Landmark English Communication III Lesson 6 (7-9)

➐ During his first visit to Japan in 2016, / Mujica was invited to speak to students at a university. // “I want young people to remember / that the most important thing in life / is not success / but to keep going. // When you fall down, / get up again. // If you are defeated, / have the courage to start again / from scratch. / Losing a job is not the end of the world. // If you end up in prison, / you can get out. // As long as you are breathing, / you can continue living.” / Mujica knows this / because he has experienced it firsthand. // He was born into a poor family / and was later imprisoned for 12 years / for his involvement in political activities. // After his release from prison, / he became a member of Congress. // Being elected president, / he continued living a simple life / while taking strong measures / to combat poverty. //

during=前置詞だから後は名詞 visit to Japan:日本への訪問
I want young people to remember:want 人to V=人にVして欲しい
not success but to keep going:成功ではなく、進み続けること
fall down / get up=倒れる/起き上がる
scratch=ゼロ ※ゴルフのハンデキャップがないことを「スクラッチ」と言います。したがって、ここではゼロとしています。
end up~:最後は~にいることになる end up in prison 刑務所にいることになる
as long as S V~:SがVする限り
imprisoned= in-prison-ed:投獄される
take measure:措置/対策/手段を講じる/取る strongと共によく用いる

➑ Mujica believes / that the most important things on earth / are “love” and “helping each other,” / and he urges young people to do this: / “Make friends. // Have a family. // Families are not only people / who are related by blood, /  but include people / who share the same way of thinking. // Donʼt walk the path of life alone.” //

urge O to V :OにVするよう強く求める
people [ who are related by blood] :血縁関係にある人々
people [ who share the same way of thinking ]:同じ考え方を共有する人々
walk ー path:道を歩く

➒ Surprisingly, / his relationship with Japan / began in his childhood. // Many hardworking people of Japanese descent / lived in his neighborhood / and taught him / how to grow flowers. / “Japan has an ancient history and culture, /  yet, / since the Meiji Era, / Japan has undergone rapid development.” / he said. // “I think that Japanese people 150 years ago and I / share similar opinions, / but Iʼm afraid Japanese people of today do not. // They have forgotten the treasures of the past. // I doubt they are truly happy. // ” How would you respond to Mujicaʼs message? //

surprisingly:驚くことに descent:家柄、家系
yet:しかし undergo:経験する
I'm afraid~:私は~を恐れている/心配している
How would you ~?:あなたはどのように~しますか。
