
Hakumon Festival will be held at Myogadani and Hachioji campusesExhibitions, presentations, talk shows under deepening autumn sky 58回目の中央大学白門祭、茗荷谷・八王子キャンパスで開催深まる秋空の下で多彩な展示・発表やトークショー

  The Hakumon Festival is going to be held at the Myogadani Campus from November 2 and 3 and at the Hachioji Campus from November 2 to 5. This year marks the 58th Hakumon Festival, and it is the second time to be held at Myogadani after the one last year. Under the two main slogans of “Hakumon Festival as a place for self-governance and cultural activities” and “Hakumon Festival footed in the community”, a variety of exhibitions, presentations, and stage events will be organized and numerous food stalls will line up. Many visitors will enjoy taking part in the festival, including students, their parents, and neighborhood residents.

  Chuo University had six faculties at its Tama Campus in Hachioji on Tokyo’s western suburbs, except for the Faculty of Science and Technology, the Faculty of Global Informatics, and the graduate school. But the Faculty of Law moved to Myogadani in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward in 2023, when the festival began to be held separately.


Photo shows the uniform worn by members of the Hakumon Festival Executive Committee.

  Ms. Saho Kitamura, the executive director of the Myogadani Secretariat of the Hakumon Festival Executive Committee, is enthusiastic about this year's festival, saying, “We want to make sure that all participants, including the executive committee members, students, and local residents, can enjoy the festival. The executive committee has spent a year carefully preparing for it through numerous meetings, focusing on planning and management.”The highlight of this year's event will be a talk show by actor Yuki Inoue, who has gained attention for his role in the NHK serial drama "Tora ni Tsubasa (Wings to the Tiger)”. The hottest actor of the moment will talk about the secret story of the filming and his private life. The show will be free of charge.

  Kitamura said that cooked food will be served for the first time this year to offer gourmet food more befitting to the cultural festival.

 白門祭実行委員会茗荷谷事務局長の北村さほ氏は、今年の茗荷谷キャンパスでの白門祭について「実行委員、学生、地域住民、すべての参加者が楽しめるようにしたい」と意気込みを語る。同実行委員会は1年かけて何度も会議を重ね、企画から運営まで中央大学の学生を主体に入念に準備してきた。今年の見どころは、俳優・井上祐貴氏によるトークショー。井上氏はNHKの連続テレビ小説「虎に翼」に出演するなど、今最注目の俳優。撮影秘話やプライベートの話などについて語る予定。トークショーの参加費は無料 。

  In addition, the Chuo University Rotaract Club, a student volunteer organization, will be selling T-shirts, handkerchiefs, and stickers designed by children for its “Myogadani Children's Studio". A member of the group said, "The children designed the stickers in a cute way. We hope that our products will spark everyone's interest in volunteer activities." Three types of stickers will be priced at 100, 600, and 3,000 yen apiece.
  The Myogadani Secretariat will organize a new event called "Let's rescue Hakumokken who has been falsely arrested through puzzle solving". Hakumokken is the official mascot and character of the festival. The office explained, "This is a riddle-solving project featuring the mascot aimed to be enjoyed by both children and adults.” Participation will be free of charge.
  Hakumon Herald will publish a special edition featuring the festival and distribute copies free of charge at the Myogadani Campus. The edition which carries articles in both English and Japanese is available on its website at https://note.com/light_hare380/n/n573da58bb976.
 The student club which publishes the journal also will open a crepe stall, “Herald Creperie,” offering two different flavors (berry and oreo) for 400 yen each.

 またクレープの屋台「Herald Creperie」を出店した。クレープは、ベリー味とオレオ味の2種類で、それぞれ値段は400円。

  The Hakumon Festival at the Hachioji Campus is going to be also packed with a variety of live performances, exhibitions, presentations, and other events. There will be also lectures and talk shows by invited celebrities and a "mini open campus" for prospective students. This year's main talk show featured actor Toshihisa Hagiwara, who has appeared in the drama “My Beautiful Man” and the movie “Left Behind Tonight". Two stage performances will be given by student musicians, dancers, cheerleaders, and martial artists.
  The spacious Crescent Hall in Hachioji’s Building No. 9 is going to be used for a variety of events, including live performances and talk shows by famous artists.
  During the festival, the school’s two main campuses at Hachioji and Myogadani will be filled with enthusiasm and excitement under the deepening autumn sky.

 八王子キャンパスでの白門祭も、ライブや展示、発表、イベントなど多彩な企画が満載。著名人を招いた講演会やトークショー、受験生を対象としたミニ・オープンキャンパスも開かれる。今年の企画ゲストは俳優の萩原利久氏で、「萩原利久トークイベント in 中央大学」と題し、俳優の萩原利久さんを中央大学に招いてトークショーを行う。萩原氏は、ドラマ「美しい彼」、映画「左様なら今晩は」などに出演し、活躍している。2カ所に設けられたステージでは、学生バンドやダンス、チアリーディング、武術のパフォーマンスなどが行われる。

Photo shows the first Hakumon Festival held at Chuo University's Myogadani Campus in November 2023. Streamers were placed at the entrance to the campus.

(By Kisaki Sato and Hinata Sato/ 佐藤綺咲・佐藤ひなた)
