あいさつ Greetings
Hello, I'm (my name).
Good morning/afternoon/evening.
I'm (my name), a career consultant and a Japanese language teacher.Nice to meet you.
Thank you for coming.
名前を聞く Asking a name
May I have your name, please?
May I call you ____ ?
How may I call you? (When you expect a nick name or just to make sure.)
アイスブレーク Ice-breaking
(天気の話など) It's (hot, cold, fine, etc) today, isn't it?
(時間通りの開始のお礼)Thank you for coming on time.
(ちょっとほめる)I love your (something you can see on the screen, like the client's clothes, background image, etc. )
自己紹介 Self-introduction
I'm a national certified career consultant and a Japanese language teacher, living in Tokyo. 私は国家資格キャリアコンサルタントで、日本語の先生でもあります。東京に住んでいます。(私の最も短い自己紹介)
I'm a career consultant and an active systems engineer, so I've been looking forward to seeing you today. 私はキャリアコンサルタントで、現役のシステムエンジニアでもあります。今日はお会いできるのを楽しみにしてきました。(相手もエンジニアで、共通点があることを伝えて安心して欲しい場合)
I'm a career consultant focusing on helping foreign professionals in Japan.
守秘義務の説明 NDA explanation
Our conversations are kept confidential and won't be shared with anyone else.
What we do talk about is kept confidential between you and me.
So, please relax and feel free to talk whatever in your mind.
So, don't worry and feel free to talk to me.
I'm here to listen and assist you with any concerns you may have.
How may I be helpful for you today? (あたたかみがある言い方)
What's brought you here today? (ロープレビデオでよく見かける表現)
Are there any specific concerns you'd like to discuss today? (今日、特にお話になりたい心配事はありますか?)
※ How can I help you? もよいですが、お店の人の挨拶のようで、ちょっとビジネスライクというか、事務的な印象を与えうるとのことです。
※Why did you come here? は、「なんで来たの?何しに来たの?」という詰めモードに聞こえかねないので御法度。
+ 初めて来た方や、緊張している方の場合
Have you been to counseling before?(カウンセリングは初めてですか?)
Don't worry, take your time. (ゆっくりでいいですよ。)
You might want to take a deep breath. (深呼吸しましょうか。)
You can drink some water. (お水を飲みながらでいいですよ。)
共感を示す Showing attention and empathy
(Just nod quietly with eye contact)
OK. (softly)
I see. I see what you mean.
(いいと思ったこと)Great. Sounds good. Awesome. etc.
(大変でしたね)That must have been (tough, hard, exhausting, consuming, etc.)
話を促す Encouraging to keep talking
Uh-huh. (目とうなづきで促しつつ待つ)
Go ahead. (そっと言う)
Tell me more.
And … (そして…. ?)
I'm listening. (お話聞いてますよ)
Take your time. (ゆっくりでいいですよ)
This is your time.(この場は、あなたのための時間ですよ。)
伝え返し/パラフレージング Paraphrasing
It seems like…
You're saying that…
To make sure I'm following, 〜. Is that correct?
Let me make sure I understand correctly, …
気持ちを聞く Asking feelings and emotions
もしクライアントが、”shocked" " stressed" "confused"などのキーワードを発したら、それを拾って "Shocked?" などをやさしく投げ返すのがいいと思います。それ以外のフレーズだと・・・
You were (shocked, etc.) when you…
You were (shocked, etc.) because you…
How did/do you feel about that?
What was your reaction to that?
What was your feeling when…
◯◯について、少し詳しく教えてください Asking details
オープン・クエスチョンで深堀りする様々な聞き方です。Do you〜?はクローズド・クエスチョンになってしまうので、疑問詞(WhatやHowなど)や Tell me〜を使うといいかもしれません。ただし、Whyは問い詰めるニュアンスがある気がして、個人的に避けています。
Could you tell me a little bit more about that situation?
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with (the industry, business, culture, etc.), so could you tell me a bit more about 〜?
What do you like about your (job, company, etc.) ?
When did you start thinking about working in Japan?
How do you feel about that?
How did that happen?
What makes you feel/think so?
Who did you talk to when it happened?
Anything else? What else? などなど
なぜ、日本なの? Why Japan?
May I ask you… / Could you tell me… / I'm curious to know… / Do you mind if I ask you a question? などの枕詞を入れてもよいかもしれませんが、おそらく最も直接的な聞き方。
Why did you come to Japan?
Why did you decide to come to Japan (work in Japan)?
なぜ、日本に来ることにしたんですか?(最も直接的な聞き方)How did you decide to come to Japan?
What made you decide to come to Japan?
どうやって/何が理由で、日本に来ることにしたんですか?Why did you choose to live/work in Japan?
When did you come to Japan? いつ日本に来たんですか?
How many years have you been (working) in Japan? 日本に何年ぐらいいる(働いている)んですか?
What did you do before coming to Japan? 日本に来る前は、何をしていたんですか?
When did you decide to come to Japan? いつ日本に来ることにしたんですか?
When did you start thinking about coming/working in Japan? いつ日本に来ることを考え始めたんですか?
What made you interested in Japan/Japanese?
日本/日本語に興味を持ったきっかけは何でしたか?What do you like about living/woking in Japan?
要約 Summarizing
Let's take a moment to recap.
The picture I'm seeing is that …
What I'm hearing is that …
Let me make sure I'm following.
Thank you for sharing. You are…
問題特定 Specifying the main problem
Thank you for sharing. I can see that this is a difficult topic for you to talk about.
I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and feelings with me.
Based on what you've shared, it seems like the underlying issue is…
The biggest concern you have is that …
If I understand correctly, the heart of your concern is...
It sounds like the main challenge you're facing is...
The main problem you think you have to deal with is that …
アドバイス/提案する Giving advice/suggestion
Is it okay if I share my perspective?
Can I share my thoughts on this?
Would it be alright if I said something?
If it's okay, I'd like to give my input.
This is just my opinion/suggestion.
I think there would be some options for you.
I'm trying to see the situation from difference perspectives.
How about thinking like this. etc.
Based on my experience / In my experience
I have a similar experience…
I think I'm familiar with your situation because…