
What is The Stone of Murakami Haruki’s Thailand?

Nimit does not allow Satsuki to tell what happened after his father died. I wonder why he does. It is known that suffered people are healed through telling somebody what happened in the past. How can I understand the behavior Nimit does?

Let me try to explain this. Words turn into lies and words turn into stones, which means the words she says does not mean what she really wants to say, and the words she says remain in the bottom of her heart just like stones. Nimit worries that Satsuki will much suffer from that stones, because the new feelings of resentment which is not the same as the one she has in her soul, staying in her heart for a long time.

Her way of thinking may not work well if she has a strong trauma, therefore, Nimit thinks that she will be deeply hurt because she overrates what happened in the past and it remains in her heart. This is the reason why Nimit did not let Satsuki talk about it and advised her to wait for the time to be healed.

In my opinion, this story is written for people who suffered from the earthquake in Kobe.
Through the story of Satsuki and Nimit, Murakami wants to tell that you need to just wait up until the time gives you enough healing even if you want to talk with someone what you experienced. Satsuki tells finally, “Let’s sleep, and wait for the dream.” I guess this is a strong message for people in Kobe.

However, as I said earlier, there are people who are healed by talking with someone. Murakami might believe that concerning about the severe experiences which touch deeply the spirit, the words are different from real thought because it is difficult to put someone’s thoughts into the words.  Just like things in the bottom of a deep well never turn to verbal messages.

Anyway, Mr. Murakami, what do you really want to tell us? This reminds me a question of “Let’s discuss the how the writer feels,” which I was asked in a Japanese class of the elementary school. I always thought that all I could do was just asking the writer. I hope someday I meet him in person to ask what he wants to tell us.

I appreciate if you also read the Japanese version of this article "村上春樹:タイランドの「石」について考えてみた。” in my Note.
