and careful consideration; deliberately I advised the Congress to consider and to accept the proposal of the English Government, a proposal made to the Jewish nation through the Zionist Congress, and my reasons -- but instead of my reasons let me tell you a political story as a kind of allegory.

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『皆さんは、胸の中に疑問を燃やし、唇を震わせてここに来ました。その疑問は、実に重大なもので、きわめて重要なものである。喜んでお答えします。ああなたが聞きたいことは次のとおりです:私が -- 私はバーゼル計画を策定した1人ですが -- なぜウガンダに関するイギリスの提案に賛成することができたのでしょうか、なぜヘHerzlと私はパレスチナの理想を裏切ることができたのでしょうか、なぜならあなたがたはきっと我々がそれを裏切って忘れてしまったと思っているからです。しかし、私があなたがたに言うことを聞いてください。私は長い間慎重に検討した結果、ウガンダを支持すると話しました;私は意図的に、イギリス政府の提案、シオニスト会議を通じてユダヤ人国家になされた提案、そして私の理由を検討し、受け入れるよう議会に助言しました -- しかし、私の理由の代わりに、一種の寓話として政治的な話をさせてください。

"'I want to speak of a time which is now almost forgotten, a time when the European powers had decided to send a fleet against the fortress of Sebastopol. At this time Italy, the United Kingdom of Italy, did not exist. Italy was in reality only a little principality of Sardinia, and the great, free and united Italy was but a dream, a fervent wish, a far ideal of all Italian patriots. The leaders of Sardinia, who were fighting for and planning this free and united Italy, were the three great popular heroes: Garibaldi, Mazzini, and Cavour.


"'The European powers invited Sardinia to join in the demonstration at Sebastopol and to send also a fleet to help in the siege of this fortress, and this proposal gave rise to a dissension among the leaders of Sardinia. Garibaldi and Mazzini did not want to send a fleet to the help of England and France and they said: "Our program, the work to which we are pledged, is a free and united Italy. What have we to do with Sebastopol? Sebastopol is nothing to us, and we should concentrate all our energies on our original program so that we may realize our ideal as soon as possible."


"'But Cavour, who even at this time was the most prominent, the most able, and the most far-sighted statesman of Sardinia, insisted that his country should send a fleet and beleaguer with the other powers Sebastopol, and, at last, he carried his point. Perhaps it will interest you to know that the right hand of Cavour, his friend and adviser, was his secretary, Hartum, a Jew, and in those circles, which were in opposition to the government, one spoke fulminantly of Jewish treason. And once at an assembly of Italian patriots one called wildly for Cavour's secretary, Hartum, and demanded of him to defend his dangerous and treasonable political actions. And this is what he said: "Our dream, our fight, our ideal, an ideal for which we have paid already in blood and tears, in sorrow and despair, with the life of our sons and the anguish of our mothers, our one wish and one aim is a free and united Italy. All means are sacred if they lead to this great and glorious goal. Cavour knows full well that after the fight before Sebastopol sooner or later a peace conference will have to be held, and at this peace conference those powers will participate who have joined in the fight. True, Sardinia has no immediate concern, no direct interest in Sebastopol, but if we will help now with our fleet, we will sit at the future peace conference, enjoying equal rights with the other powers, and at this peace conference Cavour, as the representative of Sardinia, will proclaim the free and independent, united Italy. Thus our dream for which we have suffered and died, will become, at last, a wonderful and happy reality. And if you now ask me again, what has Sardinia to do at Sebastopol, then let me tell you the following words, like the steps of a ladder: Cavour, Sardinia, the siege of Sebastopol, the future European peace conference, the proclamation of a free and united Italy.'"


"The whole assembly was under the spell of Nordau's beautiful, truly poetic and exalted diction, and his exquisite, musical French delighted the hearers with an almost sensual pleasure. For a few seconds the speaker paused, and the public, absolutely intoxicated by his splendid oratory, applauded frantically. But soon Nordau asked for silence and continued:

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"'Now this great progressive world power, England, has after the pogroms of Kishineff, in token of her sympathy with our poor people, offered through the Zionist Congress the autonomous colony of Uganda to the Jewish nation. Of course, Uganda is in Africa, and Africa is not Zion and never will be Zion, to quote Herzl's own words. But Herzl knows full well that nothing is so valuable to the cause of Zionism as amicable political relations with such a power as England is, and so much more valuable as England's main interest is concentrated in the Orient. Nowhere else is precedent as powerful as in England, and so it is most important to accept a colony out of the hands of England and create thus a precedent in our favor. Sooner or later the Oriental question will have to be solved, and the Oriental question means, naturally, also the question of Palestine. England, who had addressed a formal, political note to the Zionist Congress -- the Zionist Congress which is pledged to the Basle program, England will have the deciding voice in the final solution of the Oriental question, and Herzl has considered it his duty to maintain valuable relations with this great and progressive power. Herzl knows that we stand before a tremendous upheaval of the whole world. Soon, perhaps, some kind of a world-congress will have to be called, and England, the great, free and powerful England, will then continue the work it has begun with its generous offer to the Sixth Congress. And if you ask me now what has Israel to do in Uganda, then let me tell you as the answer the words of the statesmen of Sardinia, only applied to our case and given in our version; let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, The Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created.'

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『さて、この偉大な進歩的な世界大国、イングランドは、Kishineffのポグロムの後、我々の貧しい人々への同情の印として、シオニスト会議を通じてウガンダの自治植民地をユダヤ人国家に提供しました。もちろん、ウガンダはアフリカにあり、Herzl自身の言葉を引用すると、アフリカはシオンではなく、今後もシオンになることはない。しかしHerzlは、シオニズムの大義にとって、イギリスのような大国との友好的な政治関係ほど価値のあるものはなく、イギリスの主な利益が東方に集中しているほど価値のあるものはないことをよく知っています。イギリスほど強力な先例は他にないので、イギリスの手から植民地を受け入れ、我々に有利な先例を作ることが最も重要である。遅かれ早かれ、東方の問題は解決されなければなりません。そして、東方の問題は、当然、パレスチナの問題も意味します。イギリスは、シオニスト会議に正式な、政治的なメモを演説していた -- Basle計画に約束されているシオニスト会議は、イギリスは東方問題の最終的な解決に決定的な発言権を持っているだろうし、Herzlは、この偉大で進歩的な権力との貴重な関係を維持することが自分の義務であると考えています。Herzlは、我々が全世界の途方もない激変の前に立っていることを知っています。近いうちに、おそらく、ある種の世界会議が招集されなければならないだろう、そして偉大で自由で強力なイギリスは、第6回会議への寛大な申し出によって始まった仕事を続けるだろう。そしてもしあなたが今、ウガンダでイスラエルは何をすべきかと私に尋ねるなら、Sardiniaの政治家の言葉を答えとして教えてあげましょう、それは、我々の場合に適用され、我々のバージョンで与えられただけです;あたかも上へ上へと続く梯子の段を見せるように次の言葉をお話ししましょう:Herzl、シオニスト会議、イギリスのウガンダ提案、将来の世界大戦、イギリスの援助と一緒に自由でユダヤ人のパレスチナが作られる平和会議。』

"Like a mighty thunder these last words came to us, and we all were trembling and awestruck as if we had seen a vision of old. And in my ears were sounding the words of our great brother Achad Haam, who said of Nordau's address at the First Congress:

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「強力な雷鳴のように、これらの最後の言葉が我々のところに来て、我々は皆、まるで昔の幻を見たかのように震え、畏敬の念を抱いた。そして私の耳には、我々の偉大な兄弟Achad Haamの言葉が響いていました、彼は第1回大会でのNordauの演説についてこう言っていました:

"'I felt that one of the great old prophets was speaking to us, that his voice came down from the free hills of Judea, and our hearts were burning in us when we heard his words, filled with wonder, wisdom and vision.'"


The amazing thing is that this article by Litman Rosenthal should ever have been permitted to see print. But it did not see print until the Balfour Declaration about Palestine, and it never would have seen print had not the Jews believed that one part of their program had been accomplished.

驚くべきことに、Litman Rosenthalによるこの記事は、印刷されたものを見ることが許可されていたはずです。しかしそれはパレスチナに関するバルフォア宣言まで印刷を見ることはありませんでしたし、ユダヤ人が自分たちの計画の一部が達成されたと信じていなければ、決して印刷を見ることはなかったでしょう。

The Jew never betrays himself until he believes that what he seeks has been won, then he lets himself go. It was only to Jews that the 1903 "program of the Ladder" -- the future world war -- the peace conference -- the Jewish program -- was communicated. When the ascent of that ladder seemed to be complete, then came the public talk.

ユダヤ人は、自分が求めているものが勝ち取られたと信じるまでは、決して自分を裏切らない。そして、自分を解放する。1903年の「梯子の計画」 -- 将来の世界大戦 -- 平和会議 -- ユダヤ人の計画 -- が伝えられたのはユダヤ人だけだった。梯子の上りが終わったと思われたとき、一般講演が来ました。

A similar illustration of this is to be found in the fall of the Czar. When that event transpired it was an occasion of great rejoicing in New York, and a Gentile of world-wide fame made a speech in which he lauded an American Jew of national reputation for having begun the downfall of the Czar by providing the money with which propaganda had been made among Russian prisoners in Japan during the Russo-Japanese war. The story came out only after the success of the plot. It is not at all out of keeping that the last men to see the last act of the plot carried out, the actual murder of Nicholas Romanovitch, his wife, his young daughters and his invalid boy, were "five Soviet deputies, the latter five all Jews." What began with the assistance of an American financier, finished with Soviet deputies.

これと似たような例が皇帝の没落に見られます。その事件が起こったとき、ニューヨークでは大いに喜び、世界的に有名な異邦人が、日露戦争中に日本にいたロシア人捕虜の間で行われたプロパガンダの資金を提供することによって皇帝の失脚を始めたとして、国民的名声のあるアメリカ系ユダヤ人を称賛する演説を行った。その話が出たのは、その陰謀が成功した後だった。それは、実行された陰謀の最後の行為、Nicholas Romanovitch、彼の妻、彼の若い娘と彼の病弱な少年の実際の殺人を見た最後の人たちが「5人のソビエトの代理、後の5人全員がユダヤ人」であったことを全く不一致ではありません。アメリカの金融業者の支援で始まったものが、ソビエトの代理で終わった。

Did International Jews in 1903 foresee the war? This Rosenthal confession is but one bit of evidence that they did. And did they do nothing but foresee it? It were well if the facts stopped at foresight and did not run on to provocation.


For the present the reader is invited to retain in his mind two points in this Rosenthal article: "Perhaps it will interest you to know that the right hand of Cavour, his friend and adviser, was his secretary, Hartum, a Jew." This is the way the Jewish press speaks of its own. If this paper, or a Chicago paper or a New York paper should go through the list of the secretaries of the men of power in the world today and make the note of their names -- "His secretary, a Jew," the Anti-Defamation Society would send letters of protest. There is one rule for the Gentile and one for the Jew, in the Jewish mind. Writing in the public prints about Hartum, he would be described as an "Italian."

今のところ、読者はこのRosenthalの記事の2カ所の点を心に留めておくように勧められます:「おそらく、彼の友人であり顧問であったCavourの右腕が、彼の秘書であったHartum、ユダヤ人であったことを知っておくことは、あなたに興味を持たせるだろう。」これがユダヤ系報道機関の独自の言い方です。もしこの新聞やシカゴ新紙やニューヨーク紙が今日の世界の権力者の秘書リストを調べて彼らの名前を書き留めたら -- 「彼の秘書はユダヤ人だ 」と名誉毀損防止協会は抗議の手紙を送るだろう。ユダヤ人の心には、異邦人とユダヤ人との間に1つのルールがあります。Hartumについて公共の印刷物に書くと、彼は「イタリア人」と表現されるでしょう

Were the Jewish secretaries who abounded before the war, during the war and throughout the Peace Conference of less brilliance than Hartum? Were there not Hartums in England, France, Germany, yes and in Russia too (in the United States there were many) who saw the "program of the Ladder"? Did Max Nordau who saw it so clearly in 1903 forget it in 1914 and 1918?

戦前、戦中、講和会議中に数多くいたユダヤ人秘書たちは、Hartumほど優秀ではなかったのだろうか?イギリスにも、フランスにも、ドイツにも、そう、ロシアにも、「梯子のプログラム」を見たHartumたちはいなかったのだろうか(アメリカではたくさんいた)?1903年にはっきりと見たMax Nordauは、1914年と1918年にそれを忘れてしまったのでしょうか?

We know this: the Jews in their Congress at Basle in 1903 foresaw "the future world war." How did they know it was to be a "world war"?

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We know this also: the Protocols, perhaps as early as 1896, certainly not later than 1905, foresaw the policy of "no annexations."

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The World War came to pass.

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"No annexations" came to pass. What was then future in the Jewish world program, is now past.


In the Protocols there are two forms of declaration. One is, "we have." The other is, "we shall." If somewhere in the world this summer the high secret spokesman of the World Program is addressing his class of International Initiates, he will have to say "we have" in many places where this spokesman of 1896 said "we shall." Things have been accomplished.

議定書には2つの宣言形式がある。1つは、「we have」ということです。もう1つは「we shall」です。もしこの夏、世界のどこかで世界プログラムの極秘スポークスマンが国際イニシアチブの彼のクラスを演説しているとしたら、彼は1896年のこのスポークスマンが「we shall」と言った多くの場所で「we have」と言わなければならないでしょう。物事は達成されました。

"We will represent ourselves as the saviors of the laboring classes." That has been and is being done. "We will deflect the thoughts of the Gentiles to industry and commerce." That has been done. "We will create a strongly centralized administration so as to grasp all the social forces strongly in our hands." That has been done. "We will adopt for ourselves the liberal side of all parties and all movements and provide orators." That has been done. "We will force up wages." That has been done. "We will at the same time cause a rise in the price of prime necessities." That has been done. "We will also undermine the sources of production by instilling in the workmen ideas of anarchy." That has been done.


"To demonstrate our enslavement of the Gentile governments of Europe, we shall show our power to one by crimes of violence, that is, by a reign of terror." -- Protocol 7.

ヨーロッパの異邦人政府を我々の奴隷にしていることを実演するために、我々は暴力犯罪、すなわち恐怖政治によって、我々の権力を政府に示すことになります。」 -- 第7議定書。

Who that sees Russia and beholds the attitude of the premiers of England, France, and Italy toward the Soviets, the "enslavement" of statesmanship by a condition that tangles more gnarledly the more it is dealt with -- who that sees the prostration of Europe before a wound that is deliberately kept from healing, can forbear to say: That too has been done!

ロシアを見て、イギリス、フランス、イタリアの首相のソビエトに対する態度を見て、それが扱われれば扱われるほど厄介に絡み合う状況による政治家の「奴隷化」を誰が見るだろうか -- 意図的に治癒を妨げられた傷の前にヨーロッパがひれ伏しているのを見て、「それもやられた!」と言うのを我慢できる人はいないだろう。

"Our plans will not upset contemporary institutions immediately. Their management will only be altered and consequently the whole procedure of their activity will thus be directed according to plans laid down by us." That has been done.


"We shall saddle the press and keep a tight reign upon it." That has been done. The rein is being strongly pulled in the United States at this moment, as many an editor can testify.


"Even if there should be those who desire to write against us, no one will print their writings." In large part, that has been done. It has been done completely with the profit-making press.


"We shall, as an incentive to speculation, encourage among the Gentiles a strong demand for luxuries -- all-enticing luxuries." That has been done.

「我々は、投機の誘因として、異邦人の間で贅沢品 -- 全員気を引く贅沢品 -- に対する強い需要を奨励します。」それは完了しました。

"To each act of opposition we must be in a position to respond by bringing on war through the neighbors of any country that dares to oppose us, and if these neighbors should plan to stand collectively against us, we must let loose a world war." (Protocol 7). The term "world war" is the same as that used by Rosenthal and Nordau. "Herzl knows," said Nordau in 1903, "that we stand before a tremendous upheaval of the whole world."

「それぞれの反対行動に対して、我々は、我々にあえて反対しようとするいかなる国の近隣諸国を通じて戦争を引き起こすことによって対応する立場にいなければならない。そして、もしこれらの近隣諸国が集団的に我々に対抗しようとするならば、我々は世界戦争を解放しなければならない。」(第7議定書) 。「世界大戦」 という用語は、RosenthalとNordauが使ったのと同じである。「Herzlは知っています、」 と1903年にNordauは言った、「我々が全世界の途方もない激変の前に立っていることを。」

"We must create unrest, dissension and mutual animosities throughout Europe and, with the help of her relationships, on other continents." This has been done. This passage continues: "There is a double advantage in this. First, we shall command the respect of all countries by this method, for they will realize that we have the power to create disorder or establish order at will." This too has been done.


Truly did the spokesman of 1896 speak of "those momentous occurrences of the near future toward which we are rushing in a stream of great crises."

p 80


Not only was "no annexations" achieved "as far as possible," just as the Protocols outlined it, but a host of other plans have matured in achievement along with it. "No annexations" as a matter of political morality is one thing; and "no annexations" for the reason that "this will shift war to an economic footing and nations will perceive the strength of our superiority in the aid we render" is quite another thing. The world was with the "no annexations" program as a matter of political morality; the other program, which used this morality as its vehicle, was hidden.

pp 80 ~ 81


There are still other matters in this group which must receive attention, but another article will be necessary to do it. In the meantime, it is natural to wonder whether, with the program as outlined in this report of the Protocols having received fulfillment in so many particulars, a new Protocol, or a further unfolding of the Ladder has been made by the Wise Men to their Initiates; and whether any additional unveiling will ever come to the knowledge of the world. It would seem that a proper estimate of the knowledge now available would lead to such an awakening as to nullify the present program and make all future ones impossible. But Gentiles like their ease, and Judah is beckoned on by a bright star.

p 81


[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 21 August 1920]

p 81
