Komyo-in Temple 光明院



Hello. Today, I am at Komyo-in Temple in Kyoto. A self-proclaimed Japanese garden girl. I will do my best to introduce the highlights of this garden as an amateur reporter.


Komyo-in belongs to Tofuku-ji Temple, and both this garden and Tofuku-ji Temple’s were designed by Mirei Shigemori (1896-1975). This space from the gate to the entrance is also a garden--it is called "Unrei -tei" and was also made by Shigemori.


This is a truly impressive garden: right past the gate you can see paving stones, worship stones, and three blue stones that represent Sanzon-seki. In particular, some of the paving stones are of high-quality cut, and others feature precise designs studded with small pieces of blue stone. In addition, the Sanzon-seki is arranged on top of a turtle-shaped stone arrangement called Kame-shima--there is a crane-shaped partner arrangement called Tsuru-shima in front of the entrance.


Once inside, you will find Mirei Shigemori's second garden. This garden was named "Hashin-tei" and was completed at the same time as the garden of Tofuku-ji Temple. The front garden, "Unrei-tei," was built 20 years after this garden was created.


In contrast to the garden of Tofuku-ji Temple, which carries a sense of strength and elegance, the garden here produces a free-spirited mood. The name of this garden, "Hashin-tei," comes from the Zen phrase; "If it does not occur on the ridge of clouds, it will fall to the center of the moon." In the same spirit, the front garden "Unrei-tei" was also named after the beginning of this Zen word. The meaning of this word is "If you don't have any troubles, your heart is calm."


There are three sets of Sanzon-seki, which is composed of three standing big stones. The other stones are supposed to represent a brilliant aura of light that reflects off from them. The white sand represents the sea, and the rolling moss mountains represent the waves. Finally, the small stones that are embedded between the moss express the spray of the waves. Shigemori is said to be the first to express the spray of waves in this style in a Japanese garden. In total, it makes the garden feel overflowing with life and energy.


The Japanese azaleas on the slopes of the mountain represent clouds, and the tea house represents the moon. The tea house, called "Ragetsu-an" (Ivy Moon Hut), was built 20 years after the garden was completed, and it was also designed by Shigemori. The inside of the tea room house has many circle-shaped windows, which are said to represent the full moon. In addition, the circle shape is often used to express the cyclic nature of enlightenment in Zen teaching.


Two years after the tea house was completed, Shigemori actually held a tea ceremony here. He loved the art of tea, so I think that holding the party in a garden of his own creation must have made him feel happy.


This tea house symbolizes the moon. The stone arrangements below the tea house are made in congruence with that metaphor: Three sets of special Sanzon-seki representing Buddhist deities (Shakyamuni, Amida, and Yakushi) surrounded by stones representing the moonlight “reflected” off the holy figures. This garden name was inspired by the name of the temple, the Komyo-in Temple (lit. “Shining Temple”).


Also, these 75 stones of various sizes are said to appear like the Buddha and the pupils who gathered to hear his sermons.


Today, I’ve told you about two Japanese gardens by Mirei Shigemori at Komyo-in Temple. This garden has a dynamic, exciting design that is at the same time filled with Zen teachings. I recommend that you try sitting on the large terrace and looking out on the garden. By doing so, your heart and soul will clear your mind of anxieties and take you to a place of inner peace for a while.


Currently, the landscape is only green and white, but you can enjoy cherry blossoms in the spring and maple leaves in the autumn. It is really beautiful, so the temple is also known affectionately as “the Rainbow Moss Temple”. You should try coming here then as well to calm your spirits.


Thank you.
