
嫌なことは忘れて?「茗荷の茎と田作りの炒ったん」 Forget about the bad things and enjoy "dry roasted myoga ginger stalks and dried sardines"

A minimalist's seasonal calendar

Recipe trivia


Everyone has things they want to forget. Whenever my parents yelled at me as a child, I would have this fantasy run through my head: "If I eat a bunch of myoga(japanese ginger) growing in the garden, I wonder if I'll be able to forget. But there are some fun things I don't want to forget." I was told so many times that I thought this as a child that "eating japanese ginger makes you forgetful and stupid." I thought this was just a story about my generation, but it seems that's not the case. One day, when I served japanese ginger fritters as an appetizer at the counter, a customer in his 50s asked me with a straight face, "I'm getting to the age where I'm starting to forget things, so should I refrain from eating japanese ginger?" I was surprised. It seems like this is a story that every Japanese person knows.
It is often featured in traditional works such as fairy tales and the rakugo story "Myoga-yado," so it must have been passed down for a long time. It is often explained that this story is based on the story of a senior disciple of Buddha named Cullapanthaka, which is found in the Lotus Sutra and the Amitabha Sutra, but this is a bit dubious. The story is based on a Buddhist tale that tells of Cullapanthaka, who had a very poor memory and was ridiculed at first, but was able to attain enlightenment by continuing to clean every day without thinking. The rare plant that grew on his grave was called "myoga", so the association is that "myoga = forgetfulness", but in fact there is no clear source in either India or China. It seems that this part is a Japanese invention.


By the way, do you know what "batoh(horse shoes)" are? They are "horse straw sandals" that were common in Japan before horseshoes were introduced from the West in the Meiji era. Domestic horses have weak hooves, and they wear out when used excessively. Horseshoes and horse shoes were invented to protect the hooves. These horse shoes were made from hemp and myoga fibers. This is because myoga fibers are hard and durable. From ancient times to the Meiji era, horses were very important not only as a means of transportation but also as a military force. Myoga is treated as a medicine in India and China, and Japanese people are the only ones who eat it as a vegetable. It has been cultivated in fields for a long time. Of course, this herb suited the unique Japanese taste, but it is also possible that the state encouraged its cultivation as a material for horse shoes. It is also possible that politicians spread rumors warning against overeating of myoga for political reasons to prevent the fields from being destroyed. Far from helping with forgetfulness, it has been said that myoga ginger has medicinal properties that improve blood circulation and concentration. Recent pharmacological analysis has also provided evidence for this.
In fact, Buddhist wisdom is not about knowledge. You cannot attain enlightenment by cramming too much knowledge. The more knowledge you have, the more your worldly desires will increase unless you control it well. A typical example would be modern people, who have become so overwhelmed by the spread of the Internet that they no longer have time to think carefully. Information literacy is necessary to digest information. Shuriputo was able to reach the truth because he pursued things by focusing only on the theme of cleaning. It is exactly what is needed, the medicinal properties of ginger, "clear thinking and concentration." The Japanese have made a false accusation against myoga.


The myoga sold at greengrocers is trimmed. Harvested myoga (flower myoga) has a stem attached. This stem is cut off before shipping. However, the stem is perfectly edible, although it is a bit tough. That's why I use the myoga I grow in my home garden, including the stem.
Kochi is the largest producer of myoga in Japan. The other day, when I went to the supermarket, I found a wonderful product shipped by Kochi's agricultural cooperative, so I bought it right away. It's a pack of just myoga stems, weighing 500 grams. It costs less than 200 yen. Perfect for poor people. So I stir-fried it with some "tazukuri (dried small sardines)" that I had left over from New Year's and made a side dish.




Myoga stalks (Kochi Agricultural Cooperative)
Tazukuri (dried small sardines)
Light type soy sauce



Chop the myoga vertically.
Put the tazukuri in a frying pan or heavy-bottom pot and fry without adding oil until crisp.
Add the myoga stalks and fry without adding any more oil until they are soft.
Finally, sprinkle in the light type soy sauce, vinegar and sake and mix until you can smell the fragrant soy sauce.
If you cool it immediately, you can store it in the refrigerator for around five days.

Tips  and tricks:    


Instead of tazukuri, you can use chirimenjyako(dried very small sardines) or dried shrimp. For vegetarians, you can use rehydrated shiitake mushrooms or split king oyster mushrooms.
You can add vinegar or not, depending on your preference.
You can use dark soy sauce or your favorite soy sauce. You can also use miso instead of soy sauce.
If you want to add some accent, you can stir-fry it with chili peppers.
You can finish by sprinkling sesame seeds or a little sesame oil to add flavor.
"Ittan" is the Kyoto dialect for "air-frying". Stir-frying with oil was not common in Japanese home cooking before the war, but side dishes that were air-fried using a roasting pan (a cooking utensil for air-frying) were common.
It's expensive, but if you have a vegetable garden, you can use the whole myoga, not just the stems. Instead of myoga, other summer vegetables that can be used include sweet chili peppers, bell peppers, thinly cutted ​​eggplant, sweet potato stems, and taro stems.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be verhy happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
