
Gibbons Experience

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ラオス北西部のHouayxayにある熱帯雨林の真ん中に存在するGibbon’s Experienceを訪問した時のこと。10歳、13歳の子供たちを含み、日本、カナダ、オランダ、タイ、イタリアの5カ国から来た8人グループでの冒険。参加者の一人が、「Gibbons’ Experieceってギボンを見つけるって言う意味、それともギボンみたいに生活するってこと?」と聞く。いい質問。でも、誰も答えをしらなかった。









“You can make it, don’t give up!” cried someone from the other side. I was stuck in the middle of 360m zipline, hanging 40m above the ground, and the most I could do was to hold onto the line. After what seemed like forever, I felt a shake and realised our guide was coming to rescue me. He walked backwards towards me, hooking his flip flops over the line like a gibbon. After reaching me, he hooked a carabiner onto my harness and pulled me to the other side. Rescued, finally!

I visited Gibbon’s Experience, located in the middle of a rainforest in Houayxay, in the north-east of Laos. We were a group of eight, including two children aged ten and thirteen, from five different countries: Japan, Canada, Netherland, Thailand and Italy. It was a three-night adventure which boasts having the world’s longest zipline. One of the participants questioned “Do you know what Gibbons’ Experience means, does it mean we find gibbons or we live like them?”. A good question, but nobody knew the answer.

On the first day, a 2.5-hour dusty but fun car ride from their office took us to a restaurant with Miao-Yao tribe children playing soccer in beautiful ethnic costume, located close to the base camp. We had tasty noodle similar to Pad thai, then walked up a steep pathway to the base camp and were split into four groups. A cap, a helmet and a harness were provided to each person.

We had a short briefing of zipline. The first person to go was a tall Dutch guy, Bert. He put his feet up and got to the other side easily. In the meantime, I and an Italian lady, Alessia had no idea what to do, but we believed having our straight feet was the key. It wasn’t. It actually made me roll instead of going straight. But the first few lines were OK, as they were not too long and the guides could help us from the ground if we couldn’t make it.

Then we came to the 360m zipline, the one I got stuck in the middle. I was still not sure what to do but jumped off. As expected, I lost momentum and got stuck in the middle. I stopped myself with a brake because otherwise I would go backwards. While I struggled even just holding the zipline, others thought I could make it and cheered me on. Having realized how hopeless I was, the guide eventually came to rescue me. Bert said “You just need to keep the feet up.” afterwards as if it was a just a small thing.

In the treehouse at the top of a big tree at the height of forty meters from the ground, there were two floors; the one for a shower, toilet and an entrance and the other for dining and sleeping, and no wall, so we enjoyed the smell of trees and fresh oxygen. We had a mattress to each person and a tent for each unit. On our first night, we had a warm meal with rice, soup and fried vegetables and meat cooked nearby in the forest.

On the second day, we found two gibbons; a child and a mother. All groups got together at one treehouse and watched them moving from trees to others swinging their arms. Everybody shushed each other staying focused on them who could go away at any time.

We had believed it wouldn’t rain in dry season, but it started to rain hard. I felt something cold while sleeping and found my mattress was wet. I kept quiet because I didn’t want to wake up my friend. In the morning we realised water was coming from the top of the tent which was tilted to my side by the weight of the rainwater. While I was getting dripped on, my friend’s face was being hit by the bottom of the tent. It turned out we were both awake, silently and too kindly fighting our own battle so as not to wake up the other.

On the third day, the day of departure, Alessia suggested we buy a pair of shoes for our guide and we agreed. The experienced tour guide Campo insisted we don’t have to, but it was the least we could do. Alessia arranged to send them later on.

The experience made me and my friend stronger and the same goes for our bond. Finding gibbons or having the longest zipline are mentioned as the key attractions, but the place has much more to offer. The highlight was spending time with resilient, creative and original people, listening to their stories and helping each other. I still clearly remember their red faces just before the finish of the ziplines fighting to reach the goals.

PRICEThe price for each trek is around 100 usd per day, with seasonal variations. The exact fare for the period is advised upon an enquiry for a booking. Kids under 12 pay half price.

Gibbon Experience
P.O. box 400,
Ban Houayxay, Bokeo Province,
Lao P.D.R.

+856 84 21 20 21
+856 30 57 45 866


