食べられるストロー/Edible straws in Mt.Kalugong
Mt.Kalugongとは?/ What is Mt.Kalugong
フィリピン・バギオの隣町、La Trinidadに位置する山です。標高1500メートル以上ありますが、町自体の標高が高いため、実際はトレッキングレベルです。山登り初心者の私でも楽しめました😊
Mt.Kalugong is located in La Trinidad where near Baguio. The altitude is over 1,500 metre but we can enjoy trekking because the city is at high altitudes.
I had a really good time, even though I am a beginner😊
The sunset from Mt. Kalugong Kape-an
食べられるストロー/edible straws
山頂にあるカフェMt. Kalugong Kape-anにて休憩。注文したカフェラテをストローを使って飲んでいましたが、途中で歯でかじられることに気づきました!調べると”食用ストロー”というお米やコーンスターチでできているのだそう🌾
We took a rest in Mt.Kalugong Kape-an. While I was drinking a cafe latte, I noticed that I can eat the straw! This is an edible straw which made from rice or corn starch🌾
I was surprised because I've never seen it in Japan.
Honestly, I was more impressed by that than the scenery of the top of the mountain😂
環境への意識 / Environmental awareness
We usually use paper bags or eco-bags in grocery store in Baguio. Moreover, we often see paper straws and washable straws in cafes and restaurants. I think this country are more environmentally conscious than Japan in this field.
アクセス / Access
La Trinidad行きのジプニーへ乗車。車体に行き先”La Trinidad”と書いてあります。不安な場合は、運転手さんに行き先を確認してください👍
It's about a 30-minute drive by taxi or jeepney from Baguio.
It says "La Trinidad" on the jeepney side. Also you can ask the driver about your destination.
The road between Travelite Express Hotel and Rizal Park(ホテルと道路を挟む道路です)
📍Fernando G. Bautista Drive
■入場料:100ペソ / Entrance fee : 100Php
■タクシー (運賃:片道200ペソほど)
Taxi (a one-way fare about Php 200)
It takes 20mins to the summit from the entrance.
■ジプニー (運賃:片道15ペソほど)
Jeepney (a one-way fare about Php 15)
It takes 30mins to the summit from the foot of the mountain. We can trek easily because the road is paved.
Thank you for reading😊
See you next time🇵🇭