
イングリッシュ・ナショナル・バレエ団『Fantastic Beings』アズール・バートン振付:架空の生き物が躍動

イングリッシュ・ナショナル・バレエ団のダンス作品『Fantastic Beings』(「幻想的な存在、架空の生き物」の意)は、アズール・バートン振付。



振付自体の動きにそんなに独創的なところはないが、生の舞台で見られたら、もっと強烈な印象を得られたかもしれない。アジア系のダンサーも目立つパートを踊っていたが、日本人ダンサーも数人出演していたらしい(高橋絵里奈、猿橋 賢、金原里奈、康 千里[敬称略])。

※下記の情報は、English National Ballet(ENB)のサイトから。


『Fantastic Beings』は、2016年に女性振付家によるトリプル・ビル「She Said」の1作品として初演された。2018年に改訂版がサドラーズ・ウェルズ劇場で「Voices of America」というプログラムの一部として上演。その公演の録画映像が期間限定で無料配信された。


Barton describes her creative process as very collaborative – a conversation of movement between choreographer and dancers in which her “job is to listen and observe and pick up on people’s intuitive choices”.
This two-way exchange of energy is also how she views an audience’s relationship to a dance work: “I believe in the power of imagination so I won’t specifically tell an audience what to feel or what the work is supposed to evoke”.
As a result, there is no plot in Fantastic Beings: the audience is free to explore their own ideas and emotional responses to the piece.

そのため、『Fantastic Beings』にストーリーはない。作品を見た観客は、自由に自分の考えや引き起こされる反応を探求できる。


曲はアメリカのメイソン・ベイツ氏による『Anthology of Fantastic Zoology』。2015年にシカゴ交響楽団で作曲された。

この曲は、アルゼンチンの魔術的リアリズムの作家として知られるホルヘ・ルイス・ボルヘスの同名の本『A Compendium of Mythological Creatures』(『幻獣辞典』:1967年に第1版『Mannal de zoologia fantástica』(幻獣動物案内)、1967年に第2版『El libro de los seres imaginarios』のことか?)からインスピレーションを得ている。

Barton immersed herself in the music for months prior to setting foot in the studio: “I really, really want to respect the score. So, it’s very musical, and I’m dissecting what the composer has done”, she said at the time. For our Artistic Director Tamara Rojo, the resulting piece “perfectly captures the extraordinary qualities of Mason Bates’s brilliant composition”.
What are those qualities? Playfulness, richness, intricacy. Critics have called the piece “a fascinating aural feast” (Chicago Sun Times) and said it recalled “Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals, but on a meth high” (Chicago Tribune). Strange sounds come out of ordinary orchestral instruments, and there are also 13 timpani, and even a soprano wind machine!

Each of the 11 movements is named either after a magical creature (Sprite, The Gryphon, Sirens) or after a part of the magical night where they all come together (Twilight, Dusk, Midnight).
For Barton, the score “pays homage to both the full orchestra and to individual members of the ensemble”. This celebration of ensemble and individual can also be seen in the choreography, as English National Ballet’s dancers move fluidly through solos, pas de deux and group work.
The score was performed live by the English National Ballet Philharmonic at every performance.




“Strange amorphous hairy insect-inspired monsters”. Who could resist a costume design brief like this one?
Aszure Barton and Costume Designer Michelle Jank had been working together for nearly a decade when they teamed up again for Fantastic Beings in 2016. The costumes were designed to create a strong contrast: “hairy/insect/monsters” on the one hand and “streamlined animal/bird-inspired unitards” on the other.
Jank drew inspiration from the oily feathers of Australian black cockatoos for the unitards and actually used human hair wefts for the furry costumes. She also cited the score as a major inspiration, describing it as a “kind of sonorous fantasy land where the creatures come to life.”

アズール・バートン氏と衣装デザイナーのミシェル・ジャンク氏は、2016年に『Fantastic Beings』で共同する前にも10年ほど一緒に仕事をしてきた。本作の衣装は、強い対照を生み出すためにデザインされた。一方では「毛むくじゃら/昆虫/怪物」、他方では「流線的な動物/ユニタード」なのだ。


Fantastic Beings | Free Full Performance | English National Ballet

Join us for our fourth #WednesdayWatchParty , Aszure Barton’s Fantastic Beings on Wed 13 May at 7pm (London time)

In this inventive work, twenty dancers become “all manner of slinky, sensual creatures” (Evening Standard) and move to Mason Bates’s Anthology of Fantastic Zoology, performed live by English National Ballet Philharmonic.

Take a trip to a fun and surreal world and enjoy “a feast for the senses” (The Daily Express).

Duration: 37mins.

Enjoy our premiere with our partners Google Arts and Culture and YouTube, beginning on Wed 13 May 7pm BST and available until Fri 15 May 8pm BST.

Originally created for our She Said programme in 2016, and reworked in 2018.
Recorded at Sadler’s Wells in 2018, as part of our Voices of America mixed bill.

#EnglishNationalBallet #AszureBarton #FantasticBeings


Aszure Barton

Anthology of Fantastic Zoology - Mason Bates
By kind permission of Aphra Music

Staging and Lighting Design
Burke Brown

Costume Design
Michelle Jank

Assistant to the Choreographer, Video Design
Tobin del Cuore

Performance filmed on 12 April 2018 at Sadler’s Wells, London

English National Ballet Philharmonic

Gavin Sutherland

Matthew Scrivener

Erina Takahashi
Crystal Costa
Senri Kou
Katja Khaniukova
Precious Adams
Begoña Cao
Alison McWhinney
Rina Kanehara
Anjuli Hudson
Isabelle Brouwers
Isaac Hernández
Ken Saruhashi
Daniel McCormick
Skyler Martin
Francisco Bosch
Junor Souza
Barry Drummond
Aitor Arrieta
Henry Dowden
Guilherme Menezes

Costume Supervisor
Yvonne Milnes

Pat Farmer

Costume Dying and Printing
National Theatre Dye Department
Collective Textiles
Nicola Killeen Textiles

Blue-i Theatre Technology Ltd

Phil Wright

Face lace by
Phyllis Cohen


