


Japanese English private school for junior high school students A rigorous training awaits you when you enter "Japanese English private school". It's a two-hour lesson once a week, but you're given a huge amount of assignments for that lesson. Training for fast reading of long English sentences, training for listening to English sentences more than 100 times and completely remembering the English sentences, creating texts for lessons, translating the texts that you have created into English using translation software, and translating the English sentences into English. The challenge of coming to perfection to make a dialogue lesson. And I'm going to be able to write English spelling perfectly. If you don't work hard on these assignments, you can't have a weekly lesson. Such rigorous training is absolutely essential if you are to make English your language.
This private school has lessons once a week, but when you enter the school, you are expected to undergo a rigorous training. First, students are trained to read aloud and speed through English textbooks for grades 1 to 3, memorize the entire text, and write the entire text. Once the basic foundation of English is established, full-scale training using the “Leaves of Grass Method” begins.
We want junior high school students who never miss a lesson once a week, who want to face tough training, who want to use English as their own language, and who want to change the world. We want a junior high school student with enthusiasm.
English, like Japanese, is a language that builds people. Therefore, instead of studying for tests or exams, you should challenge the unknown language of English in order to improve yourself and grow further. The road is rough, but I will walk with you. This private school is a one-year school. In this year's intensive lessons, the basic foundation for mastering the language of English - English mouth, English eye, English ear, English hand, and English brain that thinks in English, is graduated.
Why is this private school called a Japanese English private school instead of an English private school? This is because, in order for the Japanese to use the word English as another national language, they must create Japanese English.
How did American English come about? Because Americans created American English. That American War of Independence was a battle between American English, which was created by Americans, and British English, which tried to suppress it. Having won that war, America proudly proclaims: "British people, if you want to learn real English, come to America."
In order for the Japanese to make English another national language, they should not be slaves to British or American English, but should create Japanese English. The Japanese are a race with a natural talent for creating words. We created kanji, hiragana, and katakana. Perhaps 300 years from now, they will proclaim this loudly. "British people, American people, if you want to learn real English, come to Japan."
《Japanese English Private School》was established with this grand idea and mission. You, who became a student of this cram school and built a foundation for creating Japanese English through intense training, will also live with this grand idea and mission.

