“I’m so sorry, my first Dom”

I’m so sorry that I laughed too much because you finished quickly.

I’m so sorry that I said something sweet for your subs and got their attention.

I’m so sorry that I couldn’t accept your commands always.

I’m so sorry that I asked you anything like commands.

I’m so sorry that I couldn’t be your slave.

I’m so sorry that I commanded you to pay me back all of my money.

I’m so sorry that after your confession of love, I realized I was short 120 CAD and quit keeping in touch until then.

I’m so sorry that I still can’t give up my 20 CAD.

I’m so sorry that I called the police again and again finally.

I’m sorry that when I’m humiliated, I couldn’t stop humiliating back to you.

I’m sorry that I couldn’t stop being your mirror.
