Landmark English Communication III (Lesson 5-6,7)

Political correctness was a good idea / to start with. // But unfortunately,/ people started imagining / that they were offending someone / when in fact they werenʼt. // And some went out of their way / to avoid using words / which actually werenʼt offensive at all. / Because they were scared / they might be criticised, / they invented ways of talking / which were very bizarre and people just laughed at them. // It still happens today. // We hear comedians joking about people with false teeth being ʻdentally challengedʼ, for example. //

to start with :当初は
people started imagining 人々は想像し始めました。
that they were offending someone 誰かの気分を害していると
when [in fact] they weren't (offending) 実施には気分を害していないのに

go out of the way :努力をする
to avoid using words [which actually weren't offensive at all]

they invented ways of talking which were very bizarre

dentally challenged 歯科的に困難を抱えている人

Many people think / that the PC movement has gone too far / in making us sensitive to words / that are in fact quite innocent. // When the word ʻblackʼ (meaning a person with black skin) was first thought to be insulting, / many stories came out of the US / about people who tried to avoid using it in any circumstance. // They were scared of asking for a ʻblack coffeeʼ, / so they asked for ʻcoffee without milkʼ instead. // Teachers were scared to talk about ʻblackboardsʼ. // Every now and then / we read about such things in the papers. // The proposals often cause a quarrel, / because many people think theyʼre ridiculous. //

go too far:行き過ぎている、度を越している
in making us sensitie to words 言葉に対して私たちを過敏にさせることにおいて

many stories came out of the US
about people who tried to avoid using it
in any circumstances

The poroposals often cause a quarrel
because many people think they're ridiculous
