このプロシージャは、選択したセルの内容の前後に * アスタリスク * を追加し、さらにセル内の改行ごとにアスタリスクを挿入するものです。以下に、どのように動作するかを説明します。
画面更新を停止 して、処理が高速化されるようにします。
選択範囲 内の各セルを順に処理します。
最後に、画面更新を再開 します。
`Application.ScreenUpdating = False` と `Application.ScreenUpdating = True` は、それぞれ画面更新を停止および再開する命令です。
`On Error Resume Next` は、エラーが発生しても次の処理に進むようにします。
`For Each myRng In Selection` は、選択範囲の各セルを順に処理します。
`myRng = "" & Replace(myRng, vbLf, "" & vbLf & "") & ""` は、セルの内容を変更する部分です。`vbLf` は改行を意味し、その前後にアスタリスクを追加します。
変更前: "HelloWorld"
変更後: "*HelloWorld*"
Excel VBA リファレンス | Microsoft Learn
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Add Asterisks Before and After Titles
This explanation is created by ChatGPT.
This procedure adds asterisks (*) before and after the contents of the selected cells and inserts asterisks at each line break within the cell. Here’s how it works:
Step-by-Step Explanation
Screen updating is disabled to speed up the process.
It is set to continue processing even if an error occurs.
Each cell in the selection is processed sequentially.
The content of each cell is modified:
Asterisks are added before and after the cell content.
Asterisks are also added at line breaks within the cell.
Finally, screen updating is re-enabled.
Key Points of the Code
`Application.ScreenUpdating = False` and `Application.ScreenUpdating = True` are commands to stop and resume screen updating, respectively.
`On Error Resume Next` ensures that the process continues even if an error occurs.
`For Each myRng In Selection` processes each cell in the selected range.
`myRng = "" & Replace(myRng, vbLf, "" & vbLf & "") & ""` is the part that modifies the cell content. `vbLf` represents a line break, and asterisks are added before and after it.
As a result, the content of the selected cells will change as follows:
Before: "HelloWorld"
After: "*HelloWorld*"
You can see that asterisks have been added before and after each line within the cell.
Excel VBA Reference | Microsoft Learn
#excel #vba #できること #asterisks #celloperations #selectionrange #linebreaks #stringmanipulation #screenupdatingoff #errorhandling #cellcontentmodification #programming #forbeginners #rangespecification #automation #efficiency #macros #excel #codeexplanation #Microsoft365