
曖昧さへのこだわりは何か Thinking about my dream of "borderless"
















Anyway, everything that surrounds me seems to be in one world , but someone says I am a person on the border and "there is value in straddling the border". In fact, maybe I can say that I have value here and now. However, if that is the case, my ideal world would be one without boundaries, where my value as "crossing borders" would disappear.

If looking at the view from a little higher up, certainly the world seems indeed to be divided into crisp pieces. Every day, in academia, business, and even the arts, someone is carving up the world in order to further "enhance their own expertise."

And so, what we call collaboration among " different fields emerges. "No, no, wait!" I want to say. I don't think it's about the new value that comes from an encounter that has not yet been seen. Wasn't it us human beings who made them into something different from each other?

To me, everything I and others do looks the same activities, and it is painful to be so divided. Everything is a representation of the world that we see around us, sometimes adjusting the frame, sometimes bringing it into focus somewhere, taking it in some way, attaching it to some things / separating it from others, and making it represent itself again in some way. What we call sometimes, somewhere, somehow is just a variable, which the definition area is almost innumerable.

It seems to me that the society we see now have made of the results of representations linked each other vertically or horizontally. It is inevitable that one representation will become an object to be taken by the other creators in the next time. The objects, pictures, languages, and atmospheres that remain in a particular place from all the representations of the past are called "culture". The record of these activities is called "history."

And we, human beings, are the creators of these things. Nevertheless, we have divided the world by ourselves. The following section is based on the hypothesis that the line that has created the deepest divide is the one between culture/art and business.

Even so, as long as the economy was expanding, I believe that by creating a hierarchical relationship between business upstream and culture/art downstream, one economic sphere was formed. (more hypothetical since I had not born in this generations).

How is it now in comparison? Many companies no longer have money to optional channels, culture/art have been marginalized, and the economic sphere has been fragmented. They have come to perceive each other as distinctly different. Some dared to call themselves and their activities "SHONIN" (not businessman) and "AKINAI" (not business). They must be people who were in a place that could not be cut off by this line.

At this time, they may have completely lost sight of the representations that had been strung together from the past. They had been incorporated into each other and overlapped each other in the past. What are we to do in the face of these boundaries?

I believe that we should use the form of business, which is good at creating economic structures, to rebuild the economic sphere that encompasses the whole, bringing in culture and art, and harmonizing the idea of value exchange between the capitalistic and non-capitalistic worlds.

This is not to say that we necessarily approve of capitalistic value exchange. However, if we kick aside the wonderful invention of mankind - money, simply because we dislike the idea of money controlling people, we are not paying attention to history.

Money is the instrument that secures value, freeing the relationship and time frame in which the value exchange takes place. What is needed for value exchange in the absence of money is the opposite: a relationship of trust or simultaneity. In other words, in a non-capitalistic value exchange, another form of value is attached to the act of exchange itself.

First, it is necessary to think about how to reconsider the meaning of money as a tool, if possible, in a way that will allow us to gain physical knowledge. Next, people must consciously and effectively use different types of exchange to enrich themselves in various ways.

This transformation of the economic structure and inclusion will be able to close the deepest chasm. In the process of this transformation, we will inevitably encounter situations in which everything appears to overlap.

I am longing for such a world, and I would like to create a small world in which the above structure is embodied within easy reach. That, for me, is the creation of a "place."
