"SYDEKICK/F" is a formal language to describe ttrpg systems. "SYDEKICK" is affected in many kinds of languagegs, e.g., Forth, REBOL, Lisp and others.

"SYDEKICK/F" is lexicalized by words. Each word is separated by spaces. This mean if there is not any spaces between surface string, it make one word.

# "FRAME" is reserved and special name for frame of SYDEKICK.
# "module" is a name of types.
# Quoted string can be a word.
FRAME : module [

#   place slots on the FRAME
    place [ "2.1 キャラクター・メイキング" ]
    place [ "3. 判定方法" ]
    place [ "4. 運プール" ]
    place [ "5. 行動の順番と移動可能距離" "6. ダメージと消耗" ]
    alias [ Development "7. PCの成長 ]
    place Development

#   connect modules (fillers) with interface on the FRAME bidirectional
    connect [ "2. キャラクター・メイキング" with "3. 判定方法"
    connect/share [ "2. キャラクター・メイキング" with [
        "4. 運プール" 
        "5. 行動の順番と移動家の距離"
        "6. ダメージと消耗"
        "7. PCの成長"
    [omit others]

#   Example other module
# Quoted string can be a word, again I will say.
"2.1 キャラクターをイメージする" : module [
    place [ "2.2 能力" ]
    place [ "2.3 技能" ]
    [omit rest of here]

#   Example other module
"2.2 能力" : module [
    # "struct" is a name of types
    能力 : struct [
        # You can access this as 能力/心 or "能力/心.
        # "integer" is a name of type. 
        [ 心 : integer [ 5 ... 9 ] ]
        [ 体 : integer [ 5 ... 9 ] ]
        [ 技 : integer [ 5 ... 9 ] ]
        [ 魂 : integer [ 5 ... 9 ] ]

#   map will make list? of 能力s
#   interface will make connection in bidirectional
    interface [
        [ map [ 能力 能力Lv ] to "2.1 キャラクターをイメージする" ]
    [omit others]

[omit others]

We will make more development for SYDEKICK/F. Enjoy and Comment!

Previous note is here.



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