• Spring in Woods|森の泉

    - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with indigo and sappanwood, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Dyeing: Indigo, sappanwood, Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Twilight |西に沈む太陽

    不知火海へ沈む太陽の温かさを耳もとに。 - 植物 素材には梶の木(カジノキ)という樹の皮を、染色には草木を用います。 - 草木染め この瞬間の草木の色は、唯一無二の色で経年変化も含め、自然の移ろいを感じさせます。 こちらはセイタカアワダチソウと茜で染めました。 - 強度と水 見た目の繊細さゆえに強度が心配されますが、伝統技法のこんにゃく糊 加工を施すことで強度と耐水性を上げ、安心してお使いいただけます。梶の木の樹皮はとても強い繊維で、障子といった建材に使われたり、今に残る和紙の原料植物として用いられるなど、その強度を証明しています。 素材:植物繊維(梶の木) / こんにゃく糊 / 金箔 / ピアス・イアリング金具(ご選択可) ※ピアスは金属アレルギーに配慮しております 染め:茜、セイタカアワダチソウ サイズ:厚さ1mm弱 / 重さ 1.5g … 軽く、耳たぶへの負担がほとんどありません。 保存方法:草木染めの色は紫外線に弱いものがありますので、ボックスに入れて保存をおすすめいたします。 ボックス:作品はすべて手作りのボックスに入れ、お届けいたします。 ⚫︎ご一読ください 1点ずつ手づくりの作品です。草木の具合や色が画像とは微妙に異なる場合がありますが、手づくりならではの1点もの特有の風合いをお楽しみください。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Dance|ダンス

    植物の繊維のダンスを  耳もとにきらめかせて。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Cenote|泉

    森の泉の水面のきらめきを耳もとに… - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍と蘇芳(すおう)で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Sound of Waves|不知火海の夜と波

    不知火海の夜の波を耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 蘇芳(すおう)で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Light of the Sea|不知火海の光のゆらぎ

    不知火海の光のゆやぎを耳もとに。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Leaf|若葉

    軽やかに舞い散る若葉のきらめきを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 臭木の実とセイタカアワダチソウで手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Dawn|やさしい夜明け

    夜明けのやさしい光を耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 茜とセイタカアワダチソウで手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 - 植物 ‘おしゃら’ は伝統技法に基づき、かたちづくられます。素材には和紙原料の楮という樹の皮を、染色には草木を用います。 - 草木染め この瞬間を生きる草木から出る色は唯一無二の色で経年変化も含め、自然の移ろいを感じさせます。 - 強度と水 見た目の繊細さゆえに強度が心配されますが、伝統技法のこんにゃく糊 加工を施すことで強度と耐水性を上げ、安心してお使いいただけます。和紙は強い素材で、障子といった建材に使われたり今に残る和紙の文献などがその強度を証明しています。 - 伝統技法 和紙という古来から続く伝統工芸の知恵と技法を受け継ぎながら、現代の私たちが自然素材を自然に、より自由に受け入れられるかたちにしました。 素材:植物繊維(楮) / こんにゃく糊 / ピアス・イアリング金具(ご選択可) サイズ:厚さ1mm弱 / 重さ 1.5g … 軽く、耳たぶへの負担がほとんどありません。 保存方法:草木染めの色は紫外線に弱いものがありますので、ボックスに入れて保存をおすすめいたします。 ボックス:作品はすべてボックスに入れ、お届けいたします。箔押しロゴ入りのボックスは、ギフトにもお使いいただけます。 ⚫︎ご一読ください 1点ずつ手づくりの作品です。草木の具合や色が画像とは微妙に異なる場合がありますが、手づくりならではの1点もの特有の風合いをお楽しみください。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Dusk|不知火海の夕暮れ

    不知火海のやさしい夕暮れを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 河津桜で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Fly|蝶々

    可憐な蝶々のささやきを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Sparkle of the Night|不知火海の夜の輝き

    不知火海の夜の輝きを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 蘇芳(すおう)で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • Spring|碧い泉

    森の神秘を耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍とセイタカアワダチソウで手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • あたたかい空|両耳ピアス

    あたたかい空を耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 桜で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 波のひかり|両耳イアリング

    美しい光を耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 臭木(くさぎ)の実で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • Fly|蝶々 両耳ピアス

    不知火海の美しさを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。 - Works of Art From the soil and returned to the earth... Pursuing the beauty of plants, this design shows the flowing fibers in a luxurious way. Dyed by hand with plants, the fibers flow in the way they want to flow, and the natural moment is captured. Each piece is carefully made by hand. - Plants "OCIARA" is formed based on traditional techniques. The material used is the bark of a tree called paper mulberry, the raw material of Japanese paper, and plants and trees are used for dyeing. - Dyeing The colors produced from plants and trees living at this moment are unique and show the transition of nature, including changes over the years. - Strength and Water The delicate appearance of WASHI may raise concerns about its strength, but the traditional technique of KONNYAKU glue processing has increased its strength and water resistance, allowing it to be used with peace of mind. WASHI is a strong material, and its strength is proven by its use in building materials such as shoji screens, as well as by the documentation of washi that has survived to this day. - Traditional Techniques While inheriting the wisdom and techniques of the traditional craft of WASHI from ancient times, we have created a form that allows us today to accept natural materials more freely and naturally. Materials: plant fiber (paper mulberry) / KONNYAKU glue / gold leaf / earrings and earring clasps (optional) Size: Thickness: less than 1mm / Weight: 1.5g ... Light and almost no burden to the earlobe. Storage: We recommend storing the work in a box, as some plant-dyed colors are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Box: All pieces are delivered in a box. Box is also available for gift giving. ⚫︎ Please read Each piece is handmade. The condition and color of the plants and trees may differ slightly from the images, but please enjoy the unique texture of each piece, which can only be achieved by handcrafted.


  • ひかり|両耳ピアス

    優しいひかりを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 冬の海|両耳ピアス

    不知火海の美しさを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 若葉|両耳ピアス

    ゆれる若葉を耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍と臭木(くさぎ)の実、セイタカアワダチソウで手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 泉|片耳ピアス

    森の泉の水面のきらめきを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍と蘇芳(すおう)で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 春の細波|両耳イアリング

    春の不知火海のさざなみを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍と蘇芳(すおう)で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 海の光|両耳ピアス

    不知火海の美しさを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 茜空|両耳ピアス

    茜色のやさしさを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 茜とセイタカアワダチソウで手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • あたたかい光|両耳ピアス

    あたたかいひかりを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 枇杷(びわ)の葉で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 不知火海の記憶|両耳ピアス

    不知火海の煌めきを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 蘇芳(すおう)で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 水面|両耳ピアス

    水面のかがやきを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 森の泉|両耳イアリング

    森の泉を耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 碧い泉|両耳ピアス

    森の神秘を耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍とセイタカアワダチソウで手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 波の音|両耳ピアス

    波の音を耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 冬の不知火海|両耳ピアス

    不知火海の冬のきらめきを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。


  • 不知火海|両耳ピアス

    不知火海の美しさを耳もとに。 - 作品紹介 土から生まれ、土へと還る… 植物の美しさを追求し、流れるような繊維を贅沢に見せたデザインです。 藍で手染めし、繊維が流れたい方に、自然なその瞬間を留めました。 ひとつひとつ手作業で、丁寧につくっています。 ピアス/イアリングのパーツは変更ができますので、お気軽に申し付けください。
