live on feel free

live on feel free


【diary】The important thing is to think.

It's been a while since I've faced my feeling of shame. I have accepted my ignorance and my stupidity. And if there was anything that I felt I knew more than other people, I was always going to show off. In a sense, I am a resigned, comp

    • 【Simulation Talk】English for use at brothel

      Can you make the price cheaper? Understood. That price is ok. How many years have you lived in this country? Sorry, I can hardly speak English. But I would like to talk to you through Google Translate. This is my second visit to a brothel t

      • 【diary】The reality is that I can't change it.

        Now that I'm in my late 20s, my thoughts have changed in many ways. I was unable to achieve any of the things I had longed for in the past, and I lost confidence in myself. No, to be precise, I have never had any confidence. There is jus

        • 【Diary】The journey to carve out a new path in life has only just begun.

          I am void, I am empty. I have to change. Break away from the past. I have to step courageously into reality. No matter how tough it may be, no matter how discouraging it may be. Aquire knowledge worth believing in, pay attention to my

        【diary】The important thing is to think.

          【Diary】My actions are God's will

          I was born today. The past just died. I'm simple, I can't think of anything complicated. Nobody tells me what to do. Nobody prescribes what I think. I am simply there. And God has given me the freedom to express whatever I want. My a

          【Diary】My actions are God's will

          【Diary】Simple is Best

          Learning from misfortune. Sometimes people fall into misfortune without even realizing it. He is making an effort. But the efforts are going in the wrong direction. It's only when you fail repeatedly and it becomes completely ridiculous

          【Diary】Simple is Best

          【lyrics/歌詞】Contagious/Avril Lavigne

          When you’re around I don’t know what to do あなたが近くにいると、何をしたらいいのか分からなくなる I do not think that I can wait でももう待てる気がしない To go over and to talk to you あなたと会って話をするのを I do not know what I should say でも何を話したらいい? And I walk out in silence 私は静かに出て

          【lyrics/歌詞】Contagious/Avril Lavigne

          【Diary】I can't go against the flow of time.

          Strong wind is blowing. It looks like the rain has stopped. Tomorrow will definitely be a humid and rainy day. These days are monotonous and my heart is empty. But I don't hate it. From now on, these ivory-colored days will continue fo

          【Diary】I can't go against the flow of time.

          【Diary】I can do is a little escapism.

          I don't feel like doing anything. I feel vaguely tired. I have been suffering from a feeling of helplessness ever since. And I still haven't been able to overcome it. And I can do is a little escapism. Novels, music, and some programmin

          【Diary】I can do is a little escapism.


          使用の本拠地を管轄する運輸支局または自動車検査登録事務所で登録するナンバープレート。ナンバープレートの表示地名については、運輸支局の対象地域だけでなく、表示地名の地域の中の対象市町村で区切り新たな地域名を付ける"ご当地ナンバー"が2006年より導入されたことで、表示地名は年々増えている。 そんな中、今回独自に表示地名の区分けをしてみた。 区分けの基準として、概ね地域の繋がりや行政上の区分けを基準に分けてみた。なので対象地域の面積や人口にはばらつきがある。(実際の区分けでも同じ





          《北海道運輸局》 北海道 陸運局/ナンバー地名 ()付はご当地ナンバー 旭川運輸支局 本庁舎(旭川市)  ・旭川 札幌運輸支局 本庁舎(札幌市東区)  ・札幌 函館運輸支局 本庁舎(函館市)  ・函館 室蘭運輸支局 本庁舎(室蘭市)  ・室蘭   ・苫小牧(苫小牧市) 北見運輸支局 本庁舎(北見市)  ・北見   ・知床(斜里町/清里町/小清水町) 釧路運輸支局 本庁舎(釧路市)  ・釧路  ・知床(別海町/中標津町/標津町/羅臼町) 帯広運輸支局 本庁舎(帯広市)  ・



          I wanna share this beautiful moment この素敵な時間を一緒に過ごしたい Hello babe, tell me you're free tonight ねえ、今夜空いてるって言ってよ Take a chance boy, we can be lovers again チャンスを掴んで、また恋人に戻れるわ Just try me 私を試さない? Come over me こっちへ来て And forget your misery 惨め


          【lyrics/歌詞】Surreal/浜崎あゆみ(Ayumi Hamasaki)

          好きなモノだけを 選んでくのが Choosing only what you like 無責任だってワケじゃない Not irresponsible 好きなモノさえも見付けられずに  I couldn’t even find what I liked 責任なんて取りようもない I can’t take responsibility] 背負う覚悟の分だけ可能性を手にしてる I have the potential only to prepare for my back

          【lyrics/歌詞】Surreal/浜崎あゆみ(Ayumi Hamasaki)

          【lyrics/歌詞】Starships/Nicki Minaj

          Let’s go to the beach, each Let’s go get a wave ビーチに行こうよ 波に乗るの They say, what they gonna say? 彼らなんて言うと思う? Have a drink, click, found the Bud Light 飲むよ 乾杯して バドライトがあるわ But bitches like me, is hard to come by 私みたいな女はなかなか落とせないわよ The Patron,

          【lyrics/歌詞】Starships/Nicki Minaj

          【lyrics/歌詞】Blue/宇多田ヒカル(Hikaru Utada)

          見慣れた町、見慣れた人 Familiar town, familiar people 全てが最近まるで遠い国の出来事 Recently, everything seems to happen in a distant country もう一度感じたいね 暗闇の中で I want to feel it again in the dark 希望が織りなす あざやかな音楽 Bright music woven by hope どんなにつらい時でさえ 歌うのはなぜ?(さあね)

          【lyrics/歌詞】Blue/宇多田ヒカル(Hikaru Utada)


          ■歌詞/Lyrics 私はあなたが想ってる 様な人ではないかもしれない I may not be the kind of person you think でも不思議なんだけど あなたの声を聞いてると とても 優しい気持ちになるのよBut it's strange, listening to your voice makes me feel very kind このままずっと 忘れたくない I don't want to forget it forever 現実が思い
