
明日葉のジェノベーゼ風スパゲティーニ Genovese-style spaghetti with ashitaba angelica leaves

Bar snacks recipe collection

ストーリー Recipe trivia


This pasta recipe is a dish related to my late friend. It's a bit of a long story, but please bear with me.


I am a wanderer at heart. So I don't have a strong sense of groundedness in running a store, but one of the pillars of my work is the launch of new stores and the production of new business models, so I often accompany the managers and work behind the bar counter or in the kitchen to understand the market during startups. Or I sometimes take on short-term management roles to turn around troubled stores.
As I mentioned before, I once managed a pub restaurant for about three years. The location was an old backstreet where there was a red-light district during the high economic growth period, and after the bubble burst, it was a street that had been left behind by the times, with rundown karaoke bars operating on a small scale to regular customers. What's more, the space was on the top floor of a multi-tenant building that was occupied only by karaoke bars, and had no elevator. At that time, there were almost no casual, privately-run restaurants that people of all ages and genders could visit around Kamakura Station, and it was common for young people to go to chain restaurants in towns with larger populations a few stations away rather than eating and drinking locally. Kamakura city itself is a commuter town of Tokyo with a decent population, but the area around Kamakura Station, known as Kyu-Kamakura, which is a basin, is just a rural town with a population of 30,000 to 40,000. During the day, it is crowded with tourists, but after 5:00 in the evening, most of the stores close their shutters to cater to tourists, and the town is plunged into darkness. Since there is no nighttime population, it is understandable that the entertainment district has become deserted. That is why half of the convenience stores in this town are closed at night.
My mission was to attract potential customers, including young customers who don't have much money in this town with a small nighttime population, or pensioners who can no longer drink on company expenses after becoming pensioners. So, I decided to operate this space as a Spanish-style bar with a standing bar and booth seats, which was still rare at the time, and although there were a few stores starting to open in Tokyo, there was no precedent in Kanagawa Prefecture, and I had a feeling that it would become a hit. In this town where it was common to pay 3,000 to 4,000 yen per seat, I also introduced the COD (pay as you go) gpayment system, which had no charge and was rare in Kamakura at the time.

僕は飲食店のプロデュースをしているので、飲食系物件の情報が人より早く入ってくる。ある時、この立ち飲み屋で彼と一緒に飲んでいる時に相談を持ちかけられた。彼はいたく立ち飲み屋という業態が気に入っていて、自分でも立ち飲み屋を開きたくなったらしい。ちょうど良いタイミングで、件の鎌倉の裏路地のカラオケスナックから、廃業したいので譲渡先がないか打診されているところだった。もう一つ偶然が重なった。鎌倉という街は一時日本きっての文化都市だった時期がある。明治政府が、風光明媚で横浜の商業地と横須賀の海軍基地に近く海水浴と森林浴ができるこの地を保養地として開発したからだ。多くの明治政府のお抱え外国人や軍人、華族、財閥が別荘を構えてここで休暇を楽しんだ。お金持ちが集まると、パトロンを求める作家や芸術家たちが集まる。そんな経緯もあってこの街はかつて 文化都市の色合いを出していたのだ。隣町には映画の撮影所もあり、映画関係者も飲み歩く街だった。当時は威勢の良かった三菱電機の企業城下町でもあった。僕がバルを引き受けた頃は、代も変わり、そんな文化都市の面影も消えかけていたが、数軒は、画家や作家の残党が出入りする店があった。その店も閉店することになってしまい、行き場を失う客が裏通りに溢れそうな状況だった。そこで友人に提案したのが、そのカラオケスナック後に文化人も楽しめる立ち飲み屋を作ろうというコンセプトだった。このコンセプトは彼の漠然と持っていた想いと一致したようで、話はあっという間に進んで、彼の経営する立ち飲み屋が誕生した。

Among the regulars at the Spanish bar from the beginning was a friend who was ten years older than me. Well, I wouldn't call him a friend. He was a casual drinking buddy I met at a standing bar in the next town a few years ago. He had worked as a producer in a big city, but he had moved to Shonan and seemed to be enjoying his retirement. He worked as a producer, but he was also a poet. Or maybe he called himself that. Even though we drank together every day, we were not close enough to pry into each other's affairs, so even now I don't know much about him. We had a lot of arguments, but strangely, we got along well.
I produce restaurants, so I get information about restaurant properties faster than most people. One day, while I was drinking with him at this standing bar, he asked me for advice. He really liked the standing bar model, and apparently he wanted to open one himself. It was just the right timing, as the karaoke snack bar in the back alley of Kamakura was asking if there was anyone to take over the business because they wanted to go out of business. Another coincidence occurred. There was a time when the city of Kamakura was the leading cultural city in Japan. The Meiji government developed this area as a resort, with its beautiful scenery, its proximity to Yokohama's commercial district and the Yokosuka naval base, and the opportunity to swim in the sea and enjoy forest bathing. Many foreigners employed by the Meiji government, military personnel, aristocrats, and zaibatsu companies built villas here and enjoyed their holidays. When the wealthy gathered, writers and artists seeking patrons also gathered. Due to this history, this town once had the color of a cultural city. There was a film studio in the neighboring town, and it was a town where people in the film industry would go drinking. At that time, it was also a corporate town for the powerful Mitsubishi Electric. When I took over the bar, the generations had changed and the image of such a cultural city was fading, but there were still a few restaurants that the remnants of painters and writers frequented. However, these restaurants were also closing, and customers who had nowhere to go were about to overflow into the back alleys. So I proposed to my friend the concept of creating a standing bar where cultural people could enjoy themselves after the karaoke snack bar. This concept seemed to match the vague idea he had, so things progressed quickly and the standing bar he runs was born.


My bar was open until late at night, so my friend came to me almost every night after closing his own standing bar at 11pm. He was hungry after work, so it became a habit for him to eat at my place until I finished my contract. For some reason, he loved spaghetti, so he ordered spaghetti every night. However, he was a man who was particular about food and served delicious snacks to go with alcohol at his bar, so I ended up making a new pasta dish for him every day. Among the spaghetti dishes he had, there were a few recipes that he particularly liked. This is one of them.
In Kamakura, a seaside town with a wide coastline, ashitaba grows wild from spring to early summer. I picked some ashitaba and made this dish.
As the name ashitaba means, if you pick it today, it will grow new leaves tomorrow. It is a hardy plant with strong vitality. However, because it has a strong, unique aroma, I decided to use it as the main ingredient, rather than combining it with other ingredients and treating it as a supporting role, and came up with the idea of ​​making a pesto-style paste. He was a man of letters who was sensitive to the seasons, so he was especially pleased. He was in such good health that he didn't seem like he was going to die, but he later passed away from cancer. He will never see tomorrow, but when I make this dish, I remember his bold and unrestrained drinking style.
The flavor is complete with just ashitaba angelica leaves and nuts, so no animal-based ingredients or broths are needed. Naturally, this dish can be enjoyed by vegetarians too.



Ashitaba (mature leaves with stem)
Young Ashitaba leaves
Almond flour
Natural salt
Chinese pepper
Chili pepper
Olive oil



Wash the harvested ashitaba leaves thoroughly.
Cut the mature ashitaba leaves into bite-sized pieces and put them in a blender.
Add the walnuts, almond powder, Japanese pepper berries, seedless chili pepper, peeled garlic, a little salt, and olive oil, and add a little water to make a paste. If it's difficult to blend, keep an eye on it and add more olive oil and water.
Place the young ashitaba leaves in a toaster oven and toast until crispy.
Boil the spaghetti until firm, and when it's cooked, drain in a colander. Leave some of the cooking water in the pot.
Add the paste you made to the pot with the remaining cooking water, bring to a boil, then add the spaghettini and simmer, stirring, until it thickens. Adjust the saltiness to finish.
Serve the pasta on the plate and garnish with the toasted young leaves.

Tips and tricks:    


This dish is intended to make the most of the unique aroma of angelica, so the mature leaves and stems, which have a strong aroma, are used. The young leaves are roasted and used as a topping. Here I grilled them, but I think frying them in oil would also be a good idea to retain their vibrant green color.
Pine nuts are expensive, so I used walnuts and almonds. I used almond flour here, but you can of course just crush the almonds from the kernel. You can also substitute your favorite nuts, such as pine nuts, cashews or peanuts.
Here I use chinese pepper to add a Japanese nuance, but you can also substitute pepper or other spices.

Guide to where to find ingredients
