ドゴンの概要と黒人の覚醒(An overview of the Dogon and Black awakening)

by High Priestess Shannon 2019 01 05 07:27:15

The Dogon people are the last group within the black race to hold on to the Egyptian culture bestowed to us by our ancient and original gods. In analyzing this, we see the remains of a beautiful satanic culture based on understanding the soul, the gods and the world around us. Unfortunately a portion of the Dogon population practice Islam and Christianity, the filthy and destructive programs that are connected to the enemy agenda.


The Dogon cosmology and creation story, deities, language, symbolism, culture and civic inclinations are all similar to ancient Egypt. The priesthood also is connected.

ドゴンの宇宙論と創造の物語、神々、言語、象徴、文化、市民の傾向はすべて古代エジプトに似ています。 神職もつながっています。

As was mentioned before, Nommo in Dogon beliefs is the creator god associated with primordial waters.


The name Nommo means water essentially. Nommo is similar to Nammu, another primordial "water" being representing the feminine and creation in Sumerian lore. The primordial water theme is ever present in all gentile spiritual narratives, allegories and symbolism such as Oannes, Dagon and Mami Wata and other mermaid like beings. This is the Shakti force.

Nommoという名前は、本質的に水を意味します。NommoはNammuに似ており、もう1つの原始的な「水」は、シュメールの伝承で女性と創造性を表しています。 原初の水のテーマは、オアンネス(Oannes)、ダゴン、マミ・ワタ(Mami Wata)、その他の人魚のような存在など、すべての異邦人の精神的な物語、寓話、象徴に常に存在しています。 これがシャクティ(Shakti)の力です。

Curiously, the Dogon cosmology and symbolism ties in and is interconnected with scientific concept and astronomical occurrences as documented in many books and articles on these people. I recommend Laird Scranton's works.

不思議なことに、ドゴンの宇宙論と象徴主義は、これらの人々に関する多くの書籍や記事に記載されているように、科学的概念や天文学的事象と結びついており、相互に関連している。Laird Scrantonの作品がおすすめです。

Our Egyptian gods gave this knowledge to the gentile races and you can see this in deeper Africa with the Dogons, the Yoruba and in certain areas in South Africa. There was a Pyramidal structure found in South Africa aligned with the pyramid of Giza, as documented in the book " Temples of the African gods."

私たちのエジプトの神々はこの知識を異邦人に与えました、そして、アフリカの奥深くの地域のドゴン族やヨルバ族(Yoruba)、および南アフリカの特定の地域でこれを見ることができます。「アフリカの神々の神殿(Temples of the African gods)」という本に記されているように、ギザのピラミッドと合致した、南アフリカで発見されたピラミッド構造がありました。

Its no wonder many black people feel connected to the Egyptian gods and Kemetic culture. I remember before coming to spiritual satanism, when I was deeply into general paganism, I chose to immerse myself in Egyptian mythology and then I started to feel attracted to that pantheon of gods and my overall spiritual self. Shortly after, I was directed to the JoyofSatan. We can catapult the satanic movement by waking up the black race a much as we can about the truth of Christianity. The black race, like all races, are being used. You see this in the church and it is sickening that black people are feeding into the negative vortex of Jewish biblical curses and damnation. Observe how black people in the churches start to dance(blacks are highly expressive) and open up themselves to being taken advantage of spiritual--all while their psychic energies are being absorbed, and not to mention their money being milked from them. I'm sure we've seen this too many times. And still, the black community is not improving. It never does.

多くの黒人がエジプトの神々やケメティック文化とつながりを感じるのも不思議ではない。私はスピリチュアルサタニズムに触れる前、一般的な異教主義に深く傾倒していたとき、エジプト神話に没頭することを選び、それから神々のパンテオンと自分の全体的なスピリチュアルな自己に魅力を感じるようになったのを覚えています。その直後、私はJoyofSatanに案内されました。私たちは、キリスト教の真実について可能な限り黒人を目覚めさせることで、サタニック運動を飛躍させることができます。他の人種同様、黒人も利用されています。教会でこれを見ると、黒人がユダヤ教の聖書の呪いと天罰の悪循環に入り込んでいるのはうんざりします。教会の黒人たちがダンスを始め (黒人は表現力が高い) 、霊的な力 - 彼らの精神的なエネルギーが吸収された - を悪用され、彼らのお金が搾り取られているのは言うまでもないことに心を開く様子を観察してください。私たちはこれを何度も見てきたはずです。それでもなお、黒人社会は改善されていない。決してそうではありません。

As black satanists, we need to work diligently to awaken members of our race to this lie. Our RTR will help break the spell of Xianity thus making it easier for us to get our message through and wake up our people. I also know that our black brethren who are already partial to Kemetic culture, Hoodoo, Voodoo/Vodun, Orisha worship and the like, will also join our community and rank in the future as Satan and the gods have domain and influence over these.


Something that is very pressing is highlighting the difference between white gentiles and the Jewish enemy. Many times over, I note that this is one of the biggest problems. The Jewish enemy needs to be identified and singled out as the only threat to our race. Black people look at Jews and all they see is a white person. I encourage you all to study and learn how to identify and teach others these differences. The black race will be held behind if they do not understand this. The Jewish media has drummed into our minds that the white race is the enemy of all non white races and will always work to enslave and hold us back.


Our black brethren are looking for answers. In order to help their minds and souls, we must bring them back to the beauty and sanctity of father Satan and restore order and balance.


Hail Satan

High Priestess Shannon