イスラム教に改宗する方法(How one is converted to islam)

Pakistan: Muslim Rapist Demands Custody of Hindu Minor Who ‘Converted to Islam’ During Rape


May 8, 2021 1:00 pm By Ashlyn Davis

2021年5月8日 午後1時 Ashlyn Davis著

Abduction of girls from religious minorities, putting them through cycles of mass rapes and forcing them to embrace Islam is not a new spectacle in Pakistan. What changes is the intensity of the violence and institutionalized deception minorities are made to endure, often with the state’s acknowledgement, in the Islamic country.


The latest victim of Pakistan’s time-tested practice of abduct-rape-convert is Leylan Kohli, a minor Hindu girl. In a video shared widely on social media, the rescued victim alleges that she was abducted and mass-raped for four days by a Muslim named Mohammad Tanveer and his accomplices. The ghastly incident took place in the Sindh province of Pakistan, allegedly in Kot Ghulam Muhammad. Appallingly, the police have neither filed a case nor taken any action against the miscreants.

パキスタンの長年にわたるレイプ犯誘拐犯の最新の犠牲者は、ヒンドゥー教の未成年の少女 Leylan Kohliだ。ソーシャルメディアで広く共有された動画の中で、救助された被害者は、Mohammad Tanveerという名前のイスラム教徒と彼の共犯者によって4日間拉致され、大量強姦されたと主張しています。恐ろしい事件が起きたのは、パキスタンのSindh州、Kot Ghulam Muhammadとされる場所だ。恐ろしいことに、警察は悪党に対して訴訟を起こしたり、行動を起こしたりしていません。

The horror for this Hindu family is far from over. While the rapists are moving about freely, Leylan and her family are living in the constant danger of being attacked by the perpetrators. The culprits demand that Laylen be handed over to them. They assert that she recited the Kalima during her rape, and by virtue of having done so, she is now a converted Muslim. She thus cannot return and live with her “kafir” family.

このヒンズー教の家族の恐怖はまだ終わっていません。 強姦犯が自由に動き回っている間、Leylanと彼女の家族は加害者に襲われるという絶え間ない危険の中で暮らしています。犯人はLeylanが彼らに引き渡されることを要求します。奴らは、彼女がレイプ中にKalimaを唱えたと主張し、そうしたおかげで、彼女は今や改宗したイスラム教徒です。したがって、彼女は戻って『カーフィル(非ムスリム』家族と一緒に暮らすことはできません。

Kalima is collective name for the six Islamic phrases that reflect the foundational beliefs of Islam, including the Islamic profession of faith. They are taught and recited reverently by Muslims in South Asian countries. When someone converts from another religion to Islam, he or she is made to recite these phrases.


As per reports, while raping the minor, one of the accused thought it would be a good idea to carry out dawah (Islamic proselytization) on her concurrently, and forced her to recite the religious phrases. So now, by the virtue of reciting these supposedly holy and divine words while being molested, Leylan is a Muslim. She must relinquish all ties with her family and be given over to those who abducted her and put her through a prolonged painful and atrocious experience.

報告によると、未成年者をレイプする際、被告の1人が未成年者に同時にdawah (イスラム改宗) を行うのが良いと考え、宗教的なフレーズを暗唱させたという。だから今では、みだらな行為をされながら、神聖で神聖な言葉とされるこれらの言葉を唱えることで、Leylanはイスラム教徒になったのです。彼女は家族とのすべての絆を放棄し、彼女を拉致した者たちに引き渡され、彼女に長期にわたる痛みと残虐な経験をさせなければならない。彼女は家族との関係をすべて放棄し、彼女を拉致し、長期にわたる苦痛と残虐な経験をさせた者たちに引き渡されなければならないのだ。

Among the many dangers that lurk for this child and her hapless family, one is that a powerful mullah (Muslim cleric) will be brought onto the scene and order that the girl be taken away from her family. Having “converted” to the one true faith of Islam, Leylan cannot go back to Hinduism, “a false religion,” because that would be considered apostasy, which invites a death sentence, as per Sharia rules. Who would want to take chances with death?


Girls from the minority community who were abducted and molested by Muslim men in Pakistan have rarely been given justice; their perpetrators have often gone scot-free. The lives of such girls and their families turn hellish. It would not be incorrect to say that they pay the penalty for the wrongs done to them. There is no worldwide condemnation, because global institutions are busy painting a picture of “poor, oppressed Muslims” for the world to see and sympathize with.


It is doubtful that the Pakistani system will rescue this girl. What is worse is the possibility of her being taken to some kind of women’s rehabilitation centre while the authorities “investigate” the crime. Reportedly, victims are not allowed to meet their families once they are taken to such homes, and are further threatened with dire consequences. The only option presented to them is that they state that their conversion was consensual, or else they will be put through more violence. Traumatized and scared, they admit to the rapist’s version of the story in court. 12-year-old Kajal Bheel from Sindh, Pakistan, among others, has lived through this nightmare.

パキスタンの制度がこの少女を救うかどうかは疑問だ。さらに悪いことに、当局が犯罪を『捜査』している間に、彼女がある種の女性更生施設に連行される可能性があるのだ。伝えられるところによると、このような施設に入れられた被害者は、家族に会うことも許されず、さらに悲惨な結果を招く恐れがあります。彼女らに提示された唯一の選択肢は、改宗は合意の上だったと供述することであり、さもなければ彼女らはさらなる暴力を受けることになるでしょう。トラウマと恐怖を抱えた彼女らは、法廷で強姦犯の言い分を認めてしまう。とりわけ、パキスタンのSindh出身の12歳のKajal Bheelは、この悪夢を経験した。

With the odds of any kind of legal relief for Leylan and her family appearing slim, at very least they desire to be left alone. Let the child live with her family after undergoing a traumatic experience that has scarred her for life.


Source https://www.jihadwatch.org/2021/05/pakistan-muslim-rapist-demands-custody-of-hindu-minor-who-converted-to-islam-during-rape