
36. 学校から勉強を排除する「ユダヤ人の権利」 ("Jewish Rights" to Put Studies Out of Schools)

by Henry Ford

The organizations of Jewry are numerous and widespread, all of them being international in tone whether so chartered or not. The Alliance Israelite Universelle is, perhaps the world clearing house of Jewish policy, with which every national aggregation of Jewish societies has affiliation.

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ユダヤ人の組織は非常に多く、広範囲にわたっており、そのすべてが、公認されているかどうかにかかわらず、国際的な論調を持っています。Alliance Israelite Universelleは、おそらくユダヤ人政策の世界清算機関であり、ユダヤ人社会のすべての国家的集合体が加盟している。

The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, which is now hopeful of reaching the 1,000,000 membership mark, is frankly international. It has divided the world into 11 districts, seven of which are in the United States. Its lodges at last report numbered 426. The four members of its executive committee who do not reside in the United States, reside in Berlin, Vienna, Bucharest, and Constantinople, respectively. Its lodges have been set up in the United States, Europe, Asia and Africa. Henry Morgenthau's name appears in the 1919-1920 Jewish year book as a member of this executive committee. Mr. Morgenthau will be remembered as the American Minister to Turkey, later talked of as Ambassador to Mexico, then chosen by President Wilson to mediate between the Turks and the Armenians. Mr. Morgenthau also investigated for the President the reports of Polish pogroms.

現在、100万人の会員に達することが期待されているB'nai B'rith独立教団は、率直に言って国際的である。それは世界を11地区に分け、そのうちの7地区は合衆国にある。最終報告ではそのロッジは426軒と報告された。合衆国に居住していない執行委員会の4人のメンバーは、それぞれベルリン、ウィーン、ブカレスト、コンスタンティノープルに居住する。合衆国、ヨーロッパ、アジア、アフリカにロッジが設置されている。Henry Morgenthauの名前は、1919-1920年のユダヤ年鑑に、この実行委員会のメンバーとして登場します。Morgenthau氏は、トルコのアメリカ公使として記憶され、後にメキシコ大使として語られ、その後、トルコ人とアルメニア人の間を仲介するためにウィルソン大統領によって選ばれた。Morgenthau氏はまた、大統領のためにポーランドのポグロムに関する報告を調査した。

In studying the executive committees of Jewish societies it is strikingly evident that the same minds guide all the important ones. A few names recur again and again. They are the names one meets at all Senate hearings, at various strategic places in the War Government of the United States, and at every stage of Jewish interference with American foreign policy. Everything centers at last, apparently, in the American Jewish Committee and the executive committee of the New York Kehillah. Judge Mack, Judge Brandeis, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, Morgenthau, Wolf, Kraus, Elkus, Straus, Louis Marshall -- these names appear over and over again, in offensive and defensive action, in all big affairs.

ユダヤ社会の執行委員会を研究すると、同じ心がすべての重要な委員会を導いていることが驚くほど明らかである。いくつかの名前が何度も繰り返されます。彼らは、すべての上院公聴会、合衆国の戦争政府のさまざまな戦略的な場所、および合衆国の外交政策に対するユダヤ人の干渉のすべての段階で出会う名前ですすべては最終的に、明らかに、アメリカユダヤ人委員会とニューヨークKehillahの実行委員会に集中しています。Mack判事、Brandeis判事、Warburg家、Schiff家、Morgenthau、Wolf、Kraus、Elkus、Straus、Louis Marshall -- これらの名前は攻撃的な行動や防御的な行動すべての大きな事件で何度も何度も登場します。

There are now in the United States 6,100 reported Jewish organizations. Of these, 3,637 are in New York City. This figure is offered from the 1919-1920 year book, although the statement was recently made that the New York Kehillah is the clearing house of 4,000 organizations.

現在、合衆国には6,100のユダヤ人組織があると報告されています。このうち3,637団体がニューヨーク市にある。この数字は1919年から1920年の年間から提供されていますが、最近、ニューヨークKehillah は4,000の組織の清算機関であるという声明が出されました。

Enough is shown to indicate how fully organized the Jews are, how they are linked together by every conceivable bond; the material of every bond being their racial likeness.


The organization about which the public has heard most is the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. Its headquarters are not in New York, strange to say, but in Chicago. Its origin, however, as might be expected, was in New York.

一般の人々が最も耳にしている組織は、B'nai B'rith独立教団です。奇妙な話ですが、本社はニューヨークではなくシカゴにある。しかしながら、その起源は予想通りニューヨークにあった。

This interesting order, without a reference to which no survey of Jewry is complete, came into existence in the back room of an Essex street saloon in 1843. Strangely enough, its most moving spirit at the beginning was a Henry Jones, although his colleagues retained their Hebraic names.

ユダヤ人の調査が完了していないため参考文献はないが、この興味深い教団は、1843年にEssex通りの酒場の奥の部屋で生まれた。奇妙なことに、最初に最も感動的な精神だったのはHenry Jonesだったが、彼の同僚はヘブライ語の名前を保持していました。

Because most of the founders were from Germany the name was given in German, Bundes Bruder, which is in Hebrew, B'nai B'rith (Brothers of the Covenant). The executive committee was known as The Elders. The order spread first to Cincinnati, apparently taking the course of German immigration through the country, and it is recorded that the second lodge in that city is the first where the English language was used in discussing lodge affairs. The first leap of the order abroad, was to Berlin where in 1885 Grand Lodge No. 8 was installed, followed soon after by Grand Lodges in Rumania and Austria. The order's literature lays stress on the work of inculcating patriotism, which is said to be one of B'nai B'rith's special interests. It is perhaps not meant, however, that the head office at Chicago could undertake, especially during recent years, to guide the patriotism of all the districts throughout the world. It would have been rather awkward for District No. 6, which includes Illinois, to encourage District No. 8 to loyalty, seeing that District No. 8 embraced Germany.

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創設者のほとんどがドイツ出身であったため、名前はドイツ語でBundes Bruder、ヘブライ語ではB'nai B'rith (契約の兄弟) と名付けられた。実行委員会は長老(The Elders)として知られていました。この命令は最初にシンシナティに広まり、明らかにドイツ人の移民の流れをくむことになったようで、この都市の2番目のロッジでは、ロッジの事柄について議論する際に英語が最初に使われた場所と記録されている。海外での教団の最初の飛躍は、1885年にグランドロッジNo.8が設置されたベルリンであり、その後すぐにルーマニアとオーストリアのグランドロッジが続いた。教団の文献は、B'nai B'rithの特別な利益の1つであると言われている愛国心を教え込む作業に重点を置いている。しかしながら、シカゴの本社が、特に近年、世界中のすべての地区の愛国心を指導することは引き受けることができると、おそらく意味されていません。第8地区がドイツを取り巻くのを見て、イリノイ州を含む第6地区が第8地区に忠誠を奨励するのは、むしろ厄介だっただろう。

The Order has not avoided the political field. The diplomatic history of the United States in the last 70 years is dotted all over with indications of B'nai B'rith activities. Oscar Straus, writing from the Legation of the United States at Constantinople in 1889, tells Secretary of State Blaine that the Jerushalaim Lodge of B'nai B'rith at Jerusalem was quite satisfied with the way in which the State Department had attended to a certain matter at the lodge's request. Mr. Morgenthau in the midst of his investigation of the false pogrom rumors on Poland, goes to a B'nai B'rith lodge. In 1870 Brother Benjamin F. Piexotto was appointed "as United States consul at Bucharest for the express purpose of securing an amelioration of the condition of the shockingly persecuted Jews in Rumania." The "persecution" in Rumania was the protest of the Rumanian peasantry against the two greatest menaces to the peasant farmers -- the Jew-controlled liquor and mortgage traffics.

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教団は政治分野を避けていません。過去70年間の合衆国の外交史には、B'nai B'rithの活動の兆候が随所に見られる。Oscar Strausは、1889年にコンスタンティノープルの合衆国公使館から手紙を書いて、Blaine国務長官に、エルサレムにあるB'nai B'rithのJerushalaimロッジは、ロッジの要請に応じて国務省がある問題に対応した方法に非常に満足していたと述べている。Morgenthau氏は、ポーランドの偽のポグロムの噂を調査している最中に、B'nai B'rithのロッジに行く。1870年、Benjamin F. Piexotto兄弟は「ルーマニアで衝撃的な迫害を受けたユダヤ人の状態の改善を確実にするという明確な目的のためにブカレストの合衆国領事」に任命された。ルーマニアでの「迫害」は農民に対する2つの最大の脅威に-- ユダヤ人が支配する酒と住宅ローン取引 -- 反対するルーマニアの農民の抗議であった。

But this special appointment was made "in pursuance of suggestions made by the Order, and the negotiations were carried on chiefly by Brother Simon Wolf."

しかし、この特別任命は「教団の提案に従って」なされ、「交渉は主にSimon Wolf兄弟によって進められた。」

Simon Wolf has been the official Jewish lobbyist at Washington, on fixed post, for fifty years. He could write an informative story of the relation of B'nai B'rith to diplomatic appointments, if he would. It was he who suggested to William Jennings Bryan, when the latter was Secretary of State, that a Jew be appointed Minister to Spain to show Spain that the United States did not approve Spain's act of expulsion back in the fifteenth century. Jews are also suggesting to President Harding that a Jew be appointed Ambassador to Germany to rebuke the Germans' resentment against Jewish control of finance, industry and politics. This conception of the United States Diplomatic Service as a convenient agency for the transaction of Jewish affairs has been in existence a long time, and has accounted for some of the strange appointments which have puzzled the people.

Simon Wolfは、50年間、定職で、ワシントンの公式のユダヤ人ロビイストである。もしそうするなら、彼は外交の任命とB'nai B'rithの関係について有益な物語を書くことができるだろう。William Jennings Bryanが国務長官だったとき、合衆国が15世紀にさかのぼってスペインの追放行為を承認しなかったことをスペインに示すために、ユダヤ人がスペイン公使に任命されることをWilliam Jennings Bryanに提案したのは彼だった。ユダヤ人はまた、金融、産業、政治のユダヤ支配に対するドイツ人の憤りを非難するために、ユダヤ人を駐独大使に任命することをHarding大統領に提案している。ユダヤ人問題の経済活動のための便利な仲介者としての合衆国外交局のこの概念は長い間存在しており、人々を困惑させた奇妙な任命の一部を説明してきました。

It is worth noting that while American Jews are crowding the eastern diplomatic posts with as many Jews as possible, British Jews are doing the same thing in the Judaization of the Persia, India, and Palestine governments, so that the whole mid-Orient is now under Jewish control, and the Mohammedan World is given to understand that the Jews are merely coming back from their conquest of the white races. To those who have observed the Jewish attempt to seek a rapprochement between the followers of Moses and Mohammed, the situation is one of the keenest interest.


The B'nai B'rith is made up mostly of the more liberal Jews, religiously speaking, and doubtless includes a large number who are also liberal, racially speaking. The time when it stood as spokesman of Jewish ideals is now long past; it stands today the center of certain Jewish activities. It does not supersede the American Jewish Committee by any means, but it is the encircling arm, with fingers everywhere, through which the committee can get its will carried out. When there is anything to be done, the B'nai B'rith is the organization which takes the lead in putting it over. It may be described as a freemasonry exclusively for Jews. This brings up another characteristic that people have noticed and discussed: the Jew demands as his right entrance into other Orders; into his own he admits none but Jews. This one-sided policy is found everywhere.

B'nai B'rithは、宗教的に言えば、よりリベラルなユダヤ人で構成されており、間違いなく、人種的に言えば、リベラルな人も多く含まれています。ユダヤ人の理想の代弁者として立っていた時代は、今でははるか昔のことです。今日では特定のユダヤ人活動の中心となっています。それは決してアメリカユダヤ人委員会に取って代わるものではないが、それは委員会がその意志を実行することができる、あちこちに指を立てた包囲武器である。何かやるべきことがあれば、それを率先して実行する組織がB'nai B'rithです。ユダヤ人専用のフリーメーソンと言ってもいいかもしれません。これは、人々が気づいて議論してきた別の特徴を持ち出します:ユダヤ人は、他の教団への自分の正しい入り口として要求しています;彼は自分自身の中にユダヤ人以外は認めない。この一方的な政策はどこにでも見られる。

Chief among the B'nai B'rith's activities in so far as they directly relate to the rest of the people, is the work of the Anti-Defamation League. This inside committee in every lodge attends to the espionage work necessary to keep the Grand Lodges informed as to what is going on with reference to Jewry in the United States. In its work, the Anti-Defamation League always takes the offensive and works along pretty well defined lines.

残りの人々に直接関係する限りにおいてB'nai B'rithの活動のうち最重要なのは、ADL(名誉毀損防止同盟)の活動である。すべてのロッジにあるこの内部委員会は、合衆国のユダヤ人に関して何が起こっているかについてグランドロッジに情報を提供し続けるために必要なスパイ活動に注意を払います。その活動において、名誉毀損防止同盟は常に攻撃的であり、かなり明確に定義されたラインに沿って活動している。

Ordinarily the head of the Anti-Defamation League in each city is a man competent to bring pressure to bear on the public press. Sometimes he is the head of an advertising agency which, as a rule, pools the Jewish department store advertising of that city, so that the newspapers may be controlled from that angle. Sometimes he is himself a heavy advertiser, pledged the cooperation of other advertisers in whatever he undertakes to do. The Anti-Defamation League is the instrument through which all boycotting tactics make their appearance. This league not only makes its protest from without, but directs reprisals from within. It is an exceedingly militant body and does not always depend upon "the rule of reason" in its activities.


Many quaint tales could be told of the operations of the Anti-Defamation League in various American cities, but as the present articles attempt to give no more than a bird's-eye view of widespread Jewish activities, mere story-telling will have to wait.

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But perhaps the most notable accomplishment of the league has been the suppression of the word "Jew" in the public prints in any but the most laudatory connections. For a long time in the United States the people did not know how to refer to the Jews, whether as Hebrews or Israelites or what, because the fear of giving offense has been so diligently cultivated in all quarters.

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The result was that other nationalities were laden with all the undesirable publicity which the Jews had evaded through the efforts of the Anti-Defamation League. Recently a Jew was on trial for the murder of his wife. The newspapers referred to him as "a pert little Englishman." The Russians in the United States and the Poles also, have been filled with indignation by the extent to which their national names have been used in police and newspaper reports to conceal the identity of Jews. The Russians resident in this country have several times been compelled to remonstrate with the press for its misrepresentative practice in this matter.


For this state of affairs, the Anti-Defamation League receives the credit. Whenever a newspaper printed the word "Jew" as an identifying noun after the name of anyone who had been discredited, the Anti-Defamation League was instantly on the job in protest. The stock argument is, "If he had been a Baptist or an Episcopalian you would not have told it, and why should you say that he is a Jew -- 'Jew' being a mere religious denomination." City editors are obliging and the rule became established. In principle it is right, although it is urged on wrong grounds; but in practice it has turned out to be a great injustice to other nationalities and, more than all, it has curtailed the freedom of American speech. It has concealed the Jew where he wishes to be concealed, and it cannot be said that he has made the best use of this privilege.

この問題の状態に対しては、名誉毀損防止同盟が手柄を立てている。新聞が名誉を傷つけられた人の名前の後に識別名詞として「ユダヤ人」という単語を出版したときはすぐ、名誉毀損防止同盟は即座に抗議の仕事をした。「もし彼がバプテスト派や聖公会の信者であったなら、あなたはそれを言わなかっただろうし、なぜあなたは彼がユダヤ人であると言わなければならないのか --『ユダヤ人』は単なる宗教宗派に過ぎません。」という定番の議論である。市の編集者が義務的で、そのルールが確立しました。原理的には正しいが、それは間違った根拠に基づいて促される;しかし実際には、それは他の国籍にとって大きな不公平であることが判明しており、何よりもアメリカの言論の自由を制限している。それは、ユダヤ人が隠したいと思っているユダヤ人を隠しており、ユダヤ人がこの特権を最大限に利用したとは言えない。

It is this fixed policy of the B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League which imperils the hope that the B'nai B'rith might have come to the front as one of the most useful influences in the solution of the Jewish Question. It includes a body of men sufficiently acquainted with the general point of view to be able to see where corrections and concessions are necessary as a ground, not to mere polite tolerance, but to reconciliation. There is no country more propitious for the settlement of the world's Jewish Problem than is the United States, but it cannot be settled along the old line of the Judaization of the United States, nor by its de-Christianization either. The work of the Anti-Defamation League is positive to Judaization and negative to settlement.

B'nai B'rithがユダヤ人問題の解決に最も有用な影響力の1つとして前面に出てきたかもしれないという希望を危うくするのは、B'nai B'rithの名誉毀損防止同盟のこの固定した方針である。それは、単なる礼儀正しい寛容ではなく、和解への根拠として、どこに修正と譲歩が必要なのかを見ることができるほど、一般的な視点を十分に知っている人たちの団体が含まれます。世界のユダヤ人問題の解決にとって、合衆国ほど好都合な国はない、しかし、合衆国のユダヤ化という古い路線に沿って解決することはできないし、合衆国の脱キリスト化によって解決することもできません。名誉毀損防止同盟の活動はユダヤ化に肯定的であり、和解に否定的である

There is nothing that Jewry, acting through the B'nai B'rith, does so well as to hold Mass Meetings and attack "The Merchant of Venice."

ユダヤ人が、B'nai B'rithを通じて、大衆集会(Mass Meetings)を開催して「ヴェニスの商人」を攻撃することほど、上手くいくことは全くない。

Mass Meetings may be described as the Jews' great American pastime. The New York Kehillah, that is, The American Jewish Committee, can on one day's notice organize Mass Meetings in every city in the United States. They are mechanical devices, of course; they are not so much expressions of the Jewish mind as they are attempts to impress the non-Jewish mind. There is a great deal of theatrical calculation in them. This column could be filled with the dates and places of Mass Meetings held within any seven days on any question in which the Jews had decided to coerce or accelerate public or, as it usually is, official opinion. The Mass Meeting, it appears, can still be made to seem real to the political official whose vote is sought.


It was by Mass Meetings that Congress was coerced into breaking off our commercial treaty with Russia.


It was by Mass Meetings that the literacy test was defeated.


It was by Mass Meetings that every attempt to restrict immigration has been defeated.


In 100 important cities a Mass Meeting could be held tomorrow night if President Harding should attempt to remove a Jewish official, or if the census bureau should attempt to record Jews under their proper racial name.

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It is a very perfect system, even if a little antiquated. Doubtless its main purpose is to let the Jewish masses believe that they too have something to say in Jewish affairs. Jewish leadership of the Jews is never quite what the Jews think it is, and its weakness was never more apparent than today. There has not been any "persecution" of the Jews in the United States and never will be any, but all that the Jews have had to carry in the way of misunderstanding has been the result of the leadership which has misled them into paths of bloated ambition, instead of substantial human achievement. At this moment there is trembling, not among the Jewish masses, but among their leaders. The Jewish people will presently take their own affairs in their own hands, and then their affairs will go better. There are too many "committees," too many "prophets," too many "wise men," who think that two minutes with a President constitutes greatness, and that a busy bustling overseas and back constitutes statesmanship. The Jews have suffered from the personal ambitions and pathetic incapacity of some of their most advertised men.

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The B'nai B'rith has this much in its favor: its leadership has always been progressive. Only when it has lent itself as local agent for the "leaders" of the New York Kehillah has it set up in its neighborhoods those influences which tend toward division instead of a better understanding.

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B'nai B'rithには次のような利点があります:その指導者は常に進歩的であった。ニューヨークKehillahの「指導者」のための現地の代理人として自分自身を貸したときにのみ、それはより良い理解の代わりに分裂に向かう傾向があるそれらの影響力を近隣に設立する。

Under whose inspiration it was that the B'nai B'rith undertook to bring its great power to bear against one of Shakespeare's plays, cannot now be said; but it has been most unfortunate for Jewish influence in all directions. Successful -- oh yes; but such a success as serious people could well do without.

B'nai B'rithがシェイクスピアの戯曲の1作に対してその偉大な力を発揮することを約束したのは、誰の鼓舞の下であったかは、今では言うことができません;しかし、それはあらゆる方向でユダヤ人の影響力にとって最も不幸なことでした。成功を収めた - ああ、そうです;しかし、真面目な人々はそんなことをしなくても十分にやっていけるような成功を収めています。

Merely to glance over the record is interesting:


1907 -- Jews force "The Merchant of Venice" to be dropped from public schools in Galveston, Texas; Cleveland, Ohio; El Paso, Texas; Youngstown, Ohio.

1907年 -- ユダヤ人が「ヴェニスの商人」をテキサス州ガルベストン;オハイオ州クリーブランド;テキサス州エルパソ;オハイオ州ヤングスタウンの公立学校から除外させる。

1908 -- Jews have "The Merchant of Venice" eliminated from the English course in the high school at El Paso, Texas.

1908年 -- ユダヤ人はテキサス州エルパソの高校の英語コースから「ヴェニスの商人」を排除した。

1910 -- Apparently the "Merchant" slipped back into Cleveland schools, for in April the superintendent of public schools issued an order that it was not to be used again.

1910年 -- どうやら「商人」はクリーブランドの学校に戻ってきたようで、4月に公立学校の教育長が二度と使用しないように命令を出したからである。

1911 -- Rabbi Harry W. Ettleson and Solomon Elsner request the Hartford, Connecticut, school board to have "The Merchant of Venice" dropped from the reading list of schools. The board complies.

1911年 -- ラビHarry W. EttlesonとラビSolomon Elsnerは、コネチカット州ハートフォードの教育委員会に対し、「ヴェニスの商人」を学校の読書リストから外すよう要請した。委員会は準拠します。

1912 -- Jewish residents of Minneapolis, Minnesota inaugurate a movement to have "The Merchant of Venice" dropped from the public schools. -- In Boston, Massachusetts the superintendent of schools refuses to withdraw "The Merchant of Venice" as a textbook, on the demand of Rabbi Phineas Israeli.

1912年 -- ミネソタ州ミネアポリスのユダヤ人住民が、公立学校から「ヴェニスの商人」を除外させる運動を開始。-- マサチューセッツ州ボストンでは、教育長が、ラビPhineas Israeliの要求に基づく、「ヴェニスの商人」を教科書から取り下げることを拒否する。

1916 -- On demand of Jews the New Haven, Connecticut board of education votes to prevent the reading of "The Merchant of Venice" and extends the prohibition to "Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare" until an edition is published which omits the play.

1916年 -- ユダヤ人の要求に応じて、コネチカット州教育委員会は「ヴェニスの商人」の朗読を禁止することを投票で決めて、劇を省略した版が出版されるまで「シェイクスピアの子羊物語」まで禁止を拡張した。

And so on down the list of cities. A diversion was created by the Jewish attack on Sargent's painting entitled "The Synagogue" in the art scheme of the Boston Public Library. Many denunciatory resolutions were adopted throughout the country with regard to that, but the painting is still there.

そして、都市のリストを下って行きます。ボストン公共図書館の美術計画にある「The Synagogue」と題されたサージェントの絵画に対するユダヤ人の攻撃によって、気晴らしが創られた。それについては全国で多くの非難決議が採択されたが、その絵は今も残っている。

It is all part of one mistaken program, to prohibit free speech, with reference to the Jew. It is utterly at one side of all that American principles mean. Shut him up! Boycott him! Tear down his painting! Bar his words from the mails and public library! -- what a waste of energy and what a self-judgement such an attitude is!

それはすべて、ユダヤ人に言及して言論の自由を禁止するという誤ったプログラムの一部である。それはアメリカの原則が意味する全ての完全に一面にある。彼を黙らせろ!彼をボイコットしろ!彼の絵を引き裂け!彼の言葉を郵便物や公共図書館から締め出せ!-- なんてエネルギーの無駄遣いなんだろう、そしてなんという自己判断だろう!

And it has become pretty general. Last Christmas most people had a hard time finding Christmas cards that indicated in any way that Christmas commemorated Someone's Birth. Easter they will have the same difficulty in finding Easter cards that contain any suggestion that Easter commemorates a certain event. There will be rabbits and eggs and spring flowers, but a hint of the Resurrection will be hard to find. Now, all this begins with the designers of the cards. And even in this business one comes upon that same policy of declaring Anti-Semitic everything that is Christian. If Rabbi Coffey says the New Testament is the most Anti-Semitic book ever written, what must be the judgement on an Easter card that is truly an Easter card?

p 218


In November, 1919, the Anti-Defamation Committee claimed that 150 American cities had excluded "The Merchant of Venice" from the public schools. The newspapers at this writing are announcing that David Warfield, the great Jewish actor, is going to play "Shylock" in the manner which, as he believes, represents the true Shakespeare conception. The Anti-Defamation League may yet find itself to have expended much energy beating the wind, especially as the best Shakespearean critics declare that "The Merchant of Venice" is not about a Jew at all, but about Usury as a vicious practice which gripped both Jew and non-Jew and brought division.

pp 218 ~ 219

1919年11月、名誉毀損防止委員会は、アメリカの150都市が公立学校から「ヴェニスの商人」を除外したと主張した。この記事を書いているときの新聞は、偉大なユダヤ人俳優であるDavid Warfieldが、彼が信じているように、真のシェイクスピアの概念を表す方法で「シャイロック」を演じると発表している。名誉毀損防止同盟は、特に最高のシェイクスピア批評家たちが「ヴェニスの商人」は全くユダヤ人のことではなく、ユダヤ人と非ユダヤ人の両方をつかみ、分裂をもたらした悪質な慣行としての高利貸のことであると宣言するように、無駄なことをするのに多くのエネルギーを費やしたことにまだ気づくかもしれません。

There was, however a certain finesse in the manner of the Anti-Defamation League in approaching the matter of the exclusion of the "Merchant." It was not an incapacity to appreciate the fine work of Shakespeare. Oh, no, anything but that. Nor was it a confession of thin-skinned sensibility on the part of Jews. Not at all. No, it was really for the benefit of the Gentile children that the Anti-Defamation League wanted them kept from that play in their reading lessons.

p 219


Here are excerpts from one of the letters sent out from the Anti-Defamation League in Chicago to the superintendent of public schools in an important city. The italics are ours:


"We have just been advised that the * * * * high schools still retain "The Merchant of Venice" in the list of required readings * * * *


"We do not base our request because of the embarrassment which may be caused to the Jewish students in class, nor is our attitude in this regard based on thin-skinned sensitiveness. It is the result of mature consideration and investigation. Our objection is made because of its effect upon the non-Jewish children who subconsciously will associate in their own minds the Jew as Shakespeare portrayed him with the Jew of today. Children are not analysts. A character in the past vividly portrayed exists for them in the present. The Jew of Shakespeare lives in the mind of the child as the Jew of New York, or the Jew of Chicago, or the Jew of Newark. Your teachers of literature might say much in favor of Shylock's good qualities, but our experience has been that only very seldom are Shylock's good qualities brought out strongly before children. Those traits of his character which are brought out most vividly in the study of the play are Shylock's greed, hatred, revenge and cruelty.


"The fact that the College Entrance Requirements Board realized the justice of our stand and struck the play off from the list as required reading for entrance to our universities and colleges indicates clearly that it is a most serious problem * * * *


"* * * * We believe that when you realize the great harm which might be caused to hundreds and thousands of law-abiding Jewish citizens of this country, you will grant our request that the reading of 'The Merchant of Venice' be discontinued from your schools."


And in this case it was. Notwithstanding the fact that the play was used in the high school, and the argument of the letter was addressed to the effect of the play on children, it was discontinued. A study of the schedule of just what occurred showed that everything had been made ready even before the letter was written.


Does this frittering away of Jewish influence strike the Jewish leaders as a wise policy?


Is there any hope whatever of doing away with "The Merchant of Venice"?


Do they not know that it is observation of teachers of literature that even if non-Jewish children are forbidden to read the play, Jewish children are going to read it anyway, since it is the Jewish children who most heartily enjoy it because they more clearly understand it?


Do not the Jewish leaders know that non-Jews do not read the "Merchant" for Shylock, except perhaps his noble defense of the Jew as a human being? Whoever hears Shylock quoted in anything but this, which numerous Jewish writers delight to quote? --


"I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?"

p 219


To effect its purpose the Anti-Defamation League will have to perform an excision on our common English tongue. The wise and witty sayings of this Shakespearean play have passed into the permanent coinage of daily speech.

p 220


"I hold the world a stage where every man must play his part; and mine a sad one."


"* * * * I am Sir Oracle,
And when I ope my lips let no dog bark!"


"If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and poor men's cottages princes' palaces."


"The Devil can cite Scripture for his purpose."


"A goodly apple rotten at the heart:
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!"


"Truth will come to sight; murder cannot be hid long."


"All that glitters is not gold."


"A harmless necessary cat."


"The quality of mercy is not strained,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It is an attribute of God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's,
When mercy seasons justice."


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


This is beyond the power of the Anti-Defamation League to destroy. Shylock may be forgotten, but not these living lines. It is true, however, that in 150 American cities, according to the league's claim, school children are prevented reading and hearing these words in school.


But is it worth it? Is it a part of "Jewish Rights" that an admittedly great play, taught in all the English courses of all the universities, should be prohibited to the children of the people in the public schools.


From the prohibition of the Bible to the prohibition of Shakespeare, the whole Jewish course has been a colossal mistake, the reaction from which will be to belittle Jewish public judgement in the future.


It was all very well said by a correspondent to the Newark Evening News, January 13, 1920:

1920年1月13日のニューアークのEvening Newsの特派員は、次のように述べています:

"To the Editor of the News:


"Sir -- Protests have been made by the representatives of the Jewish, Scotch and colored races against Shakespeare's being used in the public schools, the former because of the portrayal of Shylock in 'The Merchant of Venice.' Some Scotch folk have protested, as I understand it, to the Newark Board of Education, on account of the character given Macbeth. The colored folks, judging from the letter printed in the News from Washington, do not like the character Othello, owing to his despicable treatment of Desdemona. As a descendant of the Welsh race, I enter my protest in behalf of that ancient people in regard to Shakespeare's ridicule of Henry V, of the Welshman, Captain Fluellen, who is made to look as if he did not know anything about war.

pp 220 ~ 221

「先生 -- シェイクスピアが公立学校で使われていることに、ユダヤ人、スコットランド人、有色人種の代表者たちが抗議しています、前者は『ベニスの商人』のシャイロックの描写を原因にします。一部のスコットランド人の人々は、私が理解しているところでは、Macbethに与えられたキャラクターを原因に、ニューアーク教育委員会に抗議しています。ワシントンからのニュースに印刷された手紙から判断すると、有色人種の人々は、Desdemonaに対する彼の卑劣な扱いのせいで、Othelloというキャラクターが好きではありません。ウェールズ人種の子孫として、戦争について何も知らないかのように見せかけられているウェールズ人、Fluellen大尉のヘンリー5世に対するシェークスピアの嘲笑に関して、私はその古代の人々を代表して抗議します。

"I have no doubt that others could find fault with Shakespeare's penchant for holding up the weak side of some of his characters, so I think that Shakespeare and the Bible might well be kept out of the public schools because both books are rough on certain people whose identity is clearly shown. The board of education is to be congratulated for taking action in the matter, which promises at this late date to place the Newark educational system in a class all by itself."

p 221


[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 19 March 1921]