

Building Confidence in Speaking English

Building confidence in speaking English is like building muscle. It takes practice, repetition, and a positive mindset.



1. Practice, Practice, Practice

Nothing builds confidence more than practice. Just as athletes train their muscles, you need to train your “speaking muscle” through regular practice.

  1. 練習、練習、練習

  • Repetition is Key: Just like learning a sport, repeating English phrases helps you get comfortable.
    反復が重要: スポーツを学ぶのと同じように、英語のフレーズを繰り返すことで慣れが生まれます。

  • Set Daily Goals: Practice speaking for at least 10–15 minutes every day. Apps and AI tools make this easy and private.
    毎日の目標を設定する: 毎日10〜15分のスピーキング練習を続けましょう。アプリやAIツールを使えば簡単に練習でき、プライバシーも守られます。

2. Using AI and Apps as Practice Partners

If speaking with a real person feels intimidating, start with an AI or app. Many tools can provide instant feedback and help you practice in a low-pressure environment.


  • ChatGPT for Conversations: ChatGPT is a powerful tool for practicing English conversation. You can ask questions, share thoughts, and get responses like in a real conversation.
    ChatGPTでの会話: ChatGPTは、英会話練習に最適なツールです。質問をしたり、自分の考えを共有したり、実際の会話のようにやりとりできます。

  • Useful Apps: Apps like HelloTalk, Tandem, and others also connect you with native speakers or language learners for real-time practice.
    便利なアプリ: HelloTalkやTandemなどのアプリを使うと、ネイティブスピーカーや他の学習者とリアルタイムで練習ができます。

3. Build Self-Esteem and Don’t Fear Mistakes

Confidence comes from within, so focus on your progress instead of comparing yourself to others.


  • Embrace Mistakes as Learning Opportunities: Remember that mistakes are part of learning. Every mistake helps you improve.
    間違いを学びの機会と捉える: 間違いも学びの一部です。間違えるたびに、少しずつ上達しています。

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Every time you try to speak in English, it’s a win! Recognize and celebrate your progress.
    小さな成功を祝う: 英語を話そうとするたびに、それは成功です!進歩を認識し、喜びましょう。

4. Set Up a Routine and Stick to It

Confidence comes with consistency. By creating a routine, speaking English will soon feel natural.


  • Morning or Evening Practice: Choose a time that works best for you and commit to practicing daily. (If you can you can do both timing.)
    朝か夜の練習: 自分に合った時間を選び、毎日練習しましょう。(できるなら両方でも良いですよ)

  • Use AI Tools Regularly: Even if it's just a few minutes with ChatGPT or another app, practicing daily builds momentum.
    AIツールを定期的に使う: ChatGPTや他のアプリを数分でも使うことで、練習の流れが生まれます。

Confidence in English speaking isn’t built overnight. With practice, technology support, and a positive mindset, you’ll see steady improvement. Start today, and take a small step each day toward fluency.



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