
長野県 信州 善光寺・戸隠神社・小布施を歩てみた。I walked around Zenkoji Temple, Togakushi Shrine and Obuse, Shinshu, Nagano Prefecture.

善光寺前郷土料理 弥生座の生麩田楽花かご弁当。local cuisine in front of Zenkoji Temple, raw fudengaku flower basket lunch box in the mountain village of Yayoiza.
Near the parking lot in Zenkoji Temple.
Shiso juice and chilled amazake.
戸隠神社 奥社 杉並木。
Togakushi Shrine Okusha Sugi Namiki.
It seems that you can walk about 7 hours one way from Zenkoji Temple... It's a former U.S. military.
Togakushi soba. It's near the sacred tree of Chusha. A delicious soba restaurant.
Hokusaikan. A fulfilling group of works.
いろは堂カフェ おやき。かぼちゃ味もあった。
Irohado Cafe Oyaki. There was also a pumpkin flavour.
小布施堂 秋に来ると栗が美味しいとのこと。
Obuse-do, chestnuts are delicious when you come in autumn.
Obuse map.
近くの曹洞宗 岩松院の天上画も北斎らしい。今後また行きたい。The nearby Soto sect Iwashoin's heavenly painting also seems to be Hokusai. I want to go again in the future.



It was a good experience to visit the  Womb tour under the main hall of Zenko-ji Temple.It was a very sacred place. Grab it with your right hand. You may see something important。

Tour of the kaidan
Located at the far end of the main hall of Zenko-ji Temple, it is a dark passage that passes directly under the principal image. You will go through the darkness where you can't see an inch ahead and explore the "Locks of paradise [Jomae]" on the way. This lock is connected to the principal image, and it is said that you can connect directly by touching it. Also, by going around the ordination platform, it means to be reborn.
