◎気分転換にお勧めの高尾山/Mt. Takao, Mountain that we can change us mind.


登る途中に別れ道があり、一方は整備された道で、もう一方は狭く険しい道だ。今回はあえて狭く険しい道を選び山頂へ。道は確かにに狭く、すぐ横には急な斜面 もあり、落ちたら助からないだろうなとも思った。1間半ほどで山頂に到着。そこからは、冬ならではの鮮明な山々の景色を見ることができた。そして奥にはなんと富士山も捉えることもできた。
(中央大学2年 岩田)

Mt. Takao, Mountain that we can change us mind.

Fall semester finished, and winter has arrived. I have been a long time since I went to Harajuku, I wanted to go there again, But I feared that corona virus is spreading, I thought it is difficult to do it. I've just been released from a test, but I will probably be depressed. When I thought what to do, I came up with climbing Mt. Takao. I thought that in Mt. Takao I will be not infected much.
I decided to climb it with my friend. My nearest station is Seisekisakuragaoka Station of Keio Line. I got off at Takaosanguchi Station without changing trains. It is one of charms of Mt. Takao that if you live along Keio Line, you can go there with only a train. I left the station , and immediately start to walk to the summit. The hill is steep, I got tired a little. But I could climb comfortably because I breathed cool and clear air, and view beautiful green of tree which I cannot see in urban area.
There was a branch road on a way to the summit. One road is maintained, the other road is narrow and rugged. This time, I dared to choose latter one. Certainly, the road is narrow, and there is steep sloop right next to me. Then, I thought that if I fall from this, I will die. After that, I arrived at the summit in an hour and a half. From there, I could see vivid view of mountains that we can see in only winter. And, I could also see Mount Fuji!
When I got down to foot hills, it was just noon. I decided to eat lunch. I have heard that soba is famous in this area, there were many soba shops, so we ate soba. We filled stomach with delicious soba, and we returned home. This time, a spring was closed, but usually we can use it. If you went to the spring after getting down, you can get rid of fatigue.
we stayed at home a lot of time, but I could refresh by climbing. If you are depressed just like me, you should go to Mt, Takao. It is not much high, you can climb it without feeling anxious. I ensure that you do not regret doing so.

(Mt, Takao: It is in Tama city, Tokyo. Its altitude is 599m. It is relatively close to the city center, you can go there from Shinjuku with only a train of Keio Line.)

Sohichiro iwata, 2nd year student at Chuo University
