共産主義と協力するカトリック教会(The Catholic Church Working With Communism)
by High Priest Mageson666 in 2015 03 29 14:13:58
Mugabe the Communist Dictator of Zimbabwe, lest we forget:
First, there are few in the West who are aware of Mugabe’s close ties to the Stalinist dictatorship of North Korea. In the early 1980s, North Korea sent elite troops to Zimbabwe-Rhodesia to train Mugabe’s notorious 5th Brigade. Once trained, Mugabe’s troops went on to slaughter 30,000 anti-communist black Matabele tribesmen who opposed his rule.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2000/12/5721/#rxyUT0uxYl31xCYf.99
詳細については、http://www.wnd.com/2000/12/5721/#rxyUT0uxYl31xCYf.99 をご覧ください。
British MI-6 intelligence agent, told WorldNetDaily, “In the past, we worked with some of Bredenkamp’s satellite companies — like Casalee, Zimalzam, Breco Services, Masters International — in several of our former colonies. One minute, MI-6 [the British equivalent of the CIA] was on the side of the anti-communists in places like Rhodesia, Hong Kong, Tibet, Nepal and Cambodia. Then, suddenly, we were told to change sides.
イギリスのMI-6諜報員はWorldNetDailyに対し、 「過去に我々はいくつかの旧植民地で、Bredenkampの衛星企業 - Casalee、Zimalzam、Breco Services、Masters Internationalのような - と協力していました。1分後、MI-6[イギリス版CIA]はローデシア、香港、チベット、ネパール、カンボジアなどの反共主義者の側についた。すると突然、寝返れと我々は言われたのです。
“Now, Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe and the Congo are all funding pro-Marxist armies with diamond sales. And, as far as I can tell, top Zimbabwean officials are cashing in on mining operations and the war in the Congo. If the EU were to seize the planes that fly in to Belgium from Africa — planes that bring in the diamonds to be sold in Antwerp — then these wars in Africa would probably come to an abrupt halt. But the greed of the Europeans knows no limit.” added Kinchen.
「現在、ウガンダ、ルワンダ、ジンバブエ、コンゴは、ダイヤモンドの販売で親マルクス主義の軍隊に資金を提供している。そして、私が知る限りでは、ジンバブエの高官たちは、採掘事業とコンゴ戦争で利益を得ている。もしEUがアフリカからベルギーに向かう飛行機 - Antwerpで売られるダイヤモンドを持ち込む飛行機 - を差し押さえれば、アフリカでの戦争はおそらく突然停止するだろう。しかしヨーロッパ人の貪欲さには限界がない。」とKinchenは付け加えた。
I can find the why to Kinchen’s confusion its in knowing who’s, who and who is Jew. The Jews in charge order the support of Marxist organizations their people had created in those regions. Remember it was Communist Jews within South Africa working with the International Jews without that put Communist rule into power in SA and Zimbabwe as well:
Top Israeli Political Figure Admits Jews Run The World:
“American Jewry makes any debate on whether the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ are an authentic document or a forgery irrelevant. American Jews do control the world.”- Gilad Atzmon
“In the 1970s, then-U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger announced that white regimes would not survive in southern Africa. The West essentially promised white leaders in South Africa that they would be allowed to continue practicing apartheid if they would stop arming Rhodesia in her war against communism.”
「アメリカのユダヤ人は、『シオン賢者の議定書』が真正の文書なのか、偽造なのかに関するいかなる議論も無意味にする。アメリカのユダヤ人は世界を支配している。」-Gilad Atzmon
Mugabe the Marxist terrorist is naturally a Catholic who is welcomed at the Vatican, Jewish Communism and Jewish Christianity working together as Kosher claw in a glove, right from a Catholic news site, this lady is shocked because she is duped:
I had to look twice to believe what I was seeing. But then again, considering my experience as a survivor of communism in Cuba, I should be the last person to be surprised that Robert Mugabe was allowed to travel to the Vatican for the canonizations of John XXIII and John Paul II.
A brief background on Mugabe
Robert Mugabe has been Zimbabwe’s Marxist dictator since 1987. He keeps getting “re-elected” just like Fidel Castro did until he transferred his power to his brother Raúl. [my note Castro is also a Jew, Castro is the Goldman of Seraphic surnames.]
A constitutional referendum held in 2013 granted Mugabe the right to stay in power for another two five-year terms. As expected, there was very low voter turnout for the referendum– with the usual intimidating display of force by Mugabe’s thugs against the opposition.
2013年に行われた憲法に関する国民投票で、ムガベはさらに2期5年間政権を維持する権利を得た。予想されたように、国民投票の投票率は非常に低く - 野党に対してムガベの悪党がいつものように威圧的な武力を行使した。
Mugabe will be 99 years old by the time he is done destroying Zimbabwe.
He is not allowed to set foot in the European Union due to his criminal record. But don’t get your hopes up– because EU bureaucrats have a record of dialogue with despots like Fidel Castro. So, this travel ban against Mugabe appears to be in place mostly due to pressure from Great Britain.
奴は犯罪歴があるため、EUに足を踏み入れることができません。しかし、期待してはいけません - EUの官僚は、フィデル・カストロのような専制君主と対話の記録があるので。つまり、ムガベに対するこの渡航禁止措置は、ほとんどがイギリスからの圧力によるものだと思われる。
Vatican City, however, is not a member of the EU. This gives Mugabe the opportunity to travel to the Vatican time and again– where he can feel like royalty.
しかし、バチカン市国はEUに加盟していません。これにより、ムガベはバチカンに何度も足を運ぶ機会を得て - そこでは王族のような気分を味わうことができる。
Robert Mugabe is manipulative, like all Marxist dictators. As such, he issues proclamations and passes laws against homosexual activism, in order to gain support from traditional Zimbabweans, who consider same-sex relations as an abomination in their culture………….[My note as the Jews stated Communism is Judaism and this is Mosaic law.]
ロバート・ムガベは、すべてのマルクス主義の独裁者と同様に巧みに操作します。 そのため、奴は、同性愛関係を自分の文化における忌み嫌うものと見なしている伝統的なジンバブエ人から支持を得るために、同性愛活動に反対する宣言を発し、法律を可決します…………[共産主義はユダヤ教であり、 これはモーセの法則ですとユダヤ人が述べている。]
Mugabe and the Vatican
Mugabe’s VIP treatment during the canonization ceremony was not his first at the Vatican. Francis bowed down to Mugabe during the papal inaugural mass in 2013. Mugabe was also welcomed at the Vatican for John Paul II’s funeral and beatification, in 2005 and 2011, respectively.
The Vatican ignores the facts
Do the administrators at the Vatican care that Mugabe is responsible for creating man-made famines, and for the massacre of over 20,000 people?
What about the fact that Mugabe is the head of the Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front?– a political party that follows Communist principles and is organized under a politburo.
ムガベがジンバブエ・アフリカ国民連合愛国戦線の党首であるという事実はどうだろうか? - 共産主義の原則に従い、政治局の下に組織された政党。
The truth is that Zimbabwe’s economic and political disaster under Mugabe’s rule is ongoing– and it has resulted in one of the most horrific human tragedies of the last several decades.
But these facts do not seem to affect the administrators at the Vatican in their determination to roll out the red carpet for Mugabe.
Worst of all, these facts did not discourage Francis from bowing his head to a genocidal dictator like Robert Mugabe.
The Marist Brothers and the Jesuits
Catholics and non-Catholics alike need to keep track of history– and to remember that individuals like Mugabe came out of schools run by Marist Brothers and Jesuits.
カトリック教徒も非カトリック教徒も同様に、歴史を追跡する必要があります - また、ムガベのような個人が、マリスト兄弟とイエズス会が運営する学校を卒業したことを覚えておく必要があります。
So did Fidel Castro– as well as other communists who have held key positions in the sustainable development / environmental movement (international socialism)– such as Jack Mundey in Australia.
The footprints of the Marist Brothers and the Jesuits are often found where there has been a communist-led revolution.
だからフィデル・カストロもそうでした、持続可能な開発/環境運動 (国際社会主義) - オーストラリアのJack Mundeyなど - で重要な地位を占めてきた他の共産主義者も同様でした。
For the benefit of my readers I am also providing this link, which contains an interview with Mac Maharaj, a South African Marxist politician– and close friend of the now-deceased Nelson Mandela– where Maharaj explains how he and his “comrades” would meet secretly at a Marist Brothers school, in order to plan their terrorist activities as communists.
読者の便益のために、南アフリカのマルクス主義政治家であり、今は亡きネルソン・マンデラの親友であるマック・マハラジ(Mac Maharaj)へのインタビューを含むこのリンクも提供します - ここで、マハラジは、共産主義者としてのテロ活動を計画するために、奴と奴の「同志」がマリスト兄弟の学校で密会する方法を説明しています。
But we don’t have to go to Africa or Australia to see the communist activity in our Catholic midst.
Much closer to us, the São Paulo Forum is comprised of many heads of states in Latin America who were raised as Roman Catholics and are supportive of Marxism. They work diligently to undermine the United States.
私たちに非常に身近なところでは、サンパウロ・フォーラム(São Paulo Forum)は、ローマ・カトリック教徒として育てられ、マルクス主義を支持しているラテンアメリカの多くの国家元首で構成されています。 奴らは、米国を弱体化させるために熱心に働いています。
Their leader and inspiration is Fidel Castro. This is why members of the São Paulo Forum are often seen visiting Castro in Cuba, in order to pay their respects to the Marxist murderer.
These members of the São Paulo Forum are also welcomed in the Vatican– and most are big fans of Francis.
Meanwhile, the modernists at the Holy See often shun decent Catholics who ask that the glorious and reverent traditions of the Roman Catholic Church be respected– most importantly having a Latin Mass at their local parish.
一方、カトリック教皇庁の近代主義者たちは、ローマ・カトリック教会の輝かしく敬虔な伝統を尊重するよう求めるまともなカトリック教徒を敬遠することが多い - 最も重要なのは、地元の教区でラテン語のミサを行うことである。
More than 120 million human beings have been killed all over the world as a result of communism; yet, the Vatican’s modern bureaucracy continues to shake the bloodstained hands of Marxist despots. This gives the red carpet treatment a whole new meaning.
Someone has to say the truth…
-High Priest Mageson666