
ショパン・ピアノコンクール Round 3反田恭平


all the pianist here are talented without doubt, but mr. sorita is just amazing! i enjoyed his performance so much, and he himself seems also enjoy this competition as we do!

I have listened to polonaise in A flat major for numerous years and countless of times. Never have this much of clear pictures on my heart as much of mr. Sorita’s polonaise. Brought me in tears. What a artist! Amazing! Maturity of understanding, such an ease and effortless performing! I am all for his winning!!!

Mr. Sorita demonstrate how can be connected soul and music through over 150 years, between so many countrys and culture. His emotions touched, the performance brilliant, never-never heard the Marche funébre so genial, nice, moved - unbelievabel The best ever!


He is like a man among boys. His phrasing, dynamic control, heart and tone color sound like some of the greatest previous winners like Argerich and Zimmerman. He deserves a major career---he is playing like he is the one with that career already.

Sorita is not only a fabulous pianist. He is a poet, and he lives the music he is playing. I did not listen to all candidates, but I doubt that anyone will reach the musical and emotional heights that Kyohei Sorita offered to the world. Bravíssimo, Sorita! And thanks for such exilarating moments.


Haha no doubts kyohei is such a genius. In the funeral March, I can fell a very special dramatic scene, reminds me the winter, with the snow falling down on a sad image. Kyohei definitely nailed it and deserves to be in the final. Bravo!!! 

I actually thought his polonaise was his worst-performed piece in this round. I feel like he didn't give the nuance he wanted to put into it, especially after his slip-up in the allegro B section. His marche funebre was well-interpreted though. Eager to hear his concert!

This is hard to believe, but despite this extraordinary performance, Mr. Sorita told a Japanese interviewer that he was not happy about how he played the mazurka due to his nervousness and actually cried in secret right after this! Well well, guess what? He's going to the Finals!! Congratulations and what a musical genius he is!!!

Thank you, Mr. Sorita, for such a great tribute to the Polish turbulent history. Chopin loved his homeland very much and poured his heart out in his music for it. You really captured his spirit in your insightful and inspired art.

KYOHEI SORITA is great Master in Chopin's music !

While listening his performance from sonata to polonaise, I found this “recital” was a dedication to Chopin and Poland.
In history, Poland was invaded many times and recovered every time, so that maybe the reason he inserted largo between funeral sonata and polonaise. I felt like, largo was the light of hope and polonaise was the beacon of revival. What a respectful performance!




Wow! I thought I knew Chopin pretty well. As a Polish I know that religious song (used to be a national anthem for a while) but never heard it being played on piano. Never heard Chopin’s piece played with so much passion! Way to go, Kyohei-Kun! See you in the final! 

