ChatGPTは氷山の一角に過ぎない。 3月だけで、実に1,000を超えるAIツールがリリースされている。 今日はその中でも皆さんの生産性を上げるAIツールを10個紹介する↓
1. Krisp
1. Krisp AI
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
An AI-powered noise cancellation app that mutes background noise in real-time calls like Zoom meetings with just one click. pic.twitter.com/bLPldSbEUt
2. Gamma
説得力のあるプレゼン用スライドを数分で作成できる、GPT-4 搭載アプリ。 動画を見るとわかる通り、かなり見易くそれっぽいスライドが簡単にできてしまうだけでなく、テイストの変更も容易にできる。寧ろこれ見ながらスライドイメージ作ったら早そう。
2. Gamma AI
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
A GPT-4 powered app that can create compelling presentation decks in minutes.
With Gamma, you can create engaging presentations, memos, briefs, and docs that are easy to discuss live or share async. pic.twitter.com/tXdWQPFvco
3. Perplexity※iPhoneのみ
3. Perplexity for IPhone
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
Perplexity is a search app that provides instant answers and cited sources on any topic.
You can learn and explore faster than ever before with:
• Follow-up questions
• Voice search
• Thread history and more. pic.twitter.com/N5dv6eIXV5
4. ImgCreator AI
4. Background AI
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
An AI-powered tool to create realistic, studio-quality backgrounds, illustrations, and portraits in seconds. pic.twitter.com/PD7389wWkG
5. Taskade AI
5. Taskade AI
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
An AI-powered team organiser to simplify the way your team works.
Helps you distribute work among team members to get work done faster and smarter.
• Manage Tasks
• Organize data using mind maps
• Chat with team and write notes pic.twitter.com/djkIrAbWYl
6. Kickresume
6. Kickresume AI:
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
This AI tool helps you land 5x more job interviews
You can automate your CV creation with AI-powered Resume builder. pic.twitter.com/jsJwf067pZ
7. Stability PhotoshopのAIプラグイン。
7. Stability AI
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
Photoshop's AI plugin powered by Stable Diffusion.
Helps you create, edit, and iterate AI images directly within Photoshop. pic.twitter.com/bGdbCqqTVA
8. Huberman AI
Huberman Labは健康関連の最もダウンロードされているpodcast。配信数が多いので探している内容を見付けるのが難しいけど、Huberman AIを使えばそれが容易になる。こういう権威のある媒体の特化型AIは今後増えると思うのでこの点でも注目。
8. Huberman AI:
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
Andrew Huberman hosts the world's most downloaded health podcast.
But there are 100s of episodes and it's hard to find exactly which health advice you're looking for.
Huberman AI helps you find just the advice you're looking for by asking it a question. pic.twitter.com/rRbBc0UPo4
9. Slides AI
テキスト情報からスライドを作れるツール。Google slidesとPowerpointとも連携できるので普及は早そう。新卒の時にパワポが無かった時代は500円玉使って綺麗な丸を書いた話を聞いたけど、将来自分でスライド作ってた話が500円玉使ってた話の様に感じるのかも…
9. Slides AI:
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
Generate beautiful slides and compelling presentations with AI in seconds. pic.twitter.com/f6zjtC6ftb
10. Uizard
10. Uizard:
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
True innovation is indistinguishable from magic - that's what Uizard feels like.
Draw your idea on a piece of paper and watch Uizard turn the scan into a beautiful design within seconds. pic.twitter.com/6V85B7guQ2
ChatGPT is just the tip of the iceberg.
— Zain Kahn (@heykahn) April 2, 2023
1,000+ AI tools were released in March.
Here are the 10 most valuable AI tools to boost your productivity: