



"I am the English teacher who is teaching English in the junior high school. However, I cannot speak English. although I think that they are the parents of students and students, or people to whom the English teacher of a junior high school naturally looks English like people fluently, and the general public can also talk, it is completely different in practice. Most Japanese English teachers are people who cannot speak English fluently. Therefore, when native speakers are dispatched as an auxiliary lecturer of a lesson from the United States or Britain, English teachers' strain and stress are serious. English cannot be spoken with students --  it tries hard strenuously with られまい. They are very pitiable efforts! He gets angry for him rather than whom. [ who is doing such a pitiable thing ] I did not suspect English education of Japan at all, when it became an English teacher, of course. English education of Japan is teaching grammar. a verb -- an auxiliary verb -- an interrogative sentence -- the progressive form -- a past form -- the present 完完了形 -- a past perfect form -- the subjunctive mood -- と . Although he cannot understand the difference between Be verb and a general verb well, either, complicated grammar appears rapidly, and students get confused still more and scream that English does not boil at all. However, at every time, I said students like this and encouraged. See the building under construction. A thick pillar will be constructed probably. A building does not stand without a pillar. Grammar is the pillar. The pillar supporting a building called language. The words "English" are known when you understand this pillar firmly. It is that an English newspaper and a book can be smoothly read now and English can be soon spoken now fluently. However, it was a lie. Such a thing does not happen by any means.
If grammar is studied, it will be a very entire lie which can understand the language and can speak now about the language. Since he had noticed this, I decided that he would study in Britain. Before leaving for the Britain, I am very happy that training of English conversation can be performed with you. training begun with you after this although it is about one level in the level of my English conversation -- about a level 3 -- by -- I carry out and think that I will take a trip of British studying abroad. Please train me if you please."




言葉は建物ではありません。言葉は文法で組み立てられているのでもなければ、文法から生まれてくるものでもありません。文法を学べば、その言葉が理解でき、その言葉が話せるようになるなんてまったくの嘘っぱちです。私はこのことに気づいたときから、一度自分の人生をリセットして、イギリスに留学しようと決意したのです。そのイギリスに旅立つ前に、「草の葉メソッドによる日本英語の私塾」で、あなたと英会話のトレーニングができることをとてもうれしく思います。私の英会話のレベルなんて、レベル1程度ですが、あなたとこれからはじめるトレーニングでレベル3 程度にまで引き上げて、イギリス留学の旅に出ようと思っています。どうか私をきびしく鍛えて下さい。

