『Arweave - Permanent Information Storage』スクリプトと日本語訳
2024年10月22日に公開された、Arweave FounderのSam Williamsへのインタビュー動画『Arweave - Permanent Information Storage』の英語スクリプトとその翻訳です。
本日のゲストはSam Williamsです。SamはArweaveの創設者で、これはビットコインのようなものですが、データのためのものです。永続的な情報保存に関するものですね。今日はこれについて詳しく学んでいきましょう。ようこそSam。
「Samさん、興味深いですね。他にも分散型ストレージソリューションを構築しているプロジェクトがありますよね。Arweaveの他に、Filecoin、Interplanetary File Systemなどがあります。先ほど1984に言及されましたが、もちろんGeorge Orwellの古典的なディストピア小説ですね」
「これは単にバックグラウンドでデータストレージが分散化されているというだけではありません。ユーザーインターフェース自体が分散化されているのです。Ar Driveを作成した人々は、今後、サービスを使用するたびに料金を支払わせるような課金スイッチを追加することはできません」
「はい、これは非常に異なるモデルです。そして我々は、VCにトークンを売ることではなく...冒頭でAndressen Horrowitzについて言及しましたが、それはArweaveについては事実です。しかし、AOについては、多くのVCからの資金提供のオファーがありましたが、受け入れないことにしました」
「その通りですね。そして人々の注目を集めるもう一つの方法として、Ar Fleetがありますね。新製品と呼ぶかどうかはわかりませんが、これはFilecionに似たようなもので、より一時的なストレージですが、依然として分散化されています」
「Ar Fleetも同じでした。Odyssey上の多くの動画は、非常によく視聴される少数の動画と、あまり視聴されない多数の動画という分布があります。それでも我々は後者を保持したいと考えています。削除したくはありません」
「そのため、私もビットコンを愛しています。さて、あなたがGeorge Orwellのファンだということはわかります。彼の有名な引用があります。『Orwellは本を禁止する者を恐れたが、Huxleyは本を禁止する必要がないことを恐れた。なぜなら誰も本を読みたがらないだろうから。Orwellは情報を奪う者を恐れ、Huxleyは私たちが情報の海に溺れることを恐れた』」
my guest today is Sam Williams Sam is the founder of the a16 zbed arweave which is yeah kind of like Bitcoin but for data it's all about permanent information storage we'll learn all about this today a welcome to the show Sam thanks it's great to be here great to have you here Sam let's do what we do at the beginning of the show it would be super cool if you could please introduce yourself I'd love to hear some of your personal and professional backstory what have you been doing that has led you uh
to founding ourwe yeah sure so um where to start I guess okay so basically I was doing a PhD and distri operating system design about seven eight years ago now um and I was reaching the the end of that uh and I was very interested in basically reliable reliable Computing you could call it so the PhD was in building operating systems that um exploring the idea of essentially making a system whereby if you remove pieces of Hardware or the hardware becomes damaged while the machine is running uh then it continues to compute uh yeah useful
useful things and basically recover from the the failure fault tolerant to Hardware failure Computing near the end of that I I became sort of aware that in in society more broadly there was a a a need for more reliable uh not at the time computation I thought that was actually relatively well covered at that time at least um but more reliable storage of information and portrayal of information over time essentially it looked like we were moving into a world where it was harder and harder to see what is true and even in the west where previously
information had flowed pretty pretty liberally uh information flow was starting to become hampered and I didn't want to live in a world of 1984 basically so I thought well okay we can apply uh blockchains which are essentially consensus machines over data to replicate information in so many places that no individual or group would have the ability or authority to remove it from every site at which it is maintained um and this is basically a question of how do we take what satosi did with the first block of Bitcoin
which was embed a newspaper headline and scale it so it's not just newspaper headlines but arbitrarily large amounts of data um that that was essentially the impetus for building our we and that was seven and a half eight years ago something like that now um and we we basically sat down that path we produced a novel proof system uh which has 16 proofs of random uh access to replication data um which long story short makes you able to mine with your hard drive so you can prove to the network how much of the
data you're storing and it also incentivizes you to store data that is not so well replicated elsewhere and then on top of this um and that scales to arbitrary sizes so you could fit essentially the entire web in a single Bas layer transaction of awe but that introduces another problem which is well how do you pay for that right like Bitcoin kind of got away with permanent storage on chain uh because it had such small amounts of storage but when you have a very large data set you have to have some sensible
and viable way uh to maintain payments for the storage of data across time and um yeah that's where we came up with the idea for the storage Endowment in rwe which is essentially the other core uh Innovation broadly speaking you pay for 200 years worth of storage up front the day that you add data to the network and as cost of storage declines over time that 200 years worth of storage purchasing power expands out and if it does so at a rate higher than 0.
5% then you end each given year with a higher um amount of storage puring power than you started it with it's slightly counterintuitive result but it is true and so essentially that creates an endowment effect where you can put aside a single amount of Capital At the beginning and draw from it from an indefinite period yeah so that's essentially our we um we've been growing for it's been main it for 6 and a half years now and um yeah we just passed 10 billion pieces of information stored inside the system last week actually
which is a pretty big milestone yeah thank you like for of the size of the index web or something like that yes in indeed and look we'll come to come back to that uh Sam yeah it's fascinating so I think it'll be good like there are a number of other projects that are building I suppose you know what you call decentralized Storage Solutions there's you guys uh there's filecoin there's um the interplanetary file system but you know you used a um you made a reference to 1984 of course the
classic dystopian future novel by uh George Orwell um most people be aware of you know the kind of dystopian future that 1984 represents but just you know for the benefit of listeners just to explain why you believe it is so important to have an alternative to that future and why we might be heading down that kind of path uh just you know from where we are today if if we don't have other options you know what what what is the threat there because I think that's excellent context Sam yeah for sure and
I think that actually we can answer both of those sort of um questions those areas in in a single way you know there there are things like filecoin um ipfs that they're all focused on temporary storage of information AR came from the other angle and said look you can buy temporary storage from a centralized provider it's interesting when you do it from a decentralized network instead um you can get economies of scale but it's not like a zero to1 Innovation uh it's basically a capital efficiency
Innovation whereas the ability to store data with a business model that is outside the control or authority of any single person or group that actually is something that's radically novel and only possible since Bitcoin Bitcoin first example of this is a trustless monetary system AR is a trustless data storage system um replicating information over arbitrary arbitrarily long period of time so why build such a thing in the first place well I think that the way that we conceptualized it at the time was that the if you say the
the doorway the yeah the Open Access to information on the internet seemed to be slowly closing and I'm I'm 32 now I was I was born at the time when um I got access to the internet when I was pray 10 n or 10 something like this and so I I grew up with it uh in a in a very real way and I grew up during the time where the internet I think as far as I can tell from the history was the freest there was anyone could really open up their own website and uh and you know have their own point of view and express
it to the world widely then there was this sort of recentralization that happened onto the web 2 Giants that we that we know of today where you have no rights at all really you're just a uh a customer and in most of these Services you don't even pay directly so you're not a very like respected customer you're really actually a way for them to leverage making money on you in a different form typically selling your attention um it's not even a very well served customer yeah we we saw this starting to
occur and we thought well one of the fundamental problems with the Internet is you have links that break right like you go to a website the content of that website can change there's no guarantee when you go back to it that it's in the same spot as it was when you first accessed it and that means that like it's become such a fundamental part of our information coordination mechanism as a society that way of sense making that that we're like uh we're immensely forgetful as a society essentially like
it's something around 50% of Supreme Court decisions contain dead links now so if you want to understand why the Supreme Court justices in the US made their decisions you can't go and read the information that they had at the time um it's it's subtle it's in the background and it happens very slowly so people don't pay attention to it uh but it's very real that we are forgetting essentially all of our modern culture and history and so we we thought well okay set the culture and history in
stone inside a blockchain where it can't be forgotten or altered uh provably show that it hasn't changed over time and then make it so that the past is if you will uh vibrant and Winston's job from 1984 would be impossible memory hauling information in fact we even made it so that the the network each node speaks on 1984 to every other node um so that we never forget the the principles and the premise of the machine yeah very well said Sam and so this is why you think in terms of you know people being able to pay for
storage across a 200-year time frame for example which is much longer than than people are normal it's a longer than a human lifespan at present anyway uh so people aren't used to even thinking that long let alone longer than that and I think it's also why you talk about what you call the Perma web right so to just explain the idea of the the Perma web and and and how that relates to I guess the the core R weave technology stack yeah absolutely so the the per web is essentially a stack of protocols with a
at its base that exposes something that looks and feels like a web to users but is imbued with the properties of blockchains so that is that it's fundamental level it's permanent once you put a piece of data onto it it has the same identifier and it's backed up onto our we available indefinitely into the future and when I say indefinitely we really mean as close to permanent as as as feasibly possible like maximum possible effort to achieve that is it's not infinite it's not magic it's not a
uh uh an infinite uh perpetual motion machine but it is engineered to replicate data for the longest possible time that we can conceive of um it has a bunch of mechanisms for achieving that so it's a web where the information is permanent but what that also means is that that information is no longer in the hands of the person that published it once it is published the information is in some sense uh ownerless or trustless it exists in a in a common space between all people and that's very interesting
because it means you can build things like permanent web services and applications so you could go to R drive. ar. for example and it shows you something that looks like a web application but that web application gives you as the user the properties you would typically expect from a blockchain and this isn't just like in the background the data storage is decentralized this is that the user interface itself is decentralized the people that created our Drive cannot now go and add a fee switch to make it so that you pay them
uh every time you use the service it is permanent and immutable just in the same way that you would expect a blockchain protocol like Bitcoin to be except applied Instead at the application layer um that's that's the core of it our essential mission is to to create a cyberspace where there are guaranteed and immutable rights bited into the core protocols that users use or core services that users use in yeah on the dominant Computing platforms of the time the today that's the web uh tomorrow might be VR doesn't really matter the
the core idea is the same just make it so that there are trustless services in cyberspace Beyond just money uh or even Finance those things are great but like the services that people engage with on a day-to-day basis are typically not that actually it's like X or the news service um maybe prediction markets even there's a ton of things and all of them should be trustless they should give users right um and so we're building the backbone to enable that yeah very nice Sam and one of your recent um I I
suppose uh new announcements is yeah the the AO protocol uh you call it the decentralized Open Access supercomputer so this is I guess part of the the r weave um Tech stack but yeah hyperparallel computer so what what is AO all about and how how how's it different from a traditional blockchain architecture yeah so AO is uh it's part of the per web stack we would call it that stack of protocols where aers at the base but it's not the only protocol there there are also things in the community like um Ario ar. as I as I
mentioned before which is like a Gateway Network so it's looking at the access layer to the per web making sure that's decentralized and has human readable names like our drive for example uh but AO is essentially a decentralized supercomputer um what we found was that this wasn't by Design This just this was the way it unfolded um once you make it so that you can store an arbitrarily large amount of data per permanently on chain you you have the building blocks of an arbitrarily scalable computer with local state not Global
synchronized State um and what this looks like essentially is that well every computation that you might be able to do in a smart contract system is really just a program and a set of inputs those transactions that interact with it um as well as a deterministic virtual machine if you have a permanent log of those things then you can infer the output of the computation and well a we is a permanent decentralized log of information at arbitrary scale so you can essentially store as many of those logs of computation as you want each is kind of
equivalent to a blockchain and what AO does is allows you to sew those things together with a messaging Network a Native Messaging Network that uses rwe as a in computer science we would call it a bus something that sort of delivers content from one place to another um like a motherboard you could think of it of as uh yeah it sews together all of these different blockchains if you will into a single unified computer and a single environment that looks and feels actually like a pretty normal you know uh yeah a normal computer like you might
log into on AWS and you can you know it has a command line you can run commands on it um and build your applications that way except it's actually under the hood much closer to a blockchain and you can have any number of computation units giving you the state of that interaction um as well as in the the main net which is coming in a few months now over in testnet at the moment a a mechanism of uh decentralizing the sequencing so coming to agreement about what which of those inputs should be in which order
basically once you have of this together um yeah you end up with a decentralized supercomputer out the other side I I yeah I was tracking the ethereum project since right of the start and I remember in the early marketing material they they they referenced that ethereum is the world computer and I was really taken by that idea and they put in enough like 10 bucks to you know into the Ico to to buy some compute credits cuz I figured that's how much I was going to give to AWS that month anyway may as well it's what get it on this cool new
thing um and you know it did it did very well as a as a project it really spawned something quite phenomenal the decentralization of uh of Finance Primitives is is quite an incredible thing Beyond just money now but um all of the the base Primitives of Finance that's very cool but it's not a weth computer it's like a single thread World calculator if you will um and so you know once we realized this architecture was possible on on AB if we just decided to build it and then now on the test net on an average day there's something like
10,000 11,000 of these parallel processes which are essentially like these blockchains running at the same time sending messages between them something like 7 8 million messages on the average day now um yeah it's very exciting people have really taken to it and building cool things already yeah what's uh what's fascinating Sam is just looking through you call it the E economics of the AO computer because of course you know there is uh a a token but you know you go really make it clear that you know
the AO token I hope that's how you say it um is a 100% Fair launch token following bitcoin's economic model and so you look you can explain this but very simply just like Bitcoin 21 million tokens fouryear harving and obviously some thought put into this Sam some thought yes yeah like yeah there seven years of experience building tokenized uh protocols and then and then a bunch of thought but basically when when we started this we realized that the the technology was very exciting and I think the people that have really
looked into it now have come to similar conclusions um but like looking at the Smart contract ecosystem what does it take for these things to succeed why is it that ethereum with the same amount of computation ability as a calculator is still like the dominant force and the answer is liquidity right like liquidity is is a sort of a say like a magnetic force it's an attractor or repeller uh if you have a lot of it things that are attracted more is attracted to you uh and this just is intuitively obvious like imagine
you're starting a project in crypto where are you going to build well if it's going to be in finance you're probably going to build where the money is it just makes sense why would you do it anywhere else and you're actually probably willing to to suffer a lot of nonsense in order to to build in the area where people are actually likely to build your application it's just you know rational um and that the opposite is also true if you have no liquidity well then those projects aren't coming
to you so there's no more liquidity right and so it's repelling uh more of itself from yeah from the project and so we figured when when we set this up well we got to do this right like we have the right technology if we can get the right economic mechanisms um we will we end up with something really genuinely exciting a true World computer uh with a radically different kind of economy inside with trustless trustless services for both finance and everything you use on the web like it's the full stack in
one place um so how how would you achieve this we figured okay well one thing is obvious uh it needs to be fully decentralized from the start there has to be not just one core team like that's not how the web works that's not how well it's how protocols work in the the the first moment someone sets the game and then the game plays out with many many different actors and largely the game doesn't change over time that's what a real protocol looks like it's what TCP UDP HTTP all of the protocols
of the web and then Bitcoin too um actually look like under the hood or in this like social structure so we have to have that and so we can't be at the center of it fine there has to be at least what we call a guild of different organizations that are all incentivized by the success of this thing um we set the protocol up right from a technical level first so that it doesn't need to be changed all the time and then we have many different adoption organizations rather than just one so something we learned from the a ecosystem we got
there eventually but it would have been better to start there and so that's what we what we try to do this time second uh we need incentives for people to bring their economic residency to a we need basically a massive magnet if you will to take the analogy from before uh that will bring people into uh the project and try it out and then when they see what it can do they will if if you will they will come for the liquidity and they will stay for the tech uh because it's we think it's fundamentally
radically better than anything else you can get on the market right now um okay so they have to be rewards for people to bring along their economic residency and that in itself will be a fly wheeel for other people to come and build on top of the system as described so we make it so that essentially all of the tokens in the AO model all of them not not like you 10% 5% in an air drop but like every single token is distributed proportionate to the amount of liquidity that is brought to the system either in arwe tokens or in bridged assets from
ethereum salana um not salana yet actually but but salana on the road map soon as well as a bunch of other chains hopefully we expect to be able to kind of Bridge to yeah pretty much every other major liquidity Hub in the uh crypto ecos system and bring that liquidity inside the machine so that it becomes you say like a liquidity rooting Hub something like this and then people will realize oh actually I can do cooler things inside AO anyway and they just stay and they start building building there um yeah so it's a very very different model and we
we fund it by not selling tokens to VCS you said andreon bank at the beginning there that's true for our weave um yeah for AO we we got many offers from VCS to to fund it but we decided not to take any instead we just Bridge yield bearing tokens essentially either liquid staking tokens like uh Ste or um yeah you bar normal tokens like d using the uh the die savings rate and we we ask people to instead just Bridge those tokens to the system so things that are already producing value and then they can earn
AO for having them there and they essentially have no loss of the underlying Capital but instead their native yield goes to funding The Guild which is building out the ecosystem and so they don't lose any of the capital when they Bridge it into the system they earn ownership and everybody does so on the same terms like no nobody has preferential rights or access at all which is really yeah I feel happy we're doing it this way this is back to like what crypto was supposed to be way back um yeah and and so anyone can take part on
the same terms it's like 500 million on a normal day at the moment currently pre-bd to the network so it's it's already playing out pretty well it it it is Sam and look that's well articulated and I guess you know bring it back to what you mentioned before in terms of that you know the growth in transactions Hing 10 billion total transactions I think you said just last week and I think our weav is yeah because of all those transactions it's one of the you know second or third most utilized
blockchain in the world um but you know at the same time as you've said you know liquidity forgets liquidity and it's one thing to have you know this amazing um you know fear launch or fear fear let's just say it's a it's a fear ecosystem it's not just uh a bunch of VCS waiting to unlock and dump tokens on people but at the same time you know that um what you said before about the you know people essentially selling their attention to to web too and crypto the attention economy does follow liquidity
and it follows well at the moment it's it's it's mean coins so I guess you know as much as on paper our wavs you guys are growing looking great how do you also attract users though and kind of get in in into that attention economy which in crypto is so kind of hyperfocused it's uh hyper um easy hyper distracted and it moves uh on the uh well on a doesn't it yeah right yeah totally um yes I think this is this is the Crux of the the question the as we've seen it while AR has developed over the last seven years um a if you
will uh has been infrastructure for web3 for a very long period of time like I've seen people refer to it as a is your developers favorite blockchain it's the one that everyone goes to to use to to build blockchain appliances of pretty much all kinds it was one of the yeah the only other really major system that was used the nft full Market of 21 was ipfs and that has lost half of the half the pieces of data because it not permanent um and so of the remaining stuff from 21 we've storing most of it
um yeah it's it's been used as infrastructure all over the stack but infrastructure is not um where the attention ACR and so something we've seen since we launched AO which basically takes takes the per web ecosystem the last leg of the mile or the yeah the last leg of the journey uh to the end user directly says well actually you can have your RV of identity in your wallet and there's a many different applications you can use inside the system and you can have tokens here you can own assets and you
can you know perform the basic things that you can in a defy ecosystem but also a ton of cooler new things like using agents to um to execute strategies inside the economy in a trustless way which is just never possible in a normal def system um and so we think and you know ao's in test net still um there's there's a few months more until till mayet uh people are pre- bridging at the moment they're just locking essentially or not locking they can unlock it at any time they're putting their tokens one
way or another into a pool to show that they they have the interest to move them into AO once the the main net launches um yeah and in February of next year yeah we're we're at a juncture where like you can see the the Journey to the End user and subsequently the the growth of attention from The Wider crypto ecosystem is coming into view we've already seen this a little bit since AO launched uh people are starting to understand oh actually that thing that a we offer us permanent data storage is much more than just what it
looks like on the tin like permanent data is in fact strangely computation it infers or implies computation and that can be used as a building block for something like AO uh computer that is decentralized um yeah so so we see this as like a very important step on the road and already the reactions been pretty immense there was more attention on AR I think in the days after AO launch than ever before people seem to sort of reassess it in their minds oh it went from just that storage thing that's kind of infrastructure to no no no this
is potentially the full stack for a decentralized web all in one place yeah very much agree all right and another way of getting um I I guess back in in front of people Sam is you know I I don't know if you call it a new product but our Fleet right so you know more which I think as I understand it is more similar to something like a file coin right it's more like a a kind of temporary storage but it is still decentralized yeah it's a temporary storage cach it has quite a few technical differences in filecoin but
and well that has no token as well that's one thing um yeah you just use ARB tokens with it but we we also built this because we uh and this is true of AO as well um to some extent certainly we got to started building AO but then you know the sort of momentum took us if you will uh but we we built these things these protocols in order to solve our own problem so back a year and a half ago we we acquired Odyssey which is it's not very well known in crypto but it's actually the largest decentralized
social media uh system out there it's about seven or eight monthly 7 or8 million monthly active users um and a very very sticky audience they've been with the service for years they they don't spend a cent on marketing typically and the the audience stays around because they love the product um but it's you know I'm not sure if your uh your audience mostly As like listeners or viewers but I'm doing scare quotes as sort of web three in that sense of not really decentralized um and so we we we acquired Odyssey to
basically decentralize it on the per web turn it into an open public good a neutral uh protocol which has you know the the rights and guarantees of a normal blockchain but looks like a web application so users when they post on it they're they're not trusting Odyssey to have their Identity or to replicate their data for them they're getting immutable fear rights with the service and so when set off down that road well okay one thing we're going to need is an ability for people to trade ownership in
this content because digital content is valuable um but the let's say fundamentals detached cycle of nfts but you know number just went up and down basically a random this was like hiding something that I think was uh uh really fundamental underneath which is look why do the platforms exist why why they businesses well because the content has value they just have a mechanism for extracting value from digital content that wasn't really replicated in like V1 nfts um instead there was this peculiar like uh Social Gambling I guess
component which you also see somewhat in mean coins now I think they're just extensions of the same Trend uh but but with digital content itself there is very clearly value and there's very clearly a way to trade that value in marketplaces it's just that we didn't attach the rights to the content so we built this thing called the universal data license which is a way of doing exactly that attaching real world rights to digital content um in such a fashion that when you access the content you are
delivered the license rights in headers like you you you cannot access the data without also having the information about who owns it and who you should pay and how much in order to access it so this was one of the components and then we built a system called um the ival content Marketplace basically somewhere you can go and you can trade those pieces of content for one another um and for in other liquid forms of capital um and that was when we realized okay that's kind of cool like proof of concept let's
say but Odyssey has 7 or eight million monthly ad good users that's that's going to be a lot of transfers if people want to be able to trade in a liquid market for Content uh particularly as we saw that that Bots are actually likely to be the things buying and selling these pieces of content like there's just too many videos for humans to go and and um yeah engage in in very liquid markets for each of them directly instead what you want is you want Bots that look at the look at the statistics and they say okay
this video is getting this many views I can project that it's likely to get that many in the future thus I should pay you know a fair market rate for it is this much and and that should happen in a um yeah basically a real-time fashion and that was what brought us to uh building AO in the first place so what there aren't any smart contract systems that are scaleable enough to do that and then we you worked out the we knew the the concept for what that might look like on AR for a while but we then put pen to
paper and built it and arly was the same well many of the videos on uh Odyssey are not viewed very many times foro distribution a smaller number of very very well viewed videos and a large number of some that really aren't viewed much at all but we still want to keep them around like don't want to remove them but we can't store them permanently that would be wasteful and we can't ask the users to pay for that so what can we do instead well how about we build a temporary storage system on top of Are
We and AO um basically completing the stack the per web stack you know it's complete when you got to the point where it inverts it's no longer permanent it supports even the inversion of its own uh uh starting point which is temporary storage of data and basically you put the proofs on chain permanently but you don't have to store all the data there unless you want to yeah makes uh very good sense Sam thank you for that look as we start to finish up this part of the podcast what's coming next down the
the the product pipeline I guess you know dates from Main net anything like that and just for people that do want to jump into the r weave ecosystem and uh explore the rabbit hole um what's the best way for them to do so what should they do where should they go yeah for sure so dates coming down the pipeline this obviously uh June 8th for us sorry June June 8th is actually the date that our we was launched it's also the 69th anniversary of um the launch of the launch the release of 1984 which is why
we picked it but that's not the right date it's February 9th next year is going to be the um the launch of AO main net as well as transferability of its token you can already take part in its Fair launch now uh by depositing tokens um from the AO site uh but they're not bridged into the system yet they're essentially pre- bridged at this time there will also be the the full main net Bridges and so all that liquidity is like half a billion dollars as of today plus all of the AR tokens people want to
bridge will all move into the system at that point so that's obviously a huge one for us um people in the ecosystem are building a ton of things all the time I frankly couldn't keep track of their if I wanted to uh but the way that we normally do it in the ecosystem is is we're still unfortunately on centralized social media embarrassingly on X um yeah if you just check out awe Eco that's a sort of community aggregator Channel basically which just keeps an eye on everything that's happening in the per
web and we'll repost it so if you follow that channel then if you see stuff over time you just start following those channels and you'll kind of like learn about what's happening in the ecosystem by proxy hopefully soon enough it'll be doing that on Odyssey um yeah and there's there's many different things to go out there and try like I think laland is a pretty fun one for people um when they said like arbitrarily scalable supercomputer that is decentralized really mean it um Lama land is a fully onchain MMO essentially
it's a 2d little world that you can move around um but it has llms inside large language models uh that are llama 3 um variant 8 billion parameter models that are quantized to 8 AQ or something about 60 gabes worth of of data held in the memory of a smart contract and basically what this does is it's a meme coin run by an AI dictator we built it as like a Fiat simulator like what would happen if an AI llama who literally thinks he's a llama uh was running a monetary policy and it was a trustless yeah trustless
monetary policy outside the control of humans and so it's an experiment in that direction you can go and you can walk around you can chat with other users while you're there it's also a permissionless open world so people have started dropping their own um agents inside that do various different funny things um and also like some useful things like voting on stuff in Dows that type of thing so that's a fun one to to explore that's Lal land. NE gway actually so ar. or r.
net all of them will work thanks to Ario shout out that yes indeed all right uh thank you for that link is in the show notes uh folks and that means Sam it is uh time to finish up the episode and we do that of course by running you through the very famous crypto conversation hot take round are you up for it let's do it let's do it Sam I'm just going to run some questions at you just want kind of quick Snappy hot take style answers if you like question one for you but be interesting to see what you say uh the
(37:56) question is where would you say that you sit on the Bitcoin maximalist to multi-chain opportunist Spectrum don't quote me on this cuz I it may not be precisely accurate but it's pretty close to Accurate uh the only things I hold that are crypto assets are R weave tokens obviously Bitcoin and I think a to amount of Monero and maybe actually some Dogecoin that I bought as a joke in 2018 I think but it's on a kraken account I can no longer access so there some unknown small quantity of doge coins so yeah I'm I'm pretty pretty
serious about um I think real Protocols are the oh and some some ethereum still from the Ico um yeah real Protocols are the are the only way to go and to be frank like we haven't we haven't done well as an industry at building those we haven't yet found the playbook for how do you build a protocol that is actually a protocol not product pretending to be a protocol something that's really decentralized um or at least trustless decentralized doesn't even matter that much it's trustless is the thing we're
here for that guarantee user rights in cyberspace yeah Bitcoin is a is a fantastic example you know satosi remarkably got it right round one no yeah no second tries um that was amazing I think yeah are we we've attempted to to build in the same direction definitely different paast but it's now pretty yeah pretty damn protocolized like the core protocol barely changes now and the growth is still increasing people are picking it up because it's a protocol anyway yeah and so that's why I love Bitcoin as well
as from web e system look um I know I can tell that you're a a George allw fan and you know there's this great uh quote or you know it's all will fear those who would ban books whereas Huxley feared there would be no reason to ban a book because no one would want to read one all will fear those who would deprive us of information hexley feared those who would give us so much information we would drown in a sea of it you kind of get where this is going all we fear the truth would be hidden from us or hle
feared the truth would drown in the sea of a re revalence yeah so you know there two kind of you know Brave New World um Huxley 1984 or World both um written around the same time a long time ago but presenting two kind of almost opposite dystopian Futures but they both very well describe the modern world which way do you think we're hitting think you're RightWay yeah I going say it's not so much of aot but I think you're right that it's basically like bits of both the thing that has always struck me as
interesting about 1984 that that or got wrong when he got so much right um was the idea that the screens so for those that haven't read the book uh the T screens are basically like little monitoring devices that show propaganda but they also monitor what's happening in the in the room that they're in and they are pretty much everywhere in the society the teles screens in the book had to be enforced on the population we have modern teles screens they're called mobile phones not even mobile anymore just
phones and and we we buy them for a th000 bucks each and we we carry them around we all know that they're insecure we all know that the um we know that the governments of the western world even have decided that we don't have privacy amongst these devices um but yet we keep them on us virtually 24/7 yeah yeah we do very interesting all right and look on a kind of related question I guess the the last question really is what is your favorite science fiction book film or TV show I think it has to be in 1984 yeah
yeah yeah that's not a surprise yeah yeah I just been doing a little bit of a a georgeo will kick uh lately because my my son who is 14 they've just been doing reading animal Farm uh and English and so yeah I mean just great to uh re-engage with um a Wars thinking yeah yeah that was a that was a great book there's also root to Wigan Pier is surprisingly good I would recommend that to people down and out in Paris and London is also interesting um but very very different subject matter or was a really storyed character it's it's not
well known that he he fought on the side of the like radical left or anarchists in the war in Catalonia um yeah in the thief of 30s before the outbreak of World War II if I'm not mistaken but anyway in the Spanish Civil War around that time um yeah he had a really storied storied history and wrote some pretty incredible books if you haven't read them you definitely should Animal Farm is is great for children as well it's like a it's a book for adults in the clothing of dressed up so that it's a accessible
yeah that's right Animal Farm is a great place to start with with all but of course yeah 1984 is it is a classic for a reason just an incredible read just the the oppressiveness of that book is all incom right definitely is a great place to end the show Sam thank you so much for coming and spending some time with us just close it out by telling people your exh handle or anything else whever else you like to hang out online and again just make the case for why people should come and uh check out what you and the team are building with the
various components of our weave well uh we're building a cyers space that guarantees user rights not just in finance but in the whole stack and we think that it's very possible that when we look back on the early stages of the internet the era that was dominated by companies was in fact just a small and footnote about how things started and actually the internet native institutions and services that people use over time are trustless and so yeah we're Die Hard committed to building all of the necessary infrastructure we
pretty much have it in place now to create arbitrarily scalable decentralized services in cyber space so if that's something that interests you um yeah come check us out on the Phil web you can you can find my weave mail address if you want to weave mail me on the phone web uh on my ex handle which is uh Sam e Williams uh you can also just check me out on the P web itself just go to sam.
ar. um and you can find bunch of stuff I've read and way to contact me there um yeah hope to see you there awesome thank you so much Sam all the best and bye for now thanks