2024年4月23日、米国FTC(Federal Trade Commission)は、上級管理職("Senior Executives")を含む労働者との間で競業避止条項("Non-Competes Clauses")を締結することはFTC法第5条に違反すると定めるFTC規則("the Non-Compete Clause Rule")を採択したと発表した。
連邦官報("Federal Register")に掲載されて120日後に発効される見通しである。
本FTC規則によれば、労働者との間で競業避止条項("Non-Competes Clauses")を締結することはFTC法第5条に違反するとのことだが、そもそもFTC法第5条とはなにか。
15 USC 45: Unfair methods of competition unlawful; prevention by Commission ⇛これがFTC法第5条
このFTC法第5条の中核をなすのが、§45. (a) (1)の次の条項である。前段が不公正な競争方法であり、後段が不公正又は欺瞞的な行為又は慣行とされている。
Unfair methods of competition in or affecting commerce, and
unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce, are hereby declared unlawful.
そして、本FTC規則によれば、労働者との間で競業避止条項を締結することや上級管理職を除く労働者に対し既存の競業避止義務を履行させることは、FTC法第5条の不公正な競争方法に該当するとされている(本FTC規則§910.2 Unfair methods of competition (a))。
The final rule provides that it is an unfair method of competition—and therefore a violation of Section 5—for employers to enter into noncompetes with workers.
FTCは、競業避止条項がもつ次の3点の弊害から競業避止を禁止する模様である("Fact Sheet on the FTC’s Noncompete Rule")。
① Noncompetes restrict the freedom of American workers and suppress wages.(競業避止は労働者の自由を制限し賃金を抑制する)
Noncompetes restrict workers’ fundamental freedom to leave for a better job or to start their own business.
In many cases, noncompetes are take-it-or-leave-it contracts that exploit workers’ lack of bargaining power and coerce workers into staying in jobs they would rather leave, or force workers to leave a profession or even relocate.
By restricting workers from moving freely, noncompetes prevent workers from accepting higher-paying jobs.
Noncompetes even reduce the wages of workers who aren’t subject to noncompetes.
② Noncompetes stifle new businesses and new ideas.
Noncompetes prevent workers from starting their own firms and block new businesses from hiring qualified workers.
Noncompetes restrict the flow of knowledge between firms, and studies have found that noncompetes reduce innovation. This affects not just workers but also consumers by depriving consumers of better products and lower prices that result from competition and innovation.
③ Noncompetes are widespread throughout the U.S. economy.
Roughly one in five Americans, totaling nearly 30 million people, are subject to noncompetes.
The Commission received over 26,000 comments, with thousands of workers describing how noncompetes blocked them from taking a better job, negotiating better pay, or starting their own business.
The Commission also heard from entrepreneurs and small businesses who said noncompetes prevented them from starting new ventures or hiring knowledgeable workers to help grow their businesses.
Over 25,000 commenters supported a categorical ban on noncompetes.
“The freedom to change jobs is core to economic liberty and to a competitive, thriving economy,” said Chair Lina M. Khan. “Noncompetes block workers from freely switching jobs, depriving them of higher wages and better working conditions, and depriving businesses of a talent pool that they need to build and expand. By ending this practice, the FTC’s proposed rule would promote greater dynamism, innovation, and healthy competition.”
Companies use noncompetes for workers across industries and job levels, from hairstylists and warehouse workers to doctors and business executives. In many cases, employers use their outsized bargaining power to coerce workers into signing these contracts. Noncompetes harm competition in U.S. labor markets by blocking workers from pursuing better opportunities and by preventing employers from hiring the best available talent.
FTCによれば、競業避止を禁止することにより、次の効果が得られることが推定される模様である("Fact Sheet on the FTC’s Noncompete Rule")。
New business formation will grow by 2.7%, creating over 8,500 new businesses each year.
American workers’ earnings will increase by $400-$488 billion over the next decade, with workers’ earnings rising an estimated $524 a year on average. ("Estimated Increases in Total Annual and Average Worker Earnings by State")
Health care costs will be reduced by $74-$194 billion over the next decade in reduced spending on physician services.
Innovation will increase, with an average estimated increase of 17,000-29,000 more patents each year over the next decade.
① "Non-copete clause"(競業避止条項)とは
本FTC規則上の定めは次のとおりだが、ここでは特段競業("competition")について言及がない点が興味深い。転職や独立等を阻害するすべての条件が競業避止条項("Non-copete clause")に該当するということである。
(1) A term or condition of employment that prohibits a worker from, penalizes a worker for, or functions to prevent a worker from:
(i) seeking or accepting work in the United States with a different person where such work would begin after the conclusion of the employment that includes the term or condition(※転職); or
(ii) operating a business in the United States after the conclusion of the employment that includes the term or condition(※独立等).
(2) For the purposes of this part 910, term or condition of employment includes, but is not limited to, a contractual term or workplace policy, whether written or oral.
4. What is a noncompete?
Prohibits: Terms and conditions expressly saying that a worker can’t get another job, such as with a competitor, or start a business.
Penalizes: Terms and conditions that require a worker to pay a penalty if they get another job or start a business.
Functionally prevents: Terms and conditions that aren’t labeled as noncompetes but are so restrictive that they effectively prevent a worker from getting a new job or starting a business.
② 既存の競業避止条項がなお妥当する上級管理職("Senior Executive")とは
Senior executive means a worker who:
(1) Was in a policy-making position; and
(2) Received from a person for the employment:
(i) Total annual compensation of at least $151,164 in the preceding year; or
(ii) Total compensation of at least $151,164 when annualized if the worker was employed during only part of the preceding year; or
(iii) Total compensation of at least $151,164 when annualized in the preceding year prior to the worker’s departure if the worker departed from employment prior to the preceding year and the worker is subject to a non-compete clause.
6. How is senior executive defined?
A worker is a senior executive if they earn more than $151,164 in compensation a year and are in a “policy-making position.” Compensation can include salary, commissions, performance bonuses and any other compensation agreed to that the worker knows and can expect, but does not include items like benefits or board and lodging. If the worker worked only for part of the year, you can annualize their earned compensation to see if they meet the threshold. Policymaking position includes the president, CEO, or someone else with authority to make policy decisions for the entire company.
③ 本FTC規則を遵守するための3ステップ
Step 1: Don’t include noncompetes in future employment contracts, paperwork, or websites
This applies to all workers, including senior executives. “Paperwork” includes employee handbooks and workplace policies.
Step 2: If you have active noncompetes, give notice to those current and former workers who are not senior executives that their noncompetes are unenforceable
Model language for the notice can be found on the Noncompete Clause Rule page. If you prefer, you can write your own notice. You can deliver notice by email or text message, or deliver a paper notice by hand or mail. If you don’t have any contact information for a former worker, you don’t have to send the notice. *Notice is not required for senior executives because their existing noncompetes are not affected by the Rule. As part of this step, consider whether any of your workers with active noncompetes are senior executives.
【参考】通知文案 Model Language
Step 3: Don’t enforce existing noncompetes going forward for workers other than senior executives
For workers other than senior executives, don’t enforce a noncompete in court or threaten workers or former workers with enforcement. You can still enforce an existing noncompete with a senior executive. You can also still enforce a claim that a noncompete was breached before the Rule’s effective date.
以上③については"Noncompete Clause Rule: A Guide for Businesses and Small Entity Compliance Guide"から引用
④ 競業避止義務を負っている労働者の雇用の可否
本FTC規則発効後は、上級管理職以外の労働者に対して競業避止条項を行使できないということは、当該労働者が既存の競業避止条項に基づき負っていた競業避止義務は法的に行使されないもの(自然債務?)になる(本FTC規則§910.2 Unfair methods of competition (b)(1)/(4)参照)。
11. Can I hire a worker who had a noncompete in their prior job?
Yes, if the prior noncompete is covered by the Rule. Unless the worker was a senior executive, the prior noncompete is no longer enforceable after the Rule’s effective date.
※ 競業避止以外に営業秘密や秘密保持義務の観点もある点に留意
The proposed rule would generally not apply to other types of employment restrictions, like non-disclosure agreements.
However, other types of employment restrictions could be subject to the rule if they are so broad in scope that they function as noncompetes.
① 厚生労働省
② 経済産業省
③ 公正取引委員会