【CHAT DIARY 英語で3行日記】#44 What book do you recommend?
Recently, my recommended book is ‘No-chan to Tamako’. It might be called “The Brain and the Ordinary Woman” in English, but I’m not sure.
That content is about the personified brain teaching Tamako, who is very ordinary, about how the brain works.
When you finish reading it, you may notice a strong supporter within yourself, I guess.
This book is all colored cartoons. Its use of color is beautiful, and the illustrations are cute,delicate and original.
I also love this book’s author, Ringo Takenaka.
最近のおすすめの本は、「脳ちゃんとタマ子」。英語で言うと、「The Brain and the Ordinary Woman」みたいな感じかな、わからないけど。