
リバー・ランズ・スルー・イット 2

A River Runs Through It by Norman Maclen

ln our family, there was no clear line between religion and fly fishing. We lived at the junction of great trout rivers in western Montana, and our father was a Pres-byterian minister and a fly fisherman who tied his own flies and taught others. He told us about Christ's disciples being fishermen. and we were left to assume, as my brother and l did, that all first-class fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly fishermen and that John, the favorite, was a dry-fly fisherman.
 It is true that one day a week was given over wholly to religion. On Sunday mornings my brother, Paul, and l went to Sunday school and then to "morning services" to hear our father preach and in the
evenings to Christian Endeavor and afterwards to "evening services” to hear our father preach again.
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In between on Sunday afternoons we had to study The Westminster Shorter Catechism for an hour and then recite before we could walk the hills with him while he unwound between services. But he never
asked us more than the first question in the catechism, "What is the chief end of man?” And we answered together so one of us could carry on if the other forgot, "Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and
to enjoy Him forever." This always seemed to satisfy him, as indeed such a beautiful answer should have, and besides he was anxious to be on the hills where he could restore his soul and be filled again to overflowing for the evening sermon. His chief way of recharging himself was to recite to us from the sermon that was coming, enriched here and there with selections from the most successful passages of his morning sermon.
 Even so, in a typical week of our childhood Paul and l probably received as many hours of instruction in fly fishing as we did in all other spiritual matters.
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 After my brother and l became good fishermen, we realized that our father was not a great fly caster, but he was accurate and stylish and wore a glove on his casting hand. As he buttoned his glove in preparation to giving us a lesson, he would say, “lt is an art that is performed on a four-count rhythm between ten and two o'clock."
 As a Scot and a Presbyterian, my father believed that man by nature was a mess and had fallen from an original state of grace. Somehow, I early developed the notion that he had done this by falling froma tree. As for my father, l never knew whether he believed God was a mathematician but he certainly believed God could count and that only by picking up God's rhythms were we able to regain power and beauty. Unlike many Presbyterians, he often used the word "beautiful.”
 After he buttoned his glove, he would hold his rod straight out in front of him, where it trembled with the beating of his heart. Although it was eight and a half feet long, it weighed only four and a half ounces. It was made of split bamboo cane from the far-off Bay of Tonkin. It was wrapped with red and blue silk thread, and the wrappings were carefully spaced to make the delicate rod powerful but not so stiff it could not tremble。
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岩の下には言葉が潜んでいる  渡辺利雄


"The River Runs Through It" is a novella of about a hundred pages in its original form. While it does not feature any particularly dramatic events, it beautifully captures the joy of living in pristine nature through the poet’s delicate sensibility, making it a classic example of nature writing in American literature. Despite its vivid descriptions of nature, this novel is also a deeply human story, depicting the various relationships among the four members of the Maclean family and the people around them. At its core is the relationship between the narrator, Norman, and his younger brother, Paul. Norman, the elder brother, is somewhat awkward—he cannot match his brother's skill in trout fishing and is not particularly popular with women. However, he is compassionate, perceptive, and demonstrates sound judgment.
"The River Runs Through It" is a novella of about a hundred pages. It doesn't have any dramatic events, but it beautifully describes the joy of living in untouched nature through the poet’s sensitive perspective, making it a great example of nature writing in American literature. Despite the focus on nature, this story is also very much about human relationships. It follows the four members of the Maclean family and the people around them. At the heart of the story is the relationship between the narrator, Norman, and his younger brother, Paul. Norman is the older brother, a bit awkward—he isn’t as good at trout fishing as his brother and isn’t very popular with women—but he is kind, perceptive, and shows good judgment.

Paul, the younger brother, is perhaps more talented than Norman, but due to his stubborn nature and the isolation of the rural environment they live in, he struggles to find a way to fully express his talents. As a result, he becomes frustrated with himself, turns to gambling at an early age, gets lost in alcohol, and engages in reckless relationships with women, eventually leading to his downfall. Seeing his brother's plight, Norman tries to offer help, but he understands Paul's conflicted feelings too well and finds himself unable to reach out effectively. Paul, on the other hand, desires his brother’s help but is too proud and stubborn to accept it. In the end, Paul meets a tragic death, likely due to problems related to debt, and Norman is left to carry the weight of this loss for the rest of his life.
Paul, the younger brother, is probably more talented than Norman, but because of his stubborn personality and the isolated environment they live in, he can’t find a way to fully use his talents. This makes him frustrated, and he turns to gambling, drinking too much, and getting involved in troubled relationships with women, which eventually leads to his downfall. Norman tries to help his brother, but he understands Paul's inner struggles too well and doesn’t know how to reach out. Paul wants his brother’s help, but his pride and stubbornness won’t let him accept it. In the end, Paul likely dies because of trouble with debts, and Norman is left to live the rest of his life burdened by this loss.

"The River Runs Through It" is clearly an autobiographical novel, but the reason it was written in the author's seventies, after retiring as a university professor, was not simply because he had more time. It took him that many years to come to terms with his relationship with his brother, to truly understand him, and to reconcile with him based on that understanding. In that sense, "The River Runs Through It" is a novel that was written because it had to be written. However, to do so, the author needed to maintain a certain distance from his past, allowing himself the emotional space to look back and clarify its meaning.
"The River Runs Through It" is obviously an autobiographical novel, but the author didn’t start writing it in his seventies, after retiring as a university professor, just because he had more free time. It took him that long to come to terms with his relationship with his brother, to truly understand him, and to find peace with that understanding. In this sense, the novel was something he had to write, but he needed to step back from his past and have the emotional space to look at it clearly before he could do so.

This novel is particularly outstanding in how it vividly and concretely recreates the experiences of the author’s youth while always maintaining a certain distance from them. Not once does the author lose control of his restraint. When writing about memories from one's youth, it’s easy to become sentimental, but in "The River Runs Through It," the author never indulges in such sentimentality, nor does he pamper himself or try to justify his actions. At the same time, he avoids falling into self-pity or self-criticism.
This novel is especially impressive because it brings the author’s youthful experiences to life in a clear and vivid way, while also keeping a steady distance from those memories. The author never loses control of his emotions. When writing about memories from youth, it’s easy to get overly sentimental, but in "The River Runs Through It," the author never gives in to that. He doesn’t indulge in self-pity, make excuses for himself, or become overly critical.
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