Your Voice Mattersが始まった経緯 Details of why Your Voice Matters started
Good morning! We are La Perché, a voluntary organisation based in Japan.
前回は、Your Voice Mattersをやる理由を話しました。
We wrote about why we work on Your Voice Matters project in the previous article.
However, we thought we have forgotten to write something in the previous one and later found out we did not mention what personal story was behind Your Voice Matters project. How could we have forgotten as it's a very important part...lol
始まり What the beginning was
もともとのアイデアが生まれたとき、中の人 、つまり、共同設立者の大矢は、とあるイギリスの大学で社会学を学んでいました。当時は、社会起業に興味があり、Social Enterprise(社会企業/社会事業)という科目を履修していました。ある日、その科目の担当教員が、学内で開催される、あるトークイベントに誘ってくれたのです。そのトークイベントがYour Voice Mattersのきっかけです。
When the original idea came up, I, Satomi, co-founder of La Perché was studying Sociology at a university in the UK. At that time, I was interested in social entrepreneurship and took a module called "Social Enterprise". One day, the lecturer of the module invited me to a talk event. The talk was the trigger of Your Voice Matters.
The guest speaker was Elsa, a female Indian social entrepreneur. She created an app which aggregates and maps the cases of sexual violence users reported anonymously. In India, sexual violence is one of the most significant social problems and they also have issues such as victim-blaming, stigma attached to the victims and inappropriate responses of the police and legal system to the cases.
When I was listening to Elsa, I did not feel that her story is something happening far away from where I was. Particularly when she said "Did anyone MeToo? (A few of the audience raised their hands) Then who really spoke about their own experience with your identity exposed? (no hands were raised) See, it is very hard to speak up with your identity exposed. So, we need to create a space you can talk anonymously.", I realised something.
I realised this was also the problem we have in Japan. For example, Shiori Ito, a journalist, publicly talked about her experience of sexual assault and has been facing backlash. The police did not prosecute the perpetrator. In my opinion, the number of people speaking up with #MeToo in Japan is not as big as in other countries. Even those speaking up in Japan are suffering from negative, harsh comments.
At that night, I contacted Elsa via Twitter, saying that "Your app is necessary in Japan, so please let me translate it into Japanese." Everything started here.
SafecityからYour Voice Mattersへ From Safecity to Your Voice Matters
We had a tough time as our progress was slow. I was a third year student and busy with assignments and dissertation when I started this. The other co-founder was also a master student at another university in the UK and very busy with her course. After we graduated, we were very busy settling down in our new place and new job in Japan. Then it had been almost a year since I met Elsa.
After settling down, we resumed our activity. We found volunteers who helped us with translation and completed the translation we needed to do.
However, we found issues with the app while translating the app. For instance, the app design is not what Japanese would like. You need to scroll down to find the app on App Store. Often the app is forced to shut down. When you download, you have been shown a screen of register and the app doesn't look like anonymous reporting (although you can skip register procedure). Mapping is not suitable for cases in Japan, because sexual violence happens indoor or on train.
Although the app is globally available, it's the app made by Indian thinking about what is happening in India. Moreover, we concluded that we should have different ways to report the cases from social media, LINE@ bot to website in addition to Safecity App.
Furthermore, our ultimate goal is to inform society the occurrence of sexual violence and what forms of violence taking place, so we concluded that we do not need a very concrete idea of where each case happened and instead can collect information about the place in more abstract ways. For example, we can ask users which prefecture it was and whether it happened in someone's house, on street, in a hotel room or others.
We also created a simple, easy form. Additionally, we let you file a report on behalf of family, friends and acquaintances.
終わりに At the end
Thank you for reading this.
I think we haven't talked enough yet. This is because what makes us very keen on this. Next we would like to write about that. I hope you will check it out.