・I LOVE HARUMA MIURA (三浦春馬) (A person I wil…


・I LOVE HARUMA MIURA (三浦春馬) (A person I will never forget)Lᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ♡♡


2024.10.16 "You Are What You Eat"

前に、👆これを見たの。 私は、菜食主義とかそういうのではないけれど、お肉売り場とかお魚売り場のにおいが、どうもダメで、ほぼ買わない。お肉は、美味しいものを外食で、たま~に食べられればいいかなっていう考え。冬は、お鍋で鶏肉を家でも少し食べる。これは、自然に近い状態で育てられた鶏だから、臭くないの。前にグラム売りしている鶏肉なら、平気かと思ったら、私には、におってしまって、食べられなかった・・・。その、におうというのは、 生の状態の時。外食とかで、調理されてしまえば、わからないか

    • 2024.10.15 Fade Out

      School Lunch OCTOBER 15 "Jimmy," you've asked for peanut-butter sandwitches all week. Today let's change to a different kind--" "OK, Mom. What else do we have?" "Sliced ham, minced ham, spiced ham, egg salad, cream cheese and jelly, tuna fi

      • 2024.10.14 Keylor Navas (My favorite Goalkeeper)

        Hasty Bear OCTOBER 14 "HASTY BEAR," said his mother one day, "will you please hurry out and pick some pretty, colored leaves for me?" "Yes, ma'am, I will," said Hasty Bear. And off he went, in such a hurry that he never heard his mother say

        • 2024.10.13

          Being Twins OCTOBER 13 Two of us, two of us climb the stairs, Two of us, two of us say our prayers. We get into bed, then, two by two, And sing and tell stories--that's fun to do! And we whisper secrets, and laugh, until Somebody calls, ”Yo

        2024.10.16 "You Are What You Eat"

          2024.10.12 HARUMA & KAMAKURA 強い気持ち・強い愛

          今日、お墓参りの後、都内に出て、春馬君がお食事したどこかに行こうと思ってたんだけど。ほんとは、お墓参り、朝一、霊園が開くと同時、9時に行こうとか考えていたんだけど、起きられなかったし、洗濯もしたかった。都内に出るのも、ちょっと面倒だなと思って、家を出る前に鎌倉で何かないか探した。春馬君のあのドラマのロケ地は、まだ、どうも行く気になれないんだけど、一ヶ所だけ調べた。お家(結局、時間がなく行かなかった)。 そして、映画「SUNNY 強い気持ち・強い愛」のロケ地になった、「シードレ

          2024.10.12 HARUMA & KAMAKURA 強い気持ち・強い愛

          2024.10.11 Libertable(リベルターブル)

          鳥はね、、ほんとに、崩れたものだけ入ってる感じ。 お鍋も、熱々じゃなくて、スープも熱々じゃなくて、温め直してもらおうかと思ったくらい。

          2024.10.11 Libertable(リベルターブル)


          Ten Little Owls OCTOBER 10 Ten little owls  In the bare, autumn trees, Took out their hankies  And started to sneeze. "The nights are quite chilly!" They sniffed and said, And they put on warm jackets  With hoods for the head. They put on w



          Afraid of What? OCTOBER 9 "COME for a walk," said the rhinoceros to a shy little jerboa who was peeping out of its hole.   "Not me," the jerboa replied. "I'm afraid!" That made the rhinoceros laugh.   "Afraid of what?" he asked. "I don't se



          The Grumpy Camel OCTOBER 8 A grumpy little camel With a humpy little hump Stumped across the sandy desert With a grumpy, stumpy thump. Said he hated carrying bundles In a camel train like that, Said the sunshine was too shiny, Said he wishe



          The Runaways OCTOBER 7 A HORSE came galloping up the road, a beautiful, shining brown horse with a man riding on his back.   Laddie ran after him, barking and nipping at his heels.  Kitty ran under the porch and hid herself. And all the chi



          Ripe Apples OCTOBER 6 The orchard's  Like a fairyland, With apples ripe On every hand.                            If they were rubies Glowing there, We'd pluck a fortune From the air,                But have no apples Left to eat: And oh,



          The New Playmate OCTOBER 5  EVERY DAY after school, Cindy and Bets played together.  They rode their bikes, and drew pictures, and played with their dolls, and made clothes for them. One day, the two little girls even made a fine playhous o



          My Sweater OCTOBER 4 My sweater is better Than jackets or coats, It's fluffy and stretchy Like rabbits or goats; It's light when I run, And it's warm when I sit in it, And it's easy to button,  With buttonholes knit in it. This text is quo



          The Artist OCTOBER 3 1. "Now that I have my own paint things, I can use them any way I like-" 2. "-not like school, where you can't spill any, even if you happen to-" 3. "-not like school, where you have to wash your brush between colors-"


          2024.10.02                      How did Haruma spend his time on a snowy day?

          The Drake at the Lake OCTOBER 2 "Ha, ha, ha!" go the ducks at the lake, They sound as if they're laughing at the drake- Funny old drake who waddles past, Flapping his wings to go extra-fast. He doesn't mind, that funny old drake, He's the f

          2024.10.02                      How did Haruma spend his time on a snowy day?

          2024.10.01 Nostrils & Hobbies

          昨日、散歩がてら、スーパーでスナック菓子を買ってしまった。スナック菓子は、そんなに好きでもなくて、進んで買わないんだけど、たまに買って美味しいと、またつい買ってしまう。最近は仕事中にモヤっとすることが、あまりなかったんだけど、今日の午前中の仕事中、久々にモヤっとくることがあって、昨日買ったスナック菓子をやけ食いみたくバクバク食べてしまった。胸焼けしてしまった。お昼ごはん、食べられないかもってくらいだった。 好きな二人の鼻の穴の話 春馬君の鼻の穴の話だけど、私が好きなニコー

          2024.10.01 Nostrils & Hobbies