2025大阪・関西万博 国際交流イベント ホストタウンサミット2025 2024.8.26
【ご報告登壇)《Expo2025 大阪・関西万博 》
世界最大の集客力,商談会のExpo2025 大阪・関西万博開幕まであと8ヶ月に迫りました。
『万博を契機に『地方創生✖️DX✖️世界』との共創社会の実現へ https://youtu.be/PNacBuaVQ2k?si=z6kpZhp5iT_2suKm
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今回,フィンランドと2元中継を結び,フィンランドが取り組みますイノベーション組織Fin Techが取り組みます90 days プログラムを日本に取り入れた場合,日本の価値創造性の向上への可能性など,在日フィンランド商工会議所 専務理事アンティ・クンナス様,株式会社海外需要開拓支援機構,Cool Japan 機構,専務執行役員 御友重希様と共にパネルディスカッションしました。
第2部 レセプションには,弊国・駐日アイルランド大使 ダミアン・コール特命全権大使もご来場を賜り,日愛間,日欧間の更なる友好関係の一端を務め,誠に光栄です。
HP : 一般社団法人 ホストタウンアピール実行委員会様
本サミットご尽力を賜りました一般社団法人ホストタウンアピール実行委員会 代表理事 濱崎真一さま初め,関係者の皆さまに心よりお礼申し上げます。
Covid-19 以降,世界は混沌としています。世界で最も平和な日本での開催を活かし,世界の平和へ社会に貢献できるよう,日々,精進して参ります。
Le Coeur japon
Hiroshi Sugisaki
【 The Report 】《 #Expo2025Osaka 》
The world's largest ability to attract customers, the business meeting Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo is just 8 months away.
The Host Town Summit 2024 was held the other day, where 63 municipalities and 43 countries from all over Japan gathered.
After the keynote speech by Mrs. Hanako Jimi, Minister in charge of the Expo, we were invited by Japanese Cabinet Secretariat's Council for the Realization of the Digital Garden City Nation Initiative to take the stage.
The theme was "Why the World Expects Japan!"
How would the world want to work together with Japan in the wake of the World Expo next year? ?️
we will serve as an advisor to Ireland as an example.
Vision of the Irish Pavilion, Measures to further build friendly relations between Japan and Ireland during the Expo.
* Details of the Ireland Pavilion (English)
Measures to further build friendly relations between Japan and Ireland during the Expo.
* Archived on Spotify
Why has Ireland been able to develop the world's second largest GDP per capita and the world's largest economic development since 2019, when it was called the poorest country in Western Europe? ?️
Affinity with the Digital Garden City Nation Concept, which will lead Japan to the next generation! !️
In recent years, the Rugby World Cup Rugby World Cup 2019 Tournament , Tokyo 2020 Olympics, and Paralympics have been held in the host towns in Japan.
In 2022, we were the only private Japan to attend the on 7th Gastronomy Tourism World Forum hosted by the United Nations World Tourism Organization ( UN Tourism ) in Nara, and we gave presentations on my experience of continuing to be involved and examples of collaboration with international organizations around the world.
On the day of the event, there will be a two-way relay from Finland, and the 90 days program will be implemented by Fin Tech, an innovation organization that Finland is working on, and if the program is incorporated into the Japan, there is a possibility of improving the value creativity of Japan. Antti Kunnas, Executive Director, Finnish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Overseas Demand Development Support Organization Co., Ltd., Cool Japan Organization Together with Mr. Shigeki Mitomo, he served as a speaker and moderator.
It is truly an honor to have the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ireland to Japan, Mr. Damien Cole, attend the second part of the reception, and to play a part in the further friendly relations between Japan and Japan and Europe.
The Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games ended with indigestion due to the coronavirus pandemic, but this organization has been worked on as a pillar of the international exchange program for the Expo 2025 Osaka-Kansai.
HP : Host Town Appeal Executive Committee
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Shinichi Hamasaki, Representative Director of the Host Town Appeal Executive Committee, and everyone involved for their efforts in bringing this summit to life.
Past World Expos have built many reforms that will change the world dramatically.
Thanks so much
Great regards
Le Coeur japon
Hiroshi Sugisaki