
How to study and use TOEIC for job hunting?Here replies Chuo lecturer who got perfect scores 就活のためのTOEIC活用と勉強法連続満点取得者の講師に聞く 

  Have you ever taken the TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)?  Managed by the Institute for International Business Communication (IIBC), it provides a test of English communication and business skills with a score system (10 to 990). In recent years, an increasing number of universities have incorporated the TOEIC test into their curricula to improve English language skills of their students. The use of this test varies from university to university, such as adopting it as a placement test for English classes or granting English course credits to students who achieve a certain score.The official TOEIC website states, "Taking the TOEIC test and achieving a certain score can lead to an advantage in job hunting and career advancement, thereby expanding the possibilities for test takers."
   Is it really advantageous in job hunting to achieve a high score on the TOEIC?  And what kind of study should university students do to obtain a high score? Hakumon Herald interviewed Ms. Junko Kumagai, 52, a part-time lecturer who teaches TOEIC courses at  Chuo University's International Center.  She herself has acquired a perfect score (990) on the TOEIC multiple times.

 TOEICを受験したことはあるだろうか。国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会(Institute for International Business Communication= IIBC)が運営するTOEICは英語によるコミュニケーションとビジネス能力を検定するためのテストであり、スコア制(10~990点)を導入している。近年、大学生の英語力を向上させるためにTOEIC受験をカリキュラムに取り入れている大学が増えている。英語の授業のクラス分けテストとしてこれを導入したり、一定のスコアに達成すると英語の単位を取得したとみなしたりするなど、活用方法は大学によりさまざまである。TOEICの公式HPは「TOEICを受験し一定スコアを超えることで、就職活動で有利になることやキャリアアップにつながることがあるなど、受験者の可能性を広げる」とうたっている。

High scores make you confident 

  On the relationship between the TOEIC and job hunting, Kumagai said, Considering a shortage of work force resulting from Japan’s falling birthrate, I don't necessarily think that the TOEIC directly correlates with job hunting but there are those companies which require a certain TOEIC score standard or exempt employment exams for applicants who have acquired such standard. Also, a high TOEIC score can objectively demonstrate your English proficiency and make you feel more confident in job hunting." 
  What TOEIC score is sufficient enough to be put into a resume confidently in job hunting? The IIBC classifies TOEIC scores and English communication skill levels into five categories (see the table below). According to Kumagai, a score of 600 is the average for TOEIC test-takers. "To make your English proficiency have an impact, I would encourage you to aim for a score of 900 or higher,” she said.
  What kind of study methods should college students adopt to improve their TOEIC scores for job hunting? “The most important thing is to study English consistently even just a little bit every day,” Kumagai emphasized. She suggested finding and using your favourite books and reference books to achieve that. She said her favourite books are "TOEIC L & R TEST Deru Tantokkyu Gin No Phrase” by TEX Kato, which she recommends for its high accuracy in predicting likely questions and its portability, and “Official TOEIC Listening & Reading Practice Test” by ETS, which makes students experience the same format as the real TOEIC test.
  As the TOEIC test is two hours long, with as many as 200 questions given, you are apt to lose concentration and get tired from just sitting for the test. Many test-takers also say that time allocation during the reading section of the test is difficult. Two Hakumon Herald reporters felt the same way when they actually took the test. On this point, Kumagai said, “As all test-takers solve the same questions, you do not need to finish solving all of them."
  Specifically, the reading section is composed of Part 5 and 6, which are fill-in-the-blank questions, and Part 7, which involves reading comprehension. The latter half of Part 7 is quite difficult because it requires reading multiple passages to find the correct answers. It is especially challenging for beginners and intermediate learners. Kumagai gave us a “strategy” to increase the percentage of correct answers by simply marking the latter half and ignoring it to devote more time to the first half. In terms of time allocation, she recommended finishing Part 5 and 6 in 20 to 30 minutes and then using the remaining time to solve the first half of Part 7. 
  University students in recent years are involved in a lot of activities, including not only attending classes but also getting engaged in club activities, part-time jobs, and internships. Kumagai stressed the importance for them to make efforts to avoid becoming disgusted with English study and have daily exposure to English even in the midst of their busy schedules.

 大学生が就活時にTOEICのスコアを伸ばすにはどのような勉強をするべきなのだろうか。「いちばん大切なことは、毎日少しずつでも継続的に英語の勉強をすることです」と熊谷氏は強調する。そのために必要なお気に入りの著書や参考書を探して使うことを提案する。熊谷氏の〝お気に入り″は、予想質問の的中率が高く、携帯にも便利だとする『TOEIC L&R TEST出る単特急のフレーズ』(TEX加藤著)や、本番と同じ形式で体験できる『公式TOEIC Listening&Reading問題集』(ETS著)とのこと。

Source: The Institute for International Business Communication/国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会参照

Appeal of Chuo University’s TOEIC course

  Kumagai is charged with the TOEIC course exclusively for Chuo University students. She introduces the appeal of the course, literally a handmade program created by part-time English instructors at Chuo University, with such attractive features as: (1) it is tailored specifically for Chuo University students, (2) compared to external courses, students feel more familiar with the lecturers, many of whom they already know, and (3) it is easy to get in contact with the lecturers even after the course is over. Another attraction is the low tuition fee, which is subsidized by the university. She said she strives to create a homely and comfortable atmosphere in her classes. In fact, some Herald members, who have taken Kumagai's TOEIC course, said that their TOEIC scores actually improved. They recommend Chuo students who want to get a high TOEIC score to take her course.
  As a lecturer, Kumagai has seen many students struggling to improve their English proficiency. She encouraged them, saying, “We live in a time when various skills are required. But the TOEIC is one area where your efforts are easier to be rewarded. I myself was just an ordinary Chuo University student and I could improve my TOEIC score. So, I encourage my students to study hard continuously without swinging between hope and despair about their result."


Interview situation=phote by Masamune Nimiya

(By Kisaki Sato and Masamune Nimiya/佐藤綺咲、仁宮正宗)
