猫との思い出 図書館猫けいた その3 けいたのお仕事(图书馆猫经太 Keita the library cat)
Taking a nap was Keita's main job. Whenever I saw him, he was always sleeping at the office. He sometimes woke up and hung around the office. He sometimes went out for a walk. He ate three times a day. Except for them, he kept on sleeping very well.
One day, when I passed by my boss' desk, he made a gesture and pointed to his back. Once I looked at it, I can't stop laughing, because Keita was sleeping curled up while snoring loudly between the boss' back and the chair.
「わ~、可愛い!」 私は叫んだ。それを聞いた同僚たちが集まってきて、口々に言った。 「けいた、あんたはどうしてこんなにまんまるなの?」 「可愛すぎる~。超かわいい~!」
"That's so adorable!" I raised my voice in excitement. Hearing that, co-workers gathered around me. They said one after another. "Keita, why are you so plump?" "How adorable! So, cute!"
”哇, 好可爱。” 我大声说。 听了我的话,几个同事们聚起来了。 他们都说, ”经太, 你怎么这么圆?。” ”可爱极了,超可爱!”
私たちはわいわい言いながら、けいたを撫でた。しかし、けいたは目を開けず、相変わらずぐうぐう寝ていた。彼は私たちがすることをちっとも嫌がってないみたいだった。私は言った。 「本当におとなしい猫ですよね。」 それを聞いて一人が言った。 「っていうか、この子は今真面目にお仕事中なの。この子のお仕事は”昼寝”だから。あ~、うらやましい。」 「私も猫になりたいよ。」
We stroked him gently while chatting excitedly, but Keita didn't wake up. He was still sleeping well. It didn't look like he hated being stroked such many times. "He is a gentle cat indeed, isn’t he?" I said. "Actually, he is concentrating on his work because sleeping is his mission. Oh, I'm so jealous of him." One of them said. "I want to be a cat, too." Other co-workers said.
我们一边大声说着一边抚摸着他的身子。但是经太没睁开眼睛,还是呼呼地大睡。看起来他一点儿也不讨厌我们的行为。我说。 ”他真的是只安静的猫,对吧?” 一个同事说。 ”其实吧,他正在认真地工作呢。因为他的工作就是’午睡’。啊~我羡慕死他了 。” ”我也想当一只猫了。” 另一个同事说。
We went back to our desks while telling such jokes.