


Fascinating Facts About Everyday Things

The world around us is full of interesting facts that we often don’t think about. Here are a few fun trivia points that you might find surprising.

First, did you know that honey never spoils? Archaeologists have discovered pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible. Honey has natural preservatives that allow it to last for thousands of years. So, the next time you buy honey, remember that it could last a lifetime!

Another fascinating fact is about bananas. Bananas are technically berries, while strawberries are not. This is because bananas grow from a flower with a single ovary, which makes them a type of berry. Strawberries, on the other hand, develop from a flower with multiple ovaries, so they don’t meet the scientific definition of a berry.

Lastly, have you ever wondered why flamingos are pink? The answer lies in their diet. Flamingos eat a lot of shrimp and other small creatures that contain pigments called carotenoids. These pigments turn their feathers pink over time. Interestingly, baby flamingos are born gray or white, and they gradually become pink as they eat more shrimp.

These are just a few examples of the surprising things you can learn by looking more closely at everyday objects and animals. There’s always something new to discover in the world of trivia!

Vocabulary and Grammar Points:

  1. Spoil (腐る) – To go bad or become unsuitable for eating.

    • Example: "Honey never spoils, even after thousands of years."

  2. Edible (食べられる) – Safe or suitable for eating.

    • Example: "The honey found in the tombs was still edible."

  3. Ovary (子房) – A part of the flower that develops into fruit.

    • Example: "Bananas grow from a flower with a single ovary."

  4. Pigment (色素) – A substance that gives color to plants, animals, or materials.

    • Example: "Carotenoids are the pigments that turn flamingos pink."

  5. Preservative (保存料) – A substance used to keep food from spoiling.

    • Example: "Honey has natural preservatives that allow it to last a long time."


  1. What interesting fact is mentioned about honey?

  2. Why are bananas considered berries but strawberries are not?

  3. What do flamingos eat that causes their feathers to turn pink?

  4. How long can honey last without spoiling?

  5. What color are baby flamingos when they are born?

Japanese Translation (日本語訳):





