
Which One? どの子ですか?






She rushed to the kitchen and hurriedly began making coffee so that she wouldn’t cry.

この英文をランナーは、最初は黙読でも一語一語を目で追っていきます。しかし音読によるトレーニング、そして黙読でのトレーニングが成熟していくと、この英文を《She rushed to the kitchen》と、《and hurriedly began making coffee》と、《so that she wouldn’t cry.》と、三つの言葉の塊として一瞬にして読み取っていくようになります。これは私たちが日本語の本や新聞や雑誌を読むときだれもが行っていることですが、《草の葉メソッド》では英語もまたこのように読解していく力をつけるために、最初の段階からランナーに課せられています。



「Which one?」という七百字からなる英文を音読してもらいます。ストップウオッチを手にして、何分で読了するか計測していきます。一回目は七分十秒でした。二回目は六分四十三秒、三回目は六分二十秒。次第にそこに書かれている英文がわかっていきます。四回目、軽快に走る速度で音読する立花さんに不思議なことが起こりました。その英文のサリバン家に二人のオフィサーが訪れるあたりになると、彼女の目はうるうるとなり、その音読の声がふるえ、そしてその目から涙が頬にこぼれおちていきました。




Which One?   どの子ですか?

                                    By Kenneth. Y. Sagawa  千里古谷

 Every year in August, the Japanese set aside a day and remember the horrible experiences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki so that there we will not be war again. Every year in August, l remember the true story of the Sullivan family in America and the movie that was made about their sad story.
 Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan lived in pre-World War II America. They had five sons and one daughter. Mr. Sullivan was a railroad worker and didn't make much money but he tried very hard to bring up his children to be as honest and as good as possible. The boys were active, lively and each boy was different. The oldest was a leader, the second was serious, the third was honest, the fourth was loyal and the last was cheerful. They got into lots of arguments and fights with each other but they were loyal and had a strong team spirit against others. If one brother got into trouble, all the other brothers helped him. They had a fighting Sullivan sprit.
 Mr. Sullivan worked on the night shift, from 3 in the afternoon until 12 at night. Sometimes, when the train went past their house, the boys would run to the water tower that was near their home. The five boys would line up the ladder that ran up to the water tower and would wave to their father as the train went by. Mr. Sullivan would wave back proudly and happily to his five young sons.
 Raising five boys was very hard. There were disagreements, fights, romances and heartbreaks. The older the boys got, the more finances became difficult. Mr. Sullivan could not be promoted and his pay remained the same, so it was getting more and more difficult for him and his wife.
 One day, December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor, a small harbor in Hawaii which was American territory, was attacked by Japanese planes. Many American ships and boats were bombed and many American soldiers and sailors were killed.
 When the five Sullivan brothers heard this piece of news, they decided to volunteer for the Navy. They all went to the Navy office and said that they wanted to join. The officer began to assign them to different ships, but they said that they would refuse to join unless they were all assigned to the same ship. They said that the five Sullivan brothers had never been separated before and that they would not be separated in the Navy. So the officer put all 0f them on the same ship and the five Sullivan boys went off to the war in the Pacific.
  One day, just before Mr. Sullivan had to go to work, the door bell rang. Mr. Sullivan answered the door and a Naval officer stood at the door. He said, “Mr. Sullivan ?  I’m afraid l have some very sad news. May I come in ?”
Mr. Sullivan called his wife and they both sat down in the living room with the officer. Then Mr. Sullivan said something which made me so sad that l have never forgotten it, even though I saw this movie 30 years ago. Mr. Sullivan said, “Which one ?”
 The Naval officer said, “I’m sorry. All five of them were killed when their ship was sunk by Japanese bombs.” 
 Mrs. Sullivan jumped up and said, “I’m go and make some coffee.”
She rushed to the kitchen and hurriedly began making coffee so that she wouldn’t cry. Mr. Sullivan said. “I’m sorry, I must go to work now or I’ll be late.”
 Mr. Sullivan never cried. He got onto the train, the train went slowly past his house and passed by the water tower. He looked. He saw his five sons standing on the ladder, all waving to him. He blinked his eyes. It was only an illusion. Then he remembered the words, “Which one ?” and he began to cry and cry and cry.
  Seeing the movie, l too began to cry and cry and l have never forgotten the words, “Which one ?” Whenever people talk about war, l remember the sad, true story of the five Sullivan brothers and the words which echo in my mind are “Which one ?”
      “Which one ?”
          “Which one ?”


英語学習たちの速読トレーニングのために、Kenneth. Y. Sagawaさんと古谷千里さんとでつくられたテキストは現在絶版になっていて、このまま消え去る運命にあります。《草の葉ライブラリー》はこの素晴らしいテキストに新しい生命を吹き込みたいと思っています。

