霊的戦い: 敵を理解する
1. 戦いを理解する:闇との戦い
2. 神の武具:私たちの神聖な防具
真理の帯: 真理がすべてをつなぎ止めます。神の真理に立つことで、敵が私たちを混乱させようとしても正誤を見分けることができます。(真理とは何か?神の御言葉)
義の胸当て: 私たちの義はキリストから来ます。この「胸当て」は、罪悪感や恥、非難から私たちの心を守ります。(キリストこそが神の御言葉の全て)
平和の福音の履物: 混沌とした世界で平和は強力な立場です。平和の福音を通して、神の約束を知っているので、自信を持って歩むことができます。(つまりしっかりと信仰を持って立つことが大切)
信仰の盾: 信仰は疑いや恐れからの盾です。信仰を持つことで、「悪しき者の火矢をすべて消すことができる」(エペソ6:16) と語られています。(その盾があれば疑いや恐れに立ち向かえる)
救いの兜: 私たちが救われているという確信が私たちの心を守ります。この確信は、神の約束に集中することを可能にします。(神様は約束を破られることはない)
霊の剣: 唯一の攻撃用の武器である神の言葉。聖書を知り、宣言することで、敵の偽りに立ち向かうことができます。(日々御言葉を声に出して言う事こそが剣となりうる)
3. 聖霊の役割:戦いの中での助け手
4. 勝利の生活:日々信仰に歩む
Spiritual Warfare: Understanding Our Enemy
In our daily lives, we are engaged in battles that are not fought with physical weapons but with faith and truth. This isn’t just a metaphor; the Bible tells us that we face an enemy who is unseen but very real. As Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." This article explores how we can prepare ourselves to face these spiritual challenges by relying on God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.
1. Understanding the Battle: A War Against Darkness
The battles Christians face are not against people or physical threats but against spiritual forces that aim to weaken our faith and divert us from God’s truth. As Brother Branham emphasized, we must recognize that our adversary is the devil himself, working subtly to discourage and distract. Understanding this enemy helps us realize that physical responses won’t work; it requires the power of God’s Spirit.
2. The Armor of God: Our Divine Protection
Ephesians 6:10-18 teaches us about the armor God provides to withstand spiritual attacks. This armor isn’t made of iron or steel but is composed of virtues that align us with Christ’s strength and purpose. Here’s a breakdown:
The Belt of Truth: Truth holds everything together. By standing on God’s truth, we can distinguish right from wrong, even when the enemy tries to confuse us.
The Breastplate of Righteousness: Our righteousness comes from Christ. This “breastplate” guards our hearts from feelings of guilt, shame, and condemnation.
The Shoes of Peace: Peace is a powerful stance in a world of chaos. With the gospel of peace, we can walk confidently, knowing God’s promises.
The Shield of Faith: Faith is our shield against doubts and fears. With faith, we can “quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephesians 6:16).
The Helmet of Salvation: Our minds are protected by knowing we are saved. This assurance keeps us focused on God’s promises.
The Sword of the Spirit: The only offensive weapon, which is the Word of God. By knowing and speaking scripture, we stand firm against the enemy’s lies.
3. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Battle
It’s impossible to win spiritual battles on our own. We need the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens us, provides wisdom, and speaks through us. Praying in the Spirit, as Ephesians 6:18 instructs, keeps us in communion with God and aligns our actions with His will. Brother Branham said that the Holy Spirit is our helper, the one who equips us for every battle we face. With Him, victory is always possible.
4. Living Victoriously: Walking in Faith Daily
Preparing for spiritual warfare isn’t about living in fear; it’s about walking in faith, knowing that we’re never alone. God’s presence surrounds us. By focusing on the strength of the Lord and committing to prayer, we can withstand any attack with peace and joy. As Ephesians 6:10 says, "Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might."
The journey of faith involves spiritual battles, but with the armor of God, we are equipped to overcome any challenge. Let us be vigilant, relying on the Holy Spirit, and drawing strength from God’s Word, so we can stand firm in faith, reflecting Christ’s love and power in all we do.
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