『AO: The Hyper Parallel Computer You Need to Know - Sam Williams, Ep. 255』のスクリプト書き起こしと日本語訳

2024年4月26日に公開された、Arweave FounderのSam Williamsへのインタビュー動画『AO: The Hyper Parallel Computer You Need to Know - Sam Williams, Ep. 255』の英語スクリプトとその翻訳です。







皆さん、こんにちは。Block Crunchポッドキャストの新しいエピソードへようこそ。私はホストのJason Choyです。エンジェル投資家であり、Tangentの共同創設者です。免責事項として、このショーで議論する内容は金融アドバイスではなく、私たちの各会社の公式な意見を反映するものでもありません。また、私たちは議論する資産を保有している可能性があります。最近、分散型ストレージネットワークのArweaveは、AOの立ち上げを発表しました。これは新しいハイパーパラレルコンピュータで、彼らのビジョンの次のフェーズとなります。

彼らはこれを「途方もなくスケーラブルなネットワーク」と呼んでいます。これは私が気に入った表現です。2018年からインフラのスケーラビリティを最大化することをテーゼとしている投資家として、私は非常に興味を持ちました。AOとは何か、そしてそれが暗号資産の次のダークホースになり得るかを理解するために、本日はArweaveの創設者であるSam Williamsをポッドキャストにお迎えできることを光栄に思います。Sam、ようこそ。このエピソードは、YGGの提供でお送りします。

本日のエピソードで、Yield Guild Gamesとパートナーシップを組めることを嬉しく思います。皆さんはYGGをAxie InfinityやPixelsなどのWeb3ゲームの成功を牽引した主要なギルドとして知っているかもしれませんが、彼らの野心はそれよりもはるかに大きいものです。私も創設者のGabby Dizonから長年にわたってゲームについて多くを学んできました。ここで、なぜ多くのギルドが独自のレイヤー2を立ち上げているように見えるのに、YGGはそうしないことを選んだのか、Gabbyに説明してもらいましょう。







コンピュータサイエンスでは、このアプローチは「遅延評価」と呼ばれています。Coindeskは当時、Arweaveがスマートコントラクトに対して「怠惰なアプローチ」を取っていると書きましたが、これはあまり役に立ちませんでした。2020年頃にこのアイデアに本当に気づいていた唯一の他の人々は、後にCelestiaとなったLazy Ledgerでした。それ以来、私たちは気づいていました。





そして計算の履歴がコンピュータを生み出すという起源に戻るのですが、それが本質的に私たちが構築したものです。それは本当に本当に興味深いですね。Lazy Ledgerについての話も興味深いです。私の前の仕事では、彼らがCelestiaにピボットする前にLazy Ledgerに投資していましたが、あなたたちも同じようなことをしていたという話は知りませんでした。













そして、あなたは好きな時にそのメッセージに対応でき、返信することができます。その間、私は他のことをしています。基本レベルでは、AOは実際には仮想マシンに依存しません。理論的には、EVMやSolana VM、Bitcoin Scriptでも書くことができます(もし本当にそうしたいのであれば)。













そこには実際に触れるべき点があるかもしれません。ハイパーパラレル計算と言う時、それは単なるマーケティングの言葉ではありません。そこには意味があります。現在、認知度を高めている並列計算システムが多くありますが、それらは基本的にSolanaのルートを取っています。MonadはただのEVM Solanaです。メモリの小さな部分をロックし、それらに対して操作を行い、最終的にブロックが構築される時に状態が単一のポイントに解決されます。













これは現在のブロックチェーンではまったくできないことです。2つの理由があります。1つは、実行と合意を結びつけているためです。これは、Lazy LedgerとArweaveが早い段階で気づいた、賢明ではないアイデアでした。なぜなら、合意が計算の終了を待つ必要があり、計算が長い場合は機能しないからです。












また、単にステークノードを持ち、活性問題などがある場合にそのステークをスラッシュする方法を持つシステムを構築することもできます。つまり、ここには設計空間が示されています。興味深いことに、Internet Computer Protocolの開発者の一人、

私は"afat"と発音しますが、彼は"Afat"というスペルを好むのかもしれません。彼はTwitterでその名前を使用しています。彼はAOについての記事を書きました。なぜなら、Internet Computerの人々はワールドコンピュータの構築に非常に興奮していて、AOを見た瞬間、「これは我々が目指していたものではないか」と気づいたからです。


つまり、答えとしては、ユーザーとそのプロセスの要件に応じて、設計空間とトレードオフ空間の中で適切な位置を選択できるということです。これは非常に強力だと考えています。実際、私もそのスレッドを見ました。以前はDfinityと呼ばれ、現在はInternet Computer Protocolと呼ばれる彼らの開発者が、AOについて語っているのを見て驚きました。

なぜなら、彼は基本的に自分たちの利益に反することを話していたからです。彼は「AOは私たちが構築したかったものそのものだが、他の誰かが先に実現してしまった」と言っていました。ICPコミュニティの真剣な開発者たちは、AOの登場に対して remarkably驚くほどオープンマインドでした。



Earlier you mentioned how extensible AO can be - 以前、AOが拡張可能であることについて触れました。ビットコインのセキュリティを活用したり、EVMやSVMを活用したりできるため、すべてのエコシステムに統合できます。そのため、最初にSolidityやRustではなく、Luaから始めることを選択したのは意外でした。その理由を説明していただけますか?

































はい、TwitterのAO the computerアカウントが主要なものの1つです。幸いにも、AOの周りには既に分散型のエコシステムが存在します。テクニカルな方々は、AO Computer Clubもフォローするとよいでしょう。AOの各部分について話し合っており、この考えに基づいて、共有コンピュータで互いの上に構築できるという考えに基づいています。それはメーリングリストや雑誌のような雰囲気を持っています。AO the computerはより暗号資産に焦点を当てています。

ウェブサイトはao.devまたはao.anyのゲートウェイからアクセスできます。素晴らしい、完璧です。ショーに出演していただき、ありがとうございました、Sam。これは素晴らしい時間でした。Block Crunchポッドキャストの新しいエピソードをサポートしていただき、ありがとうございます。このエピソードを楽しんでいただけたなら、SpotifyやApple Podcast、あるいはお使いのプラットフォームで5つ星の評価をつけていただけると幸いです。


TwitterのMr Jason Choyまたはtheblockcrunchでツイートしていただいても結構です。サポートしていただき、ありがとうございます。次のエピソードでお会いしましょう。[音楽]


most basic representation of those financial Primitives was expressed on the Chain the reason that you did those interactions was held off chain with AO because we can host arbitrarily large computations inside the network themselves and give them smart contract like guarant guarantees you can build systems that have the intelligence inside not outside and also give smart contract like guarantees to uh to that intelligence so a simple example might be for your personal finance imagine that you have a process in AO and you want all of your

value to be expressed in a specific portfolio split like 80% and know some token and 20% f it something like that or or stable coins okay so when someone sends you a token your process in AO can immediately respond on your behalf intelligently going to rebalance your portfolio for you inside the system and it does so trustless with the same guarantees that you would get from a lending protocol but that's just basic What If instead we wanted to um have an algorithmic trading fund but fully onchain so you could have a fund that in

again the basic case looks at the price of Bitcoin as it moves up and down it moves its orders up and down because everything is 0.82 correlated this is a this is a sensible system and will allow you to remain neutral in the market to some extent well you can make that fund as a process in AO and have it run autonomously with smart contract guarantees and so people can come along and put tokens in the top the agent does things in the economy and they take tokens at the bottom and they don't have to trust a fund manager

anymore web 3 offers a brand new petri dish our jobs to buy Great Tech at great prices AI is also libertarian right enable a use case that people haven't been able to do today hundreds of millions of players they will come to the market through mobile my personal reason why I could be bullish in the next 12 months is all right hey everybody welcome back to another episode of The Block wrench podcast with me your host Jason Choy I'm an angel investor and co-founder of tangent now as a disclaimer nothing we

discuss on this show is financial advice and nothing we discuss is reflective of our respective company official opinions and we may also hold assets we discuss now recently the decentralized storage Network rwe announced the launch of AO which is a new hyperparallel computer and as the next phase in its Vision so they call it an absurdly scalable Network which I really liked and as an investor whose thesis for infrastructure since 2018 is to maximize scalability I was very very intrigued by this so to understand what AO is and see whether it

could be the next Dark Horse in crypto I'm really honored to have R we founder Sam Williams on the podcast with us today so Sam welcome to the show this episode is brought to you by ygg I'm excited to partner with you Guild games to bring you today's episode you may know y as the leading Guild in web 3 that helped Drive the success of games like axi infinity and pixels but they actually have much bigger Ambitions than just that I've also learned a lot about gaming from the founder Gabby Danon

throughout the years so here is Gabby to tell us more about why so many guilds seem to be launching their own layer twos but y chose not to right now there's no plans for y to launch an L2 and the reason for that is that if you have your L2 that locks in as a vertical platform meaning that that you want to attract your own content to build on top of your own platform and fill up the block space right Y is unique in that we consider ourselves uh to scale horizontally meaning that we can pick and choose to support a game on any

chain on any platform and support it in different ways with assets with our community with our questing and reputation programs so that we can choose from the best games uh across web 3 no matter what chain they're on and make sure that we help them become more successful and now back to the episode thank you so much for having me before we dive into AO uh rwe has a lot of history as well so rwe started as a way for people to store info online forever which I thought was a really really cool goal so can you explain kind of briefly

the history there and how did that lead to AO to put it simply we realized at some point approximately four years ago that if you have a machine that stores data forever and you have deterministic virtual machines you have a mechanism by which which to create reproducible State as a result of computation so essentially if you take a deterministic virtual machine and an input log as well as an initial State and you store those in a way that that can't be lost and is decentralized then you essentially get

decentralized compute if you will for free on top of it um we we knew this since about early 2020 approximately and it became known as smart weave and then after the proof of concept that we put out which was really just a an Exemplar it was like 150 lines of JavaScript that I built with someone else on the team in an afternoon it's like the first version um yeah after that we realized there's something about this machine that is that is far more powerful than the existing mechanisms of decentralized

compute um particularly what you could do with that is you could defer computation to the uh later stages basically to the reader potentially was the first way it started and then later it was just outside of consensus so there would be nodes you could speak to that would give you the state uh of the computation but they would do so asynchronously from the consensus about the inputs itself this ends up being like super super powerful uh one of the things you can do with it for example is run arbitrary amounts of compute inside

smart contract interactions because you're no longer requiring the nodes that are decentralizing the data essentially and giving consensus on its ordering um yes you are dissociating those from the computation task itself and so if you have a long running smart contract you can just say well okay the people that are going to execute this are going to be willing to wait some period of time in order to get the result but the network still continues to
move forward and come to consensus and at the time we were like the only

people in the world talking about this um uh there's there's a name for this approach in computer science which is called lazy evaluation and uh coindesk wrote an article at the time that said that you know are we've had a quote lazy approach to um to Smart contracts which was not very helpful um but the the only other people that had really coton on to this idea around approximately that that moment in 2020 were was lazy Ledger that then became Celestia and ever since then we've known that okay so you have some

superpowers in this if you will uh but they're not quite complete like it's not the fully scalable compute system that we would like to see um and we've kind of known in the back of our minds yeah since approximately I guess 2022 something like that that uh if you could get smart weave to be able to send messages a asynchronously to other processes or contracts we used to call them um then you can have a way for arbitrary amounts of this computation to happen in parallel so the way that virtually every

smart Contracting system right now is built is that there is a global synchronized State and what this means is that fundamentally you must elect a single leader it might be a very large leader but it's one leader who writes to the network over time and that rotates around the world but it's it's one computer to put it simply um and we realized well actually if you can make asynchronous parallel smart contracts that message each other using rwe as a message bus then you can have any number of those threads running uh

asynchronously at the same time and coordinating together and it wasn't until about this time last year something like that that we started really it was the bare market so we had some time to to think and to build which is always great uh yeah we we use that time to focus on okay can we actually solve that problem can we make it so that this works um and sure enough we can and what you get out the end of it is a is it's a superc computer to put it simply basically it's a decentralized compute Network where where if you add

more computation capacity you increase in the amount of output that you can create which should seem normal but this is crypto uh the networks and protocols so far don't work like that you add more computation power to ethereum you get exactly the same number of State reductions per block it just doesn't change um and the same is true of salana and really pretty much everything at this point so yeah we built this system that lets you have arbitrary numbers of parallel virtual machines with ar as a me message bus between them and what

links back to if you will the origins is it turns out like a history of computation gives rise to a computer and that's essentially exactly what we built that is really really interesting and I like the tidbit about lazy Ledger as well cuz uh in my last job we invested in lazy leer before they pivoted Celesta but I didn't know about the the story you guys were also doing this this thing and I think it's quite interesting that the way you you portray the positioning as well the fact that if you add more validators to ethereum you

know it's still kind of one block prop proposer you know you're not going to speed up the network by adding more actors but in this case it seems like that's where the infinite scalability comes from where the more kind of actors you add into the network the the faster it can become there like the kind of rough intuition yeah that's exactly right um the way that it works is that there are distributed networks have actually this just kind of helpful being in my office I can show you this oh nice there's

three different subunits in the system basically we broke down the traditional blockchain node structure into subcomponents and then made each of those subcomponents scale horizontally and then glued it back together if you will and then put rwe as the base settlement layer on top where the consensus is derived from um yes and so what what you get in this design is decentralized Networks compute units scheduling units which kind of like data availability plus a little bit more basically as well as messaging units and

once you have those three things and you can make each scale horizontally then when you glue it back together you end up with what I think is better described as a single computer not a compute Network per se because it creates what we call in computer science a single system image that is it's actually a concept from distributed operating system so they were're messing with like 40 50 years ago the basic idea was okay if we're going to have to scale computation horizontally which is the way that the traditional Computing

environment has always worked can we make it so that a single uh or rather a cluster of machines looks like a single machine to the end user and that's that's exactly what AO does so any process in AO is not able to read the memory of any other process there's no that would require Global synchronized state which is where you get these bottleneck from uh instead what we do is we have local state to each process and then using the scheduling uh subnet the ability to have any number of those in parallel and then

the compute subnet gives us the ability to resolve the state of those transitions um regardless of the amount of computation that happens inside them and then a messaging layer it basically uses rwe as an if you will yeah arbitrarily sized me message bus between processes and so they can't call each other's memory anymore but they can just send a message and so that would be something like you know if you want to send a token to me perhaps you would send a token to the contract the process in AO speak um and that process would

then send another message to me saying you have a credit notice and it would send a debit notice to you and these messages are pushed around the syn around the system asynchronously so there's no point of um synchronization where if you will they are waiting for one another when this interaction happens yeah and and when you glue it together it feels like you're using one giant machine we like to to think that ethereum is kind of the proof of concept of this like where you where you could do it's it's like everyone in the world

is sharing a scientific calculator it's it's kind of cool like you can build programs inside and and you can write to my programs and mine can write to yours and and that's where we get composability from but we've just scaled that up so that it's arbitrary massive compute and it really does feel like a supercomputer the moment the test Net's running on 220 machines something like that and you can use the full power of those machines in your computations and by the time it's you know running as we want it to be

that'll be tens of thousands of machines so it literally be a democratized supercomputer I guess from a developer perspective uh for people who are used to writing smart contracts on ethereum or you know writing smart contracts in sou salana is the experience or the way they think about how smart contracts interact with each other is it uh transferable to AO as well or they kind of fundamental differences or adaptations they have to make there's one adaptation they need to make they they need to not uh use the system of

shared memory uh and instead coordinate via sending messages between processes but we actually think this is even more intuitive when you think about large scale systems than a shared memory approach a shared memory approach is this kind of weird idea if you were to put it in human terms that you would create like a rendevu with someone like two people get together they exchange a bit of state and they're both locked when this happens and one might be waiting for the other and then they leave and they go to

do something else now imagine that across an entire global economy that's essentially what ethereum and salana are attempting to do um with AO it's it's more intuitive from a programming point of view it's okay I am an actor in the system if you will AO stands for actor oriented it's a type of programming where yeah every piece of computation is seen as an actor and they can communicate with one another yes so when I want to get something done I might send you a message like on telegram we

did to set this up uh and you can get to that message when you want to and reply and meanwhile I've gone off and done other things and so there there's something about this that's very very intuitive at the base level AO is is actually virtual machine agnostic so you could in theory write using evm or salana VM um Bitcoin script I guess if you really want to um but but we built on top of it to to launch it another layer which we called AOS which is basically a decentralized operating system and it it lets you

program in lure which is not a super common language but it is an extremely easy and intuitive and simple language and so I think in the the test net already we've had somewhere around 5,000 developers get on board and use this system and we launched I think three weeks ago so the developer response has been pretty pretty crazy frankly um yeah the the word is still spreading in the rest of the community but but I think the developers have intuited oh I see this is a radically new way of doing decentralized computation uh and what it

offers just feels different it yeah to use it feels like you're using a giant Global shared computer that has infinite amounts of resources essentially rather than this hyper constrained constricted approach where you know every smart contract to deploy might cost you6 or 7,000 for the large ones on ethereum in a bone Market it's it's night and day difference the way that you use AO uh AOS at least is that as a developer you just log into a process you log into it just like you're using secure shell uh which every

developer is familiar with and they're deploying to like a web2 server and then you issue it commands and you have a command line and you see the messages people are sending to you you add handlers interactively and you prototype stuff and then when it works you can make it immutable but you can also yeah essentially build your smart contracts in real time and then log into them to debug them and just change the code whenever you want until the point that you want to make it immutable so it offers people rights when they use it

but that development flow is just so radically better than the existing systems uh the developers really love it I think so I I remember I was interviewing uh Anatoli from salana back in like like 2018 and in the interview I kind of got the sense that hey this is like a zero to one type of moment and I'm kind of getting a similar sense here from the way that you're describing AOS there like a zero to one kind of Nick step in what decentralized Computing should look like so I really want to make sure whoever is listening to this

to really understand actor oriented um so in order to explain it to a less technical audience I actually plugged the entire white paper into chat gbt and asked it to explain to me as if I'm a 5-year-old so I like to kind of read that explanation and just to get your take on whether this is accurate at all so this is what chbt says they said the concept of an actor-oriented Computing is like imagining a big room full of people and these people are the actors they cannot move from their spots but they can shout messages to each other to

get things done so each person has their own set of skills and task they can perform and they communicate by passing notes or messages around so if one person needs something done they write a note send it across they recipient reads the note does what's needed and this way even though everyone is just standing in their own little space they work to together smoothly by talking through notes is that in any way an accurate assessment of what act oriented is that's actually not so far from the example I gave of how it feels intuitive

to people because it's exactly how humans work we are all actors if you will in this you know decentralized decentralized comput compute system of human society right like it it achieves tasks together in precisely the same way every person acts individually and uh and collectively you know things get done which is precisely what happens in act oriented programming too I'm not sure I would go with the like no one can move around thing but there are limitations to J gbt still and I I think earlier you also mentioned

the point about composability is there a trade-off in composability and if there's no shared memory between different applications like if I want to talk to another application or I want to draw liquidity from some other D5 pool like is that still possible with AO totally yes people have already done it um the the first applications are essentially the the well were the the ones you'd expect things like B which is a uh decentralized amm except unlike traditional systems every single amm pair runs on its own asynchronous

process so you get the full power of a single threat of execution which is essentially all the power that you get in ethereum or well I mean ethereum doesn't even come close actually but the the full power that you can get from a single CPU core um yes per per pair of tokens that you want to trade and then you can have an arbitrary number of those and if you ran out of composability or scalability on a single thread you could also just spin up multiple pairs running in different processes and then you'd have Arbitrage

opportunities between those actually not far from what happens in uh centralized trafy exchanges when they when they want to scale you know if you run out of capacity on a single thread where you basically just make multiple order books and just have people spread between them and then there's automated Market making or or Market making Bots between them um yeah but but where things are heading now I think is is really interesting which is that we have those basics in place you had all the composability that you do

with traditional defy but now you can run large amounts of compute on chain and we don't just mean like slightly larger amounts uh like I don't want to mention names but the the the let's say the prior generation of smart Contracting systems where they they went for this combined consensus and execution approach uh where they basically just scaled up the size of the machine if you will and there's actually probably something we should get into there uh when we say hyperparallel compute that's not just like

marketing buzzword there we there is meaning behind the hper um there are many parallel computation systems right now that are gaining in uh at least awareness and they are essentially going the salana route so monad is just evm salana um you can lock small parts of memory and uh yeah operate on them and then eventually when the block is constructed the the state is resolved to a single point if that makes sense just like Sal you can do some amount of parallel computation and then you know the the the transactions that don't interact or

override each other they get merged together into one point and we call that point the block um with AO is is different you you have not not just one machine's worth of computation so that's sort of parallel if you will to the edge of a box with AO we we allow you to to perform arbitrary amounts of computation across many boxes in parallel and then they can message each other rather than sharing memory when when they do this it means that you can do very long running computation like I described with smart weave at the

beginning but now without the intermingled memory um which is perfect for AI use cases yes we have the the the basics of defi in the system now but where we think this is going next is there's no good word for this yet I'm curious what you think of these um maybe autonomous Finance could be one way of saying it basically the financial system not just being expressed in the chain Itself by the settlement layer but also by the intelligence that makes it up so if you look at the Global Financial system today we we see things

like the price of Tesla right or the price of Bitcoin and the price that we're observing is actually the result of this of decentralized computation hive mind of human expectation and uh understanding right it's an estimation of our understanding of the value of a of an asset and this is extremely complex to derive everyone has their own points of view but we get one number at the end so this is the result of a a sort of intelligent computation you could say and in defi at the moment what we really have on chain is the

settlement mechanics the mechanism design expressed on the network itself things like well it started with payments right so I might pay you to do something but why I paid you to do something is offchain it's just that the settlement of that transaction happened onchain um then we had things like swaps on ethereum right so I put in one token you put in another token tokens come out the other side uh swap between us okay then there were things like lending protocols I lend some tokens um you take them you

do something with them you return them but only those interactions the base layer of the most what you say the b most basic representation of those financial Primitives was expressed on the Chain the reason that you did those interactions was held offchain and with AO because we can host arbitrarily large computations inside the network themselves and give them smart contract like guarant guarantees you can build systems that have the intelligence inside not outside and also give smart contract like guarantees to uh to that intelligence so

a simple example might be well yeah uh for your personal finance imagine that you have a process in AO and you want all of your value to be expressed in a specific portfolio split like 80% I know some token and 20% F something like that or or stable coins okay so when someone sends you a token your process in AO can immediately respond on your behalf intelligently going to rebalance your portfolio for you inside the system and it does so trustless with the same guarantees that you would get from a lending protocol but that's just basic

What If instead we wanted to um have an algorithmic Trading fund but fully on chain so you could have a fund that in again the basic case looks at the price of Bitcoin as it moves up and down it moves its orders up and down because everything is 0.82 correlated this is a this is a sensible system and will allow you to remain neutral in the market to some extent well you can make that fund as a process in AO and have it run autonomously with smart contract guarantees and so people can come along and put tokens in the

top the the the agent does things in the economy and they take tokens at the bottom and they don't have to trust a fund manager anymore it's entirely autonomous and to think about it at sort of basic level what's happening is that the intelligence that is running the machine right that's causing people to make the trades that they're making is taken onchain and made uh trustless in the same way that defi Took The Primitives onchain and we think that could be huge wait so the is the training and I guess uh you know the

maintenance of these AI Bots is that all happening offchain and then you're bringing the the output on chain or is the entire process end to end just on chain uh it doesn't have to be yeah you could have the training onchain if you want to as well oh wow and so this is something that you really can't do on the current blockchains which just because of the scale constraints yeah absolutely because they tie well two reasons they they tie uh execution with consensus which was something that lazy Ledger and and and uh we had are we've

you conned on too early that wasn't a sensible idea um because it means that your consensus basically has to wait for the computation to end and if the computation is long it's not going to work so so there's that component and then the fact that we don't uh share State between different processes they run in parallel um yeah really allows you to run arbitrary amounts of computation asynchronously you essentially think of it like fundamentally you can have any number of processes inside the system working as

hard as they want I can have like something that needs to be extremely real time like an onchain order book and um they don't interact fundamentally unless we send messages they're just not waiting on each other they're just unblocked if you will yeah it it is radically radically different than the existing systems I guess in terms of the security trade-off because you mentioned that you know some of the we can run for instance AI Bots and you can have the same security guarantees or similar security guarantees as like defi

Primitives on ethereum so how are you able to kind of guarantee the security so the at the basic level AO is actually just a data protocol interestingly built on top of aiv it's just a way of representing what is a process what's a message and see that those are the core Primitives it's pretty simple um and then you know what virtual machine you should use with it and so on and all of this is stored in our so we inherit R's consensus and the security from that for the long-term preservation of the log um on the on the front end in

these different um units that we that we have in the system the subnets at the moment it uses a proof of authority system which is essentially the developer chooses the keys that they trust at the beginning and those keys can um right to those locks so in the same way that you get mechanistic security of smart contracts on ethereum regardless of who owns the stake like no one can uh just change your balance in usdc to a billion and mine to zero you can't do that because it's state computations you get those um those guarantees already

but you have a mechanism of um you could say trusted sequences but this is just in the test net of AO where we're going next is building a decentralized proof of stake Network that uh essentially safeguards each of those subnets so ensuring that scheduler will uh write every transaction or message that that you want to have interact with your system uh into the flow of of your process doesn't sensor so it also has liveness and a few other fundamental properties enforced by this proof of stake system and then for message

passage we make sure that messages are um yeah are validly transferred so there's no forging of messages in the middle and so on and we do so against stake of course but the interesting part about that in AO is that you get to choose the stake that you need for the for the message that you are processing essentially and so what this looks like in in practice is that well when I use if ethereum I'm buying about $64 billion worth of stake for every interaction I make even if it's like a $100 you know

settlement this doesn't really make sense instead in AO what you can do is you can say okay well this interaction has a maximum economic damage of 100 bucks so I really don't need to see more than 10,000 or $100,000 of stake and so you you get to choose these parameters as a user and as a process in the system which is really powerful I think actually like yeah again that in itself is a huge huge shift from the existing networks and and the the uh would you say the validity guarantees flow back to compute units as well these units that

basically calculate your State uh just like messenger units are State against the messages that they relay compute units are State against the state attestations that they give to you as a user or to a m suing unit also they talk to each other in order to achieve a task I love to kind of contextualize this uh in the context of the blockchain trma right because I thought always thought this concept is quite helpful even after the concept of a blockchain itself was challenged with the introduction of you know separate da layers separate

settlement and execution layers people can still kind of contextualize um different designs within this trma so in the trma of uh what's the three security scalability and decentralization how what what kind of trade-offs is uh AO making well the interesting thing about it is that it is fundamentally more of the base layer of framework for implementing different types of security systems which will have their own trade-offs rather than something that's prescriptive so so you can for example if you really want to use Bitcoin as

auler as a sequencer uh for an AO process and then have it written to awe um afterwards and so you inherit the the you say data availability security of Bitcoin which is extraordinarily high of course um you can also have a system where you just have a Stak node and you have a way of slashing that stake uh if there's you know liveness problems and so on and so so it it outlines a design space there actually interestingly an internet computer protocol developer I believe he calls himself well I would pronounce it a fat

but I wonder if he wants it spelled afat I know he's on Twitter goes by that name uh and he he wrote an article about AO because you know the internet computer people are very excited about building a world computer and as soon as they saw AO right they realized wait isn't that what we were gunning for and uh and so he looked into it and he he made this pretty elegant graphic that showed okay he didn't quite show it in in the form of the trilemma but pretty close it's like a two-dimensional version of the trilemma um missing out

one of the the factors but he showed okay so here's ICP it's here here's Bitcoin and a couple of others in ethereum uh well instead of just being a point on that graph AO is actually a kind of shaded area it's a large area that more or less encompasses the whole design space so so the answer is that uh depending on the requirements of the user and of the process in question you can choose the right spot in the design space and the trade-off space for you and and we think that is super super powerful yeah and and to be frank I I

think I I saw that threat as well uh I remember I I was quite surprised to see um I guess they used to be called definity now they're called internet computer protocol I was surprised to see this guy kind of talking about AO just because he's kind of talking against his own interest basically but he was saying AO is like exactly what we want wanted to build but someone else did it for us and to that credit the the serious developers in the ICP Community were remarkably open-minded when AO came along um which was which

was great to see like they wrote a number of threads uh outlining you know where AO is different than ICP and uh and outlining some of the fundamental advantages I think it took them a while to get their heads around the difference in design fundamentally the idea that you can dissociate consensus from computation with something that's just not not like in the ICP sere at all they just haven't really bred that yet uh but other than that they they really were quite welcoming which was surprising the there were some members of the ICP

community that uh sometimes I now get tagged in posts on Twitter where people just randomly say no AO for me only ICP okay um and it gets brought up in like random conversations so it's really kicked up a stir there you mentioned earlier is actually how extensible AO can be because you can be you know leveraging the security of Bitcoin leveraging the the evm leveraging svm as well so you can actually be integrated into all the ecosystems which is why I found it quite surprising you guys decided to start with Lua first and not

you know solidity or rust so can you explain the kind of rationale there so when you use AO you log into it you can load a chat client you start chatting with your friends inside the machine you they build stuff you send messages to it um all of it is interactive and flexible and intuitive and forgiving which is a really fundamental thing which is not the case in I think essentially all of these other languages and basically the other languages people write in are inherited from the line of systems programming

languages because they're buil to be extremely efficient which is completely absurd in my mind uh when when before I started AR I I was doing a PhD in distributed operating system design which funny enough I ended up building the distributed or decentralized operating system I I had dreamed of back then but didn't have the right tools for but when I was doing so I wrote a lot of uh C and assembly and it's it's virtually unfathomable that the the lineage of languages so solidity and rust that people build smart contracts that going

to manage billions of dollars and they have to do so securely are written in these languages I love C actually I think it's an incredible language because of its flexibility and and sort of don't want to get into the complexities of the programming but it's it's wild it's got a wild nature to it you can really do whatever you want it let you interact directly with the machine same with Assembly Language but I can't imagine how stressful it is to write hypers security sensitive code in

those environments it sounds like a nightmare because you're thinking about the wrong level of abstraction like rust is built for systems programming it's it's built for extremely highly performant code which is why it was ended you know it ended up uh being used in the blockchain space because basically we have these extremely Limited computers but now if we don't have those limited computers the only thing that makes sense to do is to reset our expectations that we should be programming at a high level we should be

thinking about our would you say computational abstracts uh yeah abstract computational mechanisms uh with no concern for things like memory allocation you know have I freed my pointer should not be something you're having to worry about when you're really trying to focus on when I sum up these numbers one person is going to create value and or move value and the other is going to lose it is this done correctly there this really fundamental thing that needs extreme focus and attention on the right areas basically

and so what Lu gives us is something that is extremely simple and flexible and it has the right level of high what would you say yeah high level AB abration we call it in programming language design where you're you're thinking about the problem with the with the right level of how would you describe this to a non-programmer it's like I'm my mind is not busy with all of these tasks about managing the computer the computer man itself yeah it's simplified and I'm just focused on the mathematics of moving

money around or you know doing this defi primitive or an AI agent that's going to you know basically uh put people's money in the market and that's that's very serious stuff and you need to make sure that the there's as little clutter in the mind as possible when you're doing that and Lu Lu offers that because it's it's essentially JavaScript without the crazy if you will like it's JavaScript that really cut down to the basic elements um simple sensible abstractions and and no talk of like

memory management or anything like this whereas in solidity what these developers are doing is is quite crazy in a way is the developers will frequently switch to writing the assembly level of the program directly in order to optimize gas very lowlevel developers versus just focusing on building the best app they have to figure out okay what do I tweak in the infrastructure layer to make this app work and they become backend and front end and all that complexity just becomes crazy yeah exactly when you write in

Assembly Language it's like you are interacting with a computer as if it's a calculator it's it's extremely extremely basic and you can do it for efficiency purposes but I really wouldn't want to to mix those efficiency purposes with financial Primitives seems like a catastrophe as say a catastrophe waiting to happen but we see it happen all the time all the time that's why there's a massive auditing industry as well and I think for for the non-developers in the audience I think a good analogy is like

imagine you're supposed to drive a car but uh when you're driving the car you also have to tweak the engine and also spin the wheel yourself and basically get into the the the the actual nitty-gritty of operating the car itself instead of just you know stepping on the gas and trading the wheel right yes it's like it's like a manual car but like way more manual Sam for the last part of this I wanted to focus on the ecosystem Community side because you mentioned there's um a a lot of developers that are interested in AO

right now what are you seeing in terms of what people are interested to build and are there things that you simply cannot build on you know other chains that you'd like to see people build on AO now yeah they're already doing it um the thing that comes to mind is that people have really taken to this Arena game that exists inside the system so it's a fully onchain game there's there's no elements of it that that exist offchain it's not like the token is settled onchain or something like

this but the entire all the mechanics they just live inside AO and it's a it's an arena where there are players they just move around and they can attack each other they can you some basic things as energy management this type of thing um and what what's interesting about it is that these developers are competing against each other to build better and better AI agents that play in this Arena 24/7 to earn tokens to earn testnet cred from one another they're essentially betting them on on these

Bots um and what's interesting about that is that we we actually built the arena before testet launch and we did so because a game like that is engaging to developers but also it's it's the Primitive that makes up the economy fundamentally these markets are just games those mechanics of you know lending Protocols are just we literally call it game design right it's mechanism design um yes and so when you have those basics in place and people are starting to build agents that train against each

other today it's you know fun games with Bots that move around and shoot each other or whatever it is uh but tomorrow it will be markets fully decentralized onchain intelligent Market uh and so we we think that that's super super exciting um and it has the same mechanics which is basically if you build a better bot than someone else you can earn the tokens from that bot in like a play of versus player Arena style which again exactly like markets are eventually so so that's that's an exciting beginning people are also

building you know onchain social systems um it's one of those we can't yet talk about unfortunately but another is that uh you know it's like a decentralized chat room and has Twitter like elements you can send tokens to people as they talk and really it's been like two two and a half three weeks of of test net so the that they're building things at all is kind of incredible and the uh the seeds of an ecosystem are already there I mean it took two or three years for our we to get to the same level at least I think

the closing question here I'm sure a lot of people are excited about the timeline so what is the current status in AO I understand you guys are in testet when can we expect you know the next big milestones and what should people be watching out for uh we don't rush security sensitive things fundamentally we we're not going to we're also not going to call it main net until we're virtually certain that the core specification doesn't need to change like we we really believe in building real

protocols uh we think that the crypto has unfortunately lost its way quite significantly uh in the in the path between Bitcoin and web3 as we see it today where the line between a centralized startup and a product and a protocol has become extremely blurred and fundamentally what is a protocol supposed to do well it's supposed to be a neutral language that many participants can use to achieve a task together and if it changes all the time it's not a neutral language it looks far closer to a product and if it's not a

real protocol then it can't offer users rights right like if you use you know ethereum before or if you're an ethereum minor before the proof of stake um switch over was it 18 months ago now then your rights in the economic game that was created inside ethereum that is ethereum if you will uh we're not protected and then the day that that switch happened 8 billion worth of gpus became useless that's not a real protocol sorry I I love ethereum took part in the Ico way back I funny enough on the website the the tagline at that

point was ethereum is the world computer H that's cool I want to be part of that um so I took some Bitcoin I'd mind and and put it in the Ico but and and they they did create something truly astonishing smart contract systems and decentralized finance um but it's not the world computer and it's becoming more of a protocol perhaps but realistically it it doesn't necessarily give users that many rights it has a long road map of things that they promise will change about the system and when you have that it's just

very hard to marry it with uh the guarantees that are offered by real protocols in the you know space outside of crypto um or or Bitcoin itself so with AO what we're trying to do is make sure that the protocols themselves the components are stabilized before we call it main net and we think we're actually pretty close to that and when you look at ethereum like what they spent most of the time doing is attempting to solve scalability and if you look at most of these other systems really the fundamental thing is well it can't be

full and complete because it isn't yet scalable so we want to get it to that point where the network is truly at a at a place where um it it not only works today and it would work without our intervention ever again but it would also work and scale arbitrarily that's the kind of thing that gives people rights that they can build against we want people to set up data centers running compute units we want people to stake large amounts of money in the system for the passage of messages that will happen much easier if

people can understand well this thing isn't going to change from under my feet you could okay here's a controversial take in some senses a road map is a rug pull right what you're promising is that in the future things will shift so if you use the system today the way it is presented to you now will be taken from you right if were those uh you know GPU owners well the system kind of rug pulled you right um and if if there's a group that's always constantly stepping in and changing it along some road map for

start maybe they don't actually finish executing the road map which is what happens 90% of the time and the other 10% of the time they do and you lose your rights as they currently existed in the system and yeah this this just doesn't speak to us this is not what crypto is about and so we have the opportunity here because the system is arbitrarily scalable and you know we defined it a couple of times it's very flexible you can plug in whatever virtual machine you want uh you can choose whatever staking

or security system that you want to use with your process because it has that flexibility we think we have a good shot of getting a stable protocol out there that that really does offer users rights and other people can can build on with guarantees that be taken from them I think that's an amazing note to end this on I really like that uh that portrayal of uh road maps as like a slowmo four toad rug that's the first time I've heard anyone put it that way so that's very interesting um well Sam

I'm really really honored that you came on the show and and explain to us what the AO vision is for people who want to stay on top of all of this what are the best channels for them to do this yeah there's AO the computer is Twitter account one of the main ones there's also a decentralized ecosystem around AO already fortunately um so this AO Computer Club if you're like a sort of techy you might want to follow that as well they talk about the parts of AO that you know based on this idea it is a

shared computer and you can compose on each other's stuff and it's it's almost like a what would you say like a mailing list or like a magazine um so it has that kind of feel to it AO the computer is much more sort of crypto focused um yeah and ao. dodev or actually ao. any we Gateway we'll get you to the website awesome perfect well thank you so much for coming on the show Sam this was a blast amazing thanks for having me hey thanks for supporting another episode of The Block wrench podcast if you've

enjoyed this episode please give us a five-star rating on Spotify and apple podcast or whatever platform you're listening to this on it really helps us a lot or if you prefer YouTube you can subscribe to our Channel on YouTube as well to not miss an episode I'd love to hear from you guys as well and I personally make sure to read every single comment on YouTube or tweets that are directed at me so feel free leave a comment there let us know what project you want us to bring on or what trends you want us to talk about or tweet at me

(51:32) at Mr Jason Troy or at theblock crunch on the platform previously known as Twitter currently known as X and thank you so much for supporting and I'll see you in the next episode [Music]

〈Arweave Japan とは〉
Arweave Japan は Arweave / AO の日本語ビルダーエコシステム構築を目的とした分散型組織です。

〈​Arweave / AO とは?〉
イーサリアム L1 のリステーキングによってセキュリティが担保され、TVL はローンチ数ヶ月で 1000 億円近くまで上がり、今後数兆円規模の市場が期待されます。完全フェアローンチされた AO のトークン設計によって、この流動性は AO 上のプロジェクトが活用することができ、ビットコインと同じ半減スケジュールでミントされる AO トークンは開発者やプロジェクトが受け取れる仕組みとなっています。

​Web2 を置き換えるレベルで実用的なプロジェクトが構築できる唯一無二の分散型プロトコル AO で開発することはグローバルの第一線で活躍する非常に大きなチャンスとなっています。

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