1 Keeping a Study Diary
When I was a student of accounting school, I studied about 10 hours every day. To keep motivated, I kept a diary. At the end of the day's study, I took about 10 minutes to write down what I had learned.
This habit had 2 merits. Firstly, I could review the day's study. It made it easier for me to memorize what I had learned. Secondly, when I felt tired of studying, I can get motivation back by reading this diary-the record of my effort.
In order to keep studying for a long time every day, I think it is more helpful to keep a diary than making a timetable. Time schedule often makes me feel obliged to study, so even if I am to make a timetable, a rough one would suffice.
2 今日使った単語
suffice /səfάɪs/ 満足させる, 十分である
to suffice to serve a purpose 用が足りる - EDR日英対訳辞書
oblige /əblάɪdʒ/ 義務を負わせる, 余儀なくさせる
Noblesse oblige 君子自重す - 斎藤和英大辞典
3 Grammarlyチェック結果
keep motivated → stay motivated などに変える。
何故かというと、「日記をつける(keep a diary)」でkeepを使っていて、2回繰り返すと読みにくいから。
This habit has 2 merits の「2」は「two」にしなさい、とのこと。
論文などでは0~9の数字はspell outするのが一般的なルールなんだそうです。
1行目…In order to はやっぱりgrammarly的には嫌いみたいです(しつこく使う僕もどうかと思うが…)。
2行目…Time scheduleという語法はtautologyだからダメ。単にScheduleにしては?という提案をしてくれました。
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