Shintaro Minagawa

Ph.D. student at Nagoya University. Quantum…

Shintaro Minagawa

Ph.D. student at Nagoya University. Quantum Information, Quantum Measurement, Quantum Thermodynamics, Foundations of Quantum Theory


  • 固定された記事

5 weeks stay in Singapore

From March 17, 2024 to April 20, 2024, I stayed in Singapore to visit Nanyang Technological University (NTU). This was my first time visiting other research groups. Therefore, at first, I was a bit nervous but thanks to everyone's kindness,

    • Travel packing list

      Based on my experience from several business trips, I now always pack the following items in my bag as a preparation for the next trip, which helps me cut down on preparation time. If you have any recommendations, please let me know! By t

      • One-shot and asymptotic classical capacity in general physical theories

        Our paper on communication theory beyond quantum theory has recently been published in Physical Review A, a joint work with RIKEN. Quantum theory has a very nice mathematical structure. The independent identical distribution acts with very

        • Von Neumann's information engine without the spectral theorem

          Recently, our paper has been published in Physical Review Research. The physical theories in our world are classical and quantum theories. However, are there any other theories in our world? Or, if not, why? When I was a master's student,

        • 固定された記事

        5 weeks stay in Singapore