
パランティア:カープCEOからのメッセージ「I am Really, Really, Really Happy!!」

「I am really, really, really happy because we did this. 」

                                                                                          - Alex Karp.

 2024年9月6日、パランティア社(Palantir Technologies:PLTR)が「S&P500」に加わりました。この投稿では、本日(9月10日)に同社のウェブサイトで公開された、パランティアのCEO、アレックス・カープ(Alex Karp)氏が『パランティリアン(Palantirian)』に向けて発したメッセージをご紹介します。



01. カープCEOのメッセージ要約

  • 我々は、GAAPベースで利益を生み、S&P 500のメンバーになるという偉業を達成した。


  • 我々は、従来の「プロフェッショナル経営」を拒否し、独自のやり方で成功を収めた。


  • 我々は、世界で最も重要な組織や企業から信頼を得ている企業である。


  • 我々の「S&P 500」加入は、”反逆者”の勝利を象徴する出来事である。



02. メッセージ全文(参考訳)

 金曜日に、パランティアはS&P 500に加わることが決まりました。これは、パランティアにとって非常に重要で、感慨深い出来事です。なぜそれが大きな意味を持つかというと、私たちが会社を築いた方法を考えると、経済界で最も権威のあるS&P 500に加わるのは本来難しいことだったからです。S&P 500に加わるためには、GAAP(一般に認められた会計原則)に基づいて利益を出す必要があります。これは、すべての報酬、特に正当に得た株式報酬などを差し引いた後でも、実際に利益を上げなければならないという意味です。

 私たちはついに成し遂げましたが、どうやってここまで来たのでしょうか?それは、世界最高の製品を作り上げたからです。私たちは西側社会の一部、具体的には機密機関の分野からスタートし、そこから軍事分野や特殊部隊、米国の商業市場、さらにはグローバルな商業市場へと進出してきました。では、どうやってそれを実現したのでしょうか?まずPDやPGなどの製品を開発しました。その後、Apolloを作り、特殊部隊向けの製品を開発し、Mavenを構築。そしてFoundryを作り、さらにOntologyを開発してAIP(Artificial Intelligence Platform)に統合しました。

 かつては、大人やプロの経営者、そして一部のアナリストが、見世物小屋のようなリーダー(私のことです)によって動かされる「フランケンシュタインの怪物」だと考えられていた会社が、今では明らかに収益性の高いダイナミックな会社となり、S&P 500にふさわしい存在として迎えられたのか、彼らにはまだ理解できていないのです。そして、私たちは自分たちのやり方でそれを成し遂げました。





 とにかく、皆さん、社内の皆さんも、世界中の皆さんも、反逆者たちが勝利したことをお祝いしましょう。反逆者たちは金曜日に勝利しました。反逆者がついに門をくぐり、機関を変革する手助けをしたという出来事は、これまでに他に例がありません。そして、その象徴的な出来事がS&P 500に加わるということなのです。



 On Friday, Palantir was admitted to the S&P 500, which is an enormous, momentous occasion for every Palantirian. It is enormous because the way in which we built the company should have precluded membership to the most elite institution in economic life, the S&P 500. In order to be on the S&P 500, you have to be GAAP profitable, which is a financial way of saying you have to make real attendees, subtracting everything—after subtracting every form of remuneration that could possibly be included, including your well-deserved equity.

 We did it, and how did we do it? We built the best products in the world. We started off in one area of the West—clandestine services. We migrated into the military, into spec ops, into U.S. commercial, and into commercial globally. And how did we do that? We built products first, PD, PG. Then we built Apollo. Then we built products for the spec ops. Then we built Maven. Then we built Foundry. Then we built the ontology, and we then integrated that into AIP. All of these products were conceived and productized, and now are being platformized, meaning we are taking them and making them the base substrate of what enterprises do, i.e., using us instead of what sometimes could be described as a monster internally that prevents the use of the most important technologies of our lifetime, i.e., AI and large language models as an end user. And these were conceived again and productized in some cases a decade before anyone else even thought that you would need them, much less that the whole enterprise would turn on a platform that actually could power AI and large language models.
It’s still radical to the point where people do not completely comprehend.
 They do not comprehend how we could have turned a switch and gone to GAAP profitability and gone from what adults, professional managers, and some analysts thought was a Frankenstein monster powered by a freak show leader (me) to a dynamic, clearly profitable company worthy of and admitted to the S&P 500.
 And we did it our way. While everyone is now running around talking about how they should build platforms, how you should try to get Palantirian—how realizing that no credible institution in commercial life can really be built without Palantir or an ex-Palantirian—we had already begun this at the DPO. We rejected professional management. People everywhere are discussing how to build companies in a way that keeps the somewhat, if not toxic, often carcinogenic, influence of people who’ve written PowerPoints out of your company. Palantir did this naturally. Our products reflect that. Our culture reflects it. Our revenue reflects it. Our quality of revenue reflects it.

 And by the way, our investor class—people try to use the term retail investor, which is another way of saying people courageous enough to invest their own money, otherwise known as tendies, in what they believe in—and look at the list of the people who are our partners. I hate the term "clients," but look at the list of people that use our product: the most important clandestine services, the most important special operators, the most important AI targeting work in the world, the most important allies, none of whom were ashamed to support in private or in public. They rely on Palantir. Look at our list of commercial partners in and outside the U.S., but especially in the U.S., that use Palantir—either Foundry, the ontology, AIP, all of the above—and are beginning, and in some cases, are already using our platform as a platform. And then look at our structural advantage of having this—a company built around what you ought to build, not what you were told to build in some weird, otherwise called artistic program that’s kind of academic and imposed upon you by people that have no skin in the game. We resisted that. We are going to continue to resist that, not just for our sake, but for the sake of our partners that rely on us.

 In any case, everybody, all of you who are inside the company and around the world, should celebrate that the rebels won. The rebels won on Friday. I don’t know any other occasion like this where the rebels actually got inside the gate and helped the institutions transform themselves, and there’s no better metaphor for that than being admitted to the S&P 500. And while it’s maybe not the most important thing, I am really, really, really happy because we did this. We did this together, and the future belongs to us. So let’s go attack, have some fun, and celebrate a momentous occasion. Thank you.




Palantir Technologies
(Original Published date : 2024/09/09 EST)




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