Aセクション(〜16小節目) Cでスタート。平行調: Amの同主調: Ahm、全音下の調: Ghmが見られ、同主調: Cm(E♭)経由で次のセクションへ。
Bセクション1(〜24小節目) Aセクションの下属調: A♭に転調。全音下の調: G♭が見られる。
Bセクション2(〜32小節目) 平行調: Fmの同主調: Fに転調。全音下の調: E♭経由で次へ。
Bセクション3(〜40小節目) Bセクション2の下属調: A♭に転調。全音下の調: G♭が見られ、平行調:E♭mの同主調: E♭へピカルディ終止様で次のセクションへ。
Cセクション1(〜48小節目) 属調: Gm(B♭)へ転調。
Cセクション2(〜56小節目) 下属調: E♭へ転調。全音上の調: F、同主調: Fm(A♭)で次の転調を匂わせ次のセクションへ。
Dセクション1(〜64小節目) 同主調: A♭m=G#mに転調。
Dセクション2(〜76小節目) 属調: D#mに転調。ピカルディ終止のあとGのコードで唐突に調性を壊す。
それ以降は裏の調: Cに戻り、半音上の調: D♭でクライマックスを迎える。平行調: B♭mの同主調: B♭hmも見られる。
As a song
The characteristical modulations
This song starting with the C major scale changes its key signature nine times, however, modal interchanges are found much more than them. They are entirely about the related or half/whole steps keys. Scales of 0 ♭ to 7 ♭s, as far as the B major are completed by those temporal modulations.
The "aesthetic"
Let's explore each section. I set "m" as the meaning of "minor," "hm" as the harmonic minor, and omitted "scale" to simplify.
the A section(until bar 16); Starting with C, the relative's parallel: Ahm and the whole step lower: Ghm are seen.
the B1 section(until bar 24); modulates into the subdominant: A♭, and the whole step lower: G♭ is seen
the B2 section(until bar 32); modulates into the relative's parallel: F, and through the whole step lower: E♭
the B3 section(until bar 40); modulates into the subdominant: A♭, and the whole step lower: G♭ is seen. The Picardy cadence-ish for the relative's parallel: E♭
the C1 section(until bar 48); modulates into the dominant: Gm
the C2 section(until bar 56); modulates into the subdominant: E♭, through the whole step upper: F, the parallel: Fm
the D1 section(until bar 64); modulates into the parallel: G#m
the D2 section(until bar 76); modulates into the dominant: D#m, the sudden G chord right after the Picardy cadence brings an end to its tonality
back to the tritone: C, it eventually climaxes on the D♭, and the relative's parallel: B♭hm is also there
Regardless, the tonality is consistently unstable. It feels like changing imaginary worlds at every moment.
At the end
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