
ショパン・ピアノコンクール Round2 角野隼斗


gree in all counts what's been said here about the As Dur Polonaise. I also like that he's not a showman with flashy outfits and / or unnecessary grand gestures, and that he puts elegance before all- something crucial when it comes to play Chopin. I truly hope he makes it to the finals, but whatever the outcome will be he's worth to keep an eye on.
I also highly welcome his presence on social media. There is a strange prejudice against that in the Classical Music Elite which I don't understand. We live in the 21st century, and who isn't active online simply doesn't exist. Even an old curmudgeon like me understands that... I wish I'd had this resource when I was 24!! Fortunately the Chopin Institute has understood that as well, and is doing an awesome job. Bravo!


Let's all be reminded that this guy also holds a bachelor's and a master's degree from the University of Tokyo, the most prestigious university in Japan and one of the best in the world. You would think he majored in music theory or piano performance, but no, he's a trained mathematician, statistician, and information scientist. How does he even have time to practice?! He has my utmost respect.


Hayato Sumino is an amazing pianist like lots of other contestants, but there is something that people leave out about him. Not only is he an incredible classical pianist, his skills in improvisation, composition and jazz are amazing, I have seen lots of classical pianist who perform brilliantly but when it comes to improvisation or composition they find it very difficult and aren't very good at it. Cateen is among the best all-round pianists I know of, and this is what makes him so incredible to me. This performance was very good in my opinion, I loved how he interpreted the pieces.


He was competing in classical competitions BEFORE he became a Youtuber...I really don't understand why it would matter. His roots lie with classical music and all the foundation was already there...he's also has a very very strong affinity with jazz. He's all around super talented and it's clear he has passion and love for the piano, being a "Youtuber" does not subtract from his integrity as a musician!

