
66. 「アメリカ主義」に対するユダヤ人の不満(The Jews' Complaint Against "Americanism")

by Henry Ford : The International Jew

From the earliest record of the Jews' contact with other nations, no long period of years has ever passed without the charge arising that the Jews constitute "a people within a people, a nation within a nation." When this charge is made today it is vehemently denied by men who pose as the defenders of their people, and the denial is more or less countenanced by all the Jews of every class.

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And yet there is nothing more clearly stated in Jewish teaching, nor more clearly indicated in Jewish life, than that the charge is true. But whether the truth should be used against the Jews is quite another question. If the Jews are a nation, their nationality founded upon the double ground of race and religion, it is certainly outside the bounds of reason that they should be asked or expected to de-racialize, de-nationalize and de-religionize themselves; but neither is it to be expected that they should bitterly denounce those who state the facts. It is only upon a basis of facts that a solution of any problem can come. Where blame attaches is here: that the evident facts are denied, as if no one but the Jews themselves knew that there are such facts.


If the Jews are to be continuously a nation, as they teach, and if the condition of "a nation within a nation" becomes more and more intolerable, then the solution must come through one of two things: a separation of the "nation" from the rest of the nations, or an exaltation of the "nation" above the rest of the nations. There is a mass of evidence in Jewish writings that the leaders expect both of these conditions to come -- a separate nation and a super-nation; indeed the heart of Jewish teaching is, as quite fully illustrated in the last article, that Jewry is a separate nation now, and on the way to becoming a super-nation. It is only those appointed to address the Gentiles who deny this: the real rabbinate of Israel does not deny.

ユダヤ人が教えるように、もしユダヤ人が1国の国家であり続けようとするならば、そしてもし「国家の中の国家」の状態がますます耐えられなくなるならば、解決策は2つのうちの1つによってもたらされなければならない:1つは「国家」を他の国家から分離すること、または「国家」を他の国家の上に高めることである。ユダヤ人の著作には、指導者たちがこれらの状況 -- 分離国家と国家 -- の両方が来ることを期待しているという証拠が山ほどある;実際、ユダヤ人の教えの核心は、前回の記事で十分に説明されているように、ユダヤ人は今や分離した国家であり、国家になる途中にあるということです。これを否認するのは、異邦人に語りかけるために任命された者たちだけです:イスラエルの本物のラビは否認しません。

Now, in any investigation of the Jewish Question, the student is struck over and over again by the fact that what the Jews most complain of, they themselves began. They complain of what they call anti-Semitism; but it must be apparent to the dullest mind that there could never have been such a thing as anti-Semitism were there not first such a thing as Semitism.


And then take the complaint about the Jews having to live in ghettos. The ghetto is a Jewish invention. In the beginning of the invasion of European and American cities the Jews always lived by themselves because they wanted to, because they believed the presence of Gentiles contaminated them. Jewish writers, writing for Jews, freely admit this; but in writing for Gentiles, they refer to the ghetto as a surviving illustration of Gentile cruelty. The idea of contamination originated with the Jews; it spread by suggestion to the Gentiles.


And so with this fact of the separate "nation"; it was the Jews who first recognized it, first insisted upon it and have always sought to realize that separateness both in thought and action.


Nay, more, the true and normal type of Jew today believes that the influence of Americanism, or of any civilized Gentile state, is harmful to Judaism.


That is a serious statement and no amount of Gentile assertion will be sufficient to confirm it. Indeed, it is such a statement as the Gentile mind could not have evolved, because the trend of Gentile feeling is all in the opposite direction, namely, that Americanization is a good thing for the Jew. It is from authoritative Jewish sources that we learn this fact, that what we call civilizing influences are looked upon as being at enmity with Judaism.


It is not the Gentile who says that the Jewish ideals, as ideals, are incompatible with life in our country; it is the Jew who says so. It is he who inveighs against Americanism, not the American who inveighs against Judaism.

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As this article is one with the last, the same method of impassive presentation of the testimony will be followed. Readers of this study of the Jewish Question should know that neither rhetoric nor emotion will contribute a single element to the solution of the Question. We prefer to leave rhetoric and emotion to the anti-Semites who call names and to the pro-Semites who are apparently reduced to the same necessitous level.

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Now, the first thing to know is this: that though Americanism is yet unfinished, Judaism has been complete for centuries; and while no American would think of pointing to any part of the country or any group as representing the true and final type of Americanism, the Jews quite unhesitatingly point to parts of the world and to certain groups as representing the true type of Judaism.


Where is the type to be found which Jewish writers recognize as the true one?


The Jew of the ghetto is held up in Jewish treatises as the norm of Judaism.


The visitor in New York has perhaps seen on Central Park west the massive synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. Its famous rabbi was the Rev. Dr. D. de Sola Pool. He is the author of the following words:

ニューヨークを訪れた人は、おそらくセントラルパークの西にあるスペインとポルトガルのユダヤ人の巨大なシナゴーグを見たことがあるだろう。それの有名なラビはD. de Sola Pool牧師だった。彼は以下の言葉の著者である:

"In the ghetto the observance of Judaism was natural and almost inevitable. The regimen of Jewish life was the atmosphere that was breathed. * * * Not only did public opinion make it possible for men to go bearded, to keep the head covered at all times, to carry the palm branch in the public street, or to walk the street in stockinged feet on fast days, but public opinion made it almost impossible for a Jew to profane the Sabbath or the Passover regulations, or openly to transgress any of the main observances" -- and as we shall later see, the learned rabbi considers these conditions more preservative of Judaism than are American conditions.

ゲットーではユダヤ教の遵守は自然であり、ほとんど不可避であった。ユダヤ人の生活様式は、呼吸された空気であった。***世論は、男性がひげを生やしたり、常に頭を覆ったり、公道でヤシの枝を携帯したり、断食日にストッキングをはいた足で通りを歩くことを可能にしただけでなく、ユダヤ人が安息日や過越祭の規則を冒涜したり、主要な儀式に公然と違反したりすることをほとんど不可能にしました」-- そして、後で分かるように、学識あるラビは、これらの条件をアメリカの状況よりもユダヤ教の保存的なものと考えている。

Rev. Dr. M. H. Segal expresses the view that Jewry in the more modern portions of Europe and America was really kept alive by the infusions of immigrants from Poland and Lithuania. Asserting, in agreement with other Jewish leaders, that the Jewish center of the world has been, until now, in Russia and Poland, Dr. Segal says:

M. H. Segal牧師は、ヨーロッパとアメリカのより近代的な地域におけるユダヤ民族は、実際にはポーランドとリトアニアからの移民の流入によって生かされていたという見解を述べている。世界のユダヤ人の中心は今までロシアとポーランドにあったと、他のユダヤ人指導者たちと意見を同じくして主張し、Segal博士は言います:

"The war has destroyed the last traces of the declining Jewish society which has dragged out its feeble existence in the semi-medieval ghettos of Poland and Lithuania. With all their growing feebleness, these communities were yet the last refuge of Judaism in the Dispersion. In them there had still survived something of the old Jewish life, some of the old Jewish institutions, practices and traditions. These communities also supplied such vitality as they could afford to the attenuated and atrophied Judaism in the communities of the more modern states of Europe and America."


The idea is not at all uncommon -- that large infusions of "real Jews" from the Old World ghettos are desirable and necessary in order to keep Judaism alive in countries like the United States.

この考えは全く珍しいものではありません -- 合衆国のような国でユダヤ教を存続させるためには、旧世界のゲットーから「本物のユダヤ人」を大量に送り込むことが望ましく、必要であるというのです。

Israel Friedlaender, whose name just at present in held in peculiar honor by the Jews, and justly so, was a man of most enlightened intellect, and he too recognized the service of the ghetto stream to Judaism. In his lecture, "The Problem of Judaism in America," he speaks about the de-Judaizing tendency of absolute freedom, such as the Jew has always enjoyed in the United States. This tendency, he says, is corrected in two ways -- by anti-Semitic influences and "by the large stream of Jewish emigration, on the other hand, which, proceeding from the lands of oppression to the lands of freedom, carries with it, on or under the surface, the preserving and reviving influences of the ghetto."

Israel Friedlaenderは、現在ユダヤ人に特別な敬意を表されているが、もっともなことだが、非常に啓発された知性の持ち主であり、彼もゲットーの流れがユダヤ教に奉仕することをあまりに認めていました。彼の講演、「アメリカにおけるユダヤ教の問題」では、ユダヤ人が合衆国で常に享受してきたような絶対的な自由の脱ユダヤ化傾向について語っている。彼が言うには、この傾向は2つの方法で修正される -- 反ユダヤ主義の影響によって、そして「他方で、抑圧の地から自由の地へと進むユダヤ人の大規模な移住の流れによって、表面上あるいは水面下でゲットーの維持と復活の影響を伴う。」

The same authority, in an article entitled "The Americanization of the Jewish Immigrant," frankly prefers the Jew fresh from the ghetto to the Jew who has been influenced by American life.


He says that he "prefers the kaftan-clad, old-fashioned Jew, with the unattractive appearance and ungainly manners, whose whole life is dominated by the ideals and mandates of an ancient religion and civilization * * * to that modernized, amphibious creature, the gaudily attired, slang-using, gum-chewing, movie-visiting, dollar-hunting, vulgar and uncultured quasi-Americanized 'dzentleman.'"

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The "kaftan-clad, old-fashioned Jew" of whom Mr. Freidlaender writes is the Polish Jew, 250,000 of whom are coming to the United State as "a preserving and reviving influence" upon Judaism in the United States.

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Not to use more space, however, on the identity of the normal type of Jew as precisely stated by those who have expressed themselves on this subject, it is possible to preserve the idea and add its logical complement, by quoting some testimony on the Jewish view of Americanization.


What now follows is of special interest because it is so generally stated and received throughout Jewish circles, that the center of Jewry has shifted to America. That is the form in which Jewish spokesmen make the statement: they say "America," not the United States.


A little story -- a true one -- may be worth while here. It may throw a sidelight on the use of the word "American" as used in the testimony. A certain editor of an American newspaper gave a trifling bit of publicity to this series of articles. Jewish advertising was withdrawn from his columns by the chairman of the Anti-Defamation Committee of the local lodge of B'nai B'rith, which chairman was also an advertising agent who handled all the Jewish advertising in that city. The editor, not being a wise man, yielded to the bull-dozing methods used upon him, and in a half-hearted bit of editorial praise for the Jews used the word "Americanism." The advertising agent toyed with the word in the manner of one who, having a weak Gentile in his power, would make the best of it.

ちょっとした話 -- 本当の話 -- はここに書く価値はあるかもしれません。それは、証言で使われている「アメリカ人」という言葉の使用に付随的情報を投げかけるかもしれません。アメリカの新聞のある編集者は、この一連の記事を少し宣伝しました。ユダヤ人の広告は、地元のB'nai B'rithのロッジの名誉毀損防止委員会の委員長によって彼のコラムから取り除かれた、その委員長は、この町のすべてのユダヤ人の広告を扱う広告代理店でもあった。編集者は賢明な人ではなかったので、彼に使われたブルドーザーの手法に屈し、編集上のユダヤ人への中途半端な賞賛で「アメリカ主義」という言葉を使った。その広告代理店は、弱い異邦人を自分の意のままに使い、その言葉を最大限に利用するようなやり方で、その言葉をもてあそんだ。


"Why did you say, 'Americanism'? Why did you not say 'civilization'?" he asked.


The editor to this day thinks it was a bit of captiousness. It was not. There is meaning in it.


To "Americanize" means, in our ordinary speech, to bring into sympathy with the traditions and institutions of the United States, but the Jews do not mean only the United States when they say "America." They mean also South and Central America -- where so many revolutions have occurred. There are large numbers of Jews in Argentina, and many are found in other countries. The next place to be extensively colonized will be Mexico. If the people of the United States see a Jewish ambassador sent to represent them in Mexico, they must know that the invasion of that country is about to begin. If the ambassador is not himself a Jew, it will be well to scrutinize his connections; there may be reasons which will make it necessary to employ a "Gentile front" for a time.

「アメリカ化」とは、私たちの日常会話では、合衆国の伝統と制度に同調することを意味しますが、ユダヤ人が「アメリカ」と言うとき、合衆国だけを意味しているわけではありません。彼らはまた中南米を意味しています -- そこでは多くの革命が起こった。アルゼンチンには多くのユダヤ人がいて、多くは他の国々で見つけられます。次に広範囲に植民地化されるのはメキシコであろう。もし合衆国の人々が、彼らを代表してメキシコに派遣されたユダヤ人大使を見たら、彼らはその国の侵略が始まろうとしていることを知らなければなりません。大使自身がユダヤ人でない場合は、彼のコネを精査するのが良いでしょう;しばらくは「異邦人戦線」を雇う必要がある理由があるかもしれません

Now, it would probably give a wrong twist to the fact to say that the Jewish leaders are anti-American, but it is true that they are against the "Americanization" of the Jewish immigrant stream. That is, the trend of "Americanism" is so different from the trend of "Judaism" that the two are in conflict. This does not indicate treason toward American nationalism, perhaps, so much as it indicates loyalty toward Jewish nationalism.


But the reader must himself be the judge as to how far the difference goes. The testimony which will now be given divided itself into two parts: first, that relating to the American state in particular; second, that relating to any Gentile state.


After he had spoken in praise of the old type of Jew, as seen in the foreign ghettos, Dr. D. de Sola Pool added:

彼が外国のゲットーに見られるような古いタイプのユダヤ人を賞賛した後、D. de Sola Pool博士は次のように付け加えた:

"To a large extent the adult Jewish population of the United States has been reared in Jewish communities of this type of Jewish inevitableness. To a large extent the young generation is being reared in an atmosphere in which this type of Jewishness is unknown, or at least strange and impossible. Jewish religious observance in the United States is becoming increasingly difficult and increasingly rare."


Describing the antagonism between the American and the Jewish tendencies, he continues with this reference to the effect of "Americanism" on Jewish modes of worship:

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"On the platform officiate a cantor and a preacher, who turn their backs to the ark and address themselves to their congregation. The tallith and similar externals are un-American, and have consequently been sacrificed. The 'American' worships with bare head; therefore the American of Jewish persuasion must also doff his headgear when at worship. Hebrew, an Oriental language, is not an American tongue. The American prays in English, which all understand, and accordingly the American of Jewish faith has Anglicized his ritual. Such a ritual is not susceptible of being chanted with traditional Jewish Chazzanuth, and the music of the temple has therefore been brought up to date by the introduction of an organ, sacred music borrowed from non-Jewish neighbors, and mixed choirs in which non-Jewish singers are almost the rule * * * The Jewish Sabbath is out of keeping with the environment, and the only way in which it seemed to be possible to save it was by celebrating it with a Friday evening temple service after supper, and resting, and sometimes also attending temple on Sunday."

pp 406 ~ 407

「壇上では、聖櫃に背を向け、会衆に向かって語りかける聖歌隊長と説教者が司式を務める。 tallithや同様の外観は非アメリカ的であり、結果的に犠牲にされています。『アメリカ人』は衣類で覆われていない頭で崇拝する;したがって、ユダヤ教を信奉するアメリカ人も礼拝のときには帽子を脱がなければなりません。東方の言語であるヘブライ語はアメリカの言語ではありません。アメリカ人は誰もが理解できる英語で祈り、したがってユダヤ教を信仰するアメリカ人は彼の儀式を英語化した。このような儀式は、伝統的なユダヤ人のChazzanuthで詠唱されることはありません、したがって、寺院の音楽は、オルガン、非ユダヤ人の隣人から借りた神聖な音楽、および非ユダヤ人の歌手がほとんど支配する混声合唱団の導入によって最新のものにされました。***ユダヤ教の安息日は環境に合わず、それを救うことができると思われる唯一の方法は、金曜日の夜の夕食後の寺院の礼拝でそれを祝い、休息し、時には日曜日にも寺院に出席することでした。」

It is not difficult to detect underneath these words the tone of criticism for such "Americanization." It is a criticism which is fully justified by conditions. And it must be remembered that it was not uttered by a "kaftan-clad, old-fashioned Jew," but by a learned rabbi with a magnificent temple on Central Park west, a man whom our government has seen fit to honor.

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これらの言葉の表面下には、このような「アメリカ化」に対する批判の論調を読み取ることは難しくありません。それは条件によって完全に正当化される批判である。そして忘れてはならないのは、この言葉を発したのは「カフタンを着た古風なユダヤ人 」ではなく、セントラルパークの西に立派な寺院を持つ学識のあるラビであり、私たちの政府が敬意を表するにふさわしいと判断した人物だということです。

But that is not all that Dr. de Sola Pool objects to. Nor does he mince words in making his objections known: "If so far, Reform has avoided the logical end of the process and has stopped short of identifying itself with Christianity, it has Americanized Judaism by dropping the elements that are characteristically Jewish and un-American, and has thereby created an almost non-sectarian Judaism housed in an almost non-sectarian Temple."

しかし、de Sola Pool博士が反対しているのはそれだけではありません。彼はまた、自分の反論を明らかにする際に言葉を惜しみません:「もしこれまでのところ、改革がプロセスの論理的な終わりを避け、キリスト教との同一化に至らなかったのであれば、ユダヤ教の特徴であるユダヤ的で非アメリカ的な要素を取り除くことによってユダヤ教をアメリカ化し、それによってほとんど無宗派の寺院に収容されるほとんど無宗派のユダヤ教を作り出した。」

It will be noticed that the learned doctor uses the word "American" as one accustomed to quite another atmosphere. A further illustration is found in this:


"Neglect of the un-American dietary laws is usually the first step that the Americanizing Jew takes in asserting his Americanism."


The "un-American dietary laws" are, of course, the Jewish dietary laws. But if any Gentile writer had so referred to them he would have been abused as a hostile witness.


It is very curious indeed to read the long list of complaints against modern conditions in their power to bring about the "decay of Judaism." The ghetto, which makes for separateness, is frequently heralded as the true safeguard of Judaism. Intercourse with the world is dangerous. "Americanizing" influences are distrusted.


No doubt many and many a Gentile parent in New York, Boston, Louisville, Dallas and other American cities has witnessed the spectacle of Jewish teachers and "welfare workers" instructing Gentile children in the principles of Americanism, but did anyone ever see a Gentile teacher instructing Jewish children in Americanism?


Recently when the American Legion asked permission of the government to establish Americanization classes at Ellis Island, where tens of thousands of Polish Jews gain entry into the United States, the reply was a refusal, and the reason given was that all the space for charitable institutions was already taken. What charitable institutions? How many of them were Jewish?


"The beginning of this decay," says Israel Friedlaender, referring to the effect of modern life on Judaism, "is obviously coincident with the beginning of Jewish emancipation, that is to say, with the moment when the Jews left the ghetto to join the life and culture of the nations around them."

「この衰退の始まりは、」とIsrael Friedlaenderは、現代生活がユダヤ教に与えた影響について述べる、「明らかにユダヤ人解放の始まりと一致しています、つまり、ユダヤ人がゲットーを離れ、周囲の国々の生活や文化に加わった瞬間と。」

Mr. Friedlaender even went so far as to say that pogroms against the Jews were "fortunate" in that they drove the Jews back to their Judaism -- "Fortunately, however, Russian Jewry was halted on its downward rush toward national self-annihilation. The process of assimilation was cut short by the pogroms, and ever since then the Jews of Russia have stood firmly their ground * * *"

Friedlaender氏は、ユダヤ人に対するポグロムは、ユダヤ人をユダヤ教に戻るよう追いやったという点で「幸運」であったとさえ述べている --「しかしながら、幸運なことに、ロシアのユダヤ人は、国家の自滅に向かって下降する突進を止められました。同化のプロセスはポグロムによって中断され、それ以来、ロシアのユダヤ人は自分たちの立場をしっかりと守ってきた***」

That may be the reason why some Jewish spokesmen of the Jews in America are trying to make this series of articles appear as a "pogrom." There is plenty of evidence to indicate that Jewish leaders have regarded "pogroms," in modern times at least, as very useful in preserving the solidarity of Jewry. However, those who are responsible for the present series of articles, much as they hope to benefit the general situation of the humbler Jews by showing the use which the leading Jews are making of them, must decline to be counted among those who justify "pogroms" on any ground whatsoever.

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Justice Brandeis, of the United States Supreme Court, is also an exponent of the idea that, released from ghetto influences, the Jew becomes less of a Jew. He says:

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"We must protect America and ourselves from demoralization, which has to some extent already set in among American Jews. The cause of this demoralization is clear. It results, in large part, from the fact that in our land of liberty all the restraints by which the Jews are protected in their ghettos were removed and a new generation left without necessary moral and spiritual support."


Justice Louis Brandeis delivered this speech to the Conference of Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis, April 25, 1915

Justice Brandeis is a Zionist on these very grounds. He wants the land of Palestine because there the Jews, as he says, "may live together and lead a Jewish life."


Not the United States, but Palestine, is Justice Brandeis' hope for the Jews; he says of Palestine that "there only can Jewish life be fully protected from the forces of disintegration."



Arguing the same question, the Rev. Mr. S. Levy says: "I shall probably be told that the re-establishment of Jews as a nation would mean the recreation of the ghetto. I am frankly prepared to admit the force of the criticism, but with an important qualification dependent on the interpretation of the word 'ghetto.'

同じ問題を論じて、S. Levy牧師は次のように述べている:「私はおそらく、ユダヤ人を国家として再建することは、ゲットーを再現することを意味すると言われるだろう。私は率直に批判の勢力を認める用意がある、しかし『ゲットー』という言葉の解釈に依存する重要な条件を伴う。

"In so far as the national center will insure the existence of the Jewish environment, Jewish atmosphere, and Jewish culture, there will be a recreation of the ghetto." (The italics are Mr. Levy's.)


"The continuance of Judaism, then, is dependent on the existence of an area with an aggregation of Jews living in a Jewish environment, breathing a Jewish atmosphere and fostering a Jewish culture, and these factors must predominate over all other influences."


It is therefore plain that, however startling and improbable the statement may seem when made by a Gentile, the Jews themselves regard the influences of modern lands as inimical to Judaism.


But there is still a further consideration, which is distinctly set forth in Jewish writings, namely, that the trend of the modern State is harmful to all that Judaism holds to be essential to its moral and spiritual welfare.


The modern State is changing, and Jewish observers sense the fact more readily than do the rest of the people, because Jews see in the change both an opportunity and a menace. If the State continues to change according to the trend of the general mind of the world, Jewish ideas of supremacy will find less and less opportunity to be realized -- that is the menace. If the change, or the spirit of change can be seized and twisted to Jewish purposes, as was done in Russia, and a Jewish type of State erected on the ruins of the old -- that is the opportunity. Readers of these articles know that stimulation of "the spirit of change" is one of the clearest planks in the World Program.

近代国家は変化しており、ユダヤ人の観察者は他の人々よりも容易にその事実を感知する、なぜならユダヤ人は変化の中に機会と脅威の両方を見ているからである。国家が世界の一般的な精神の流れに従って変化し続けるならば、ユダヤ人の至上の考えが実現される機会はますます少なくなるだろう -- それが脅威である。もしロシアで行われたように、変化、あるいは変化の精神が捕らえられ、ユダヤ人の目的のためにねじ曲げられ、古いものの廃墟の上にユダヤ的な国家が建てられるなら、それは好機です。これらの記事の読者は、「変化の精神」の刺激が世界計画の最も明確な施策の1つであることを知っている。

As Cyril M. Picciotto points out in his "Conceptions of the State and the Jewish Question," there is a tendency to "increase the control of the State over the individual." This, of course, has nowhere been done so thoroughly as in Russia under the Jewish Bolshevik regime, but it is not of this that Mr. Picciotto speaks, it is of the tendency observed in the Gentile states; and he asks: "In the face of such a tendency in political development (which it is not rash to assume will be more pronounced in the future than in the past) how does the Jew stand?"

Cyril M. Picciottoが「Conceptions of the State and the Jewish Question(国家の概念とユダヤ人問題)」で指摘しているように、「個人に対する国家の支配を強める」傾向がある。もちろん、これは、ユダヤ人ボリシェヴィキ政権下のロシアほど徹底して行われた所はありませんが、Picciotto氏が言っているのは、これではなく、異邦人国家に見られる傾向です;そして彼は問います:「政治的発展におけるこのような傾向 (過去よりも将来の方がより顕著になると仮定するのは早計ではない) に直面して、ユダヤ人はどのように立っているのか?

He adds: "The time is not far distant when the development of the State will continue on organic and collectivist lines. The central authority will embrace an ever wider area, and will make such a penetration into the recesses of individual freedom as would have been thought inconceivable thirty or forty years ago. Compulsory military service, compulsory education, compulsory insurance are but milestones on the road which logically leads to the adoption of a State morality, a State creed, and of a common way of life. To say this is merely to indicate the probable trend, not to approve it."


"How then, is the State of the future going to deal with a people in its midst which largely preserves its separateness of blood, which in its fasts, its day of rest, its dietary laws, its marriage ceremony, suggests a distinct historic entity?"

p 408


The question is a disturbing one to Jews, as is shown by Rabbi Segal's words in "The Future of Judaism." He even says that "the medieval State with all its tyranny and obscurantism" was more favorable to the Jews than the modern type of State. "Its defective organization permitted both individuals and whole classes to live their life in their own way. Hence the medieval State enabled the Jews to organize themselves on semi-national lines, and, as far as circumstances permitted, to create afresh in their dispersion the national institutions and practices of their ancient commonwealth."

p 409

「The Future of Judaism(ユダヤ教の未来)」の中のラビSegalの言葉に示されているように、この問題はユダヤ人にとって憂慮すべき問題である。彼は、「すべての専制と曖昧さのある中世の国家」は、近代的な国家よりもユダヤ人にとってより好ましいとさえ言います。「その欠陥のある組織は、個人にも階級全体にも彼らのやり方で生活することを許した。したがって、中世国家は、ユダヤ人が半国家的な路線で組織化することを可能にし、状況が許す限り、彼らの分散の中で、彼らの古代の共同体の国家的な制度と慣行を新たに創造することを可能にした。」

They did this, of course, by establishing the ghetto.


"But this has become an absolute impossibility in the modern State," continues the rabbi. "The rise of democracy and the transference of the ultimate power of government from the oligarchy to the majority involves the practical suppression of weak minorities. The identification of the State with the culture and aspiration of a particular nationality leads inevitably to the crippling of and gradual extinction of those classes who do not share that particular culture and those aspirations. The State, moreover, enforces a system of education which is purposely designed to fashion and mold all the inhabitants * * * It also maintains a thoroughgoing organization which embraces all the departments of the public and private life of all its inhabitants, irrespective of class, race, or tradition. There is thus no room in the modern State for Jewish culture, for Jewish national life, or for a specifically Jewish society, with its own specific institutions, customs and practices * * *


"Therefore, Judaism can live and work only with a specifically Jewish society and within a Jewish national organization. The medieval ghetto, with all its narrowness, with all the unhealthy and abnormal conditions of its existence, yet contained such a semi-national society: therefore, Judaism flourished in the medieval ghetto. The modern State, on the other hand, has broken up that specifically Jewish society * * *"


Now, there are the reactions of leading Jewish minds to conditions in American particularly, and to conditions in the modern Gentile State generally. The statement of the antagonism which exists between the two is clear and complete. The Gentiles do not notice that antagonism, but the Jews are always and everywhere keenly aware of it. This throws a light, a very strong light, on all the revolutionary programs to break up the present control of society by sowing dissensions between capital and labor so-called, by cheapening the dignity of government through corrupt politics, by trivializing the mind of the people through theaters and movies and similar agencies, and by weakening the appeal of distinctively Christian religion. A breakdown of Gentile seriousness is the opportunity of the Jew. A colossal war is also his opportunity, as witness his seizure of the United States Government during the recent war. Judaism says that Americanism and Gentile nationalism generally, are harmful to it. Judaism has therefore the alternative of changing and controlling Gentile nationalism, or of constructing a nationalism of its own in Palestine. It is trying both.


This all harks back to what Lord Eustace Percy is quoted in the Jewish press as saying: that the Jew participates in revolutions "not because the Jew cares for the positive side of radical philosophy, not because he desires to be a partaker in Gentile nationalism or Gentile democracy, but because no existing Gentile system of government is ever anything but distasteful to him."

これはすべて、Eustace Percy卿がユダヤの報道機関に引用された言葉を思い起こさせる:ユダヤ人が革命に参加するのは、「ユダヤ人が急進的哲学の肯定的側面を気にかけているからではなく、異邦人ナショナリズムや異邦人民主主義に参加したいからでもなく、現存する異邦人の統治システムが彼にとって不快以外の何ものでもないからである。

And the same author -- "In a world of completely organized territorial sovereignties, he (the Jew) has only two possible cities of refuge: he must either pull down the pillars of the whole national state system or he must create a territorial sovereignty of his own. In this perhaps lies the explanation both of Jewish Bolshevism and of Zionism, for at this moment Eastern Jewry seems to hover uncertainly between the two."

p 409

そして、同じ著者 --「完全に組織化された領土主権の世界では、彼 (ユダヤ人) には避難場所として2カ所の都市しかない:彼は国家システム全体の柱を倒すか、独自の領土主権を構築するかのどちらかでなければならない。この中には、おそらくユダヤ人のボルシェビズムとシオニズムの両方の説明があります、というのはこの時点では、東方ユダヤ人は2つの間を不確実に漂っているように見えるからである。」

[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 23 October 1920]
