Landmark English Communication III Lesson 7 (6-7)

➏ Professor Lyudmila Trut, / a member of the research group, / examined the process of fox domestication / at the DNA level. // She found / that the behavior and physical features of obedient foxes / were linked to genetic changes / in a region of chromosome 12. / These new genetic changes were also found / in the DNA of domestic dogs, / indicating / that the research group had roughly reproduced the dogʼs process of domestication / at the genetic level. //

domestication:飼育、順応 chromosome:染色体 a region of chromosome 12:第12染色体 indicating~:~を示して

➐ The results of this experiment suggest that, / through a long and continuous process / of selective breeding and human contact, / wild wolves became the dogs / that many of us keep as pets today. // And we now know /  that this process occurs at the DNA level. // Humans have been living with dogs / for tens of thousands of years, / earning them the title of “manʼs best friend.”//  Dogs have served humans / as working dogs / such as guard dogs and herding dogs, / and in return, / humans have provided dogs with protection, / respect, / and affection. // Through this win-win relationship over such a long period of time, / the coexistence of humans and dogs / has led to the dogs of today / and a friendship / that is certain to continue / for years to come. //

continuous:連続した、繋がった selective:えり抜きの、選択の
tens of thousands of:何万もの earning~:~を得ながら
serve:仕える herding dog:家畜を集める、移動させるイヌ
in return:お返しに、代わりに win-win relationship:ウイン-ウインの関係
over a long period of time:長い時間をかけて ※セットで覚えよう
coexistence:共存(co-exist-ence) led to (lead to) ~:~という結果になる
be certain to:確実に何々する years to come:この先何年も、これからもずっと
