Kinkaku-ji Temple 金閣寺



Hello. Today, I am at the Kinkaku-ji Temple (the Golden Pavilion) in Kyoto. As a self-proclaimed Japanese garden girl, I will do my best to introduce the highlights of this garden as an amateur reporter... But today, because we are at one of the most famous temples in Kyoto, I am feeling more nervous than usual. Please be gentle in the comments.


First, the Golden Pavilion is a Rinzai-sect Zen temple that belongs to the Shokoku-ji Temple in Kyoto. Its formal name is Rokuon-ji Temple, a name that was given to it by Yoshimitsu Ashikaga (1358-1408), who was the third shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate (1336-1573). This pavilion is the most well-known tourist attraction in Kyoto and is a World Heritage site.


During the Kamakura period (1185-1333) the aristocrat Saionji Kintsune owned the site and had a villa on it. He made a strolling garden around the pond there, and Yoshimitsu later altered the garden to suit his own tastes.


Yoshimitsu was a samurai, but he wanted the status of both an aristocrat and a Zen monk. It is said that Kinkaku-ji Temple was based on the model of Byodo-in Temple, and Saiho-ji Temple, which is a representative of moss temples in Kyoto. Yoshimitsu especially revered Muso Soseki, who was a great Zen monk. Saiho-ji Temple had been made by Soseki, so Yoshimitsu envisioned the Golden Pavillion as another place for doing zazen meditation.

義満は、武士の将軍ですが、公家や禅僧にも憧れがありました。金閣寺は、公家の代表格・平等院と、京都の苔寺で有名な禅寺である西芳寺が 構想の土台になったと言われています。特に、足利義満は有名な禅僧の夢窓疎石をとても尊敬していたそうで、夢窓国師の西芳寺に足繁く通い、よく座禅をしていて、身近な場所でも座禅三昧ができるよう、金閣寺の庭をプランニングしたとも言われています。

When Yoshimitsu was 37 years old he abdicated, passing the title of shogun to his nine year old son, and after that he became a Zen monk. He also gained aristocratic status by becoming a daijo-daijin, which is an assistant to the emperor. He then spent his time here at Kinkaku-ji Temple.


Yoshimitsu became an expert in both aristocratic and Zen cultures because he wanted to have the status of both. He wanted to be the leading figure in Japanese culture, and this intention showed in his making of the Golden Pavilion.


The land on which the Golden Pavilion stands is about 132,000 square meters in area. There is a pond called Kyoko Pond in the middle, and around the pond lies a strolling garden for visitors to walk in. In the past the nobility would play and sail in small boats here.


Look! You can see Kinkaku-ji Temple!


But today I will only talk about the garden, not the main body of Kinkaku-ji Temple. To tell the truth, it would be better if I could introduce the buildings as well, but I haven't studied much about architecture, so I will study little by little and do my best so that I can talk about it in the future.


First, you can see the pavilion reflected on the surface of the pond. To improve the reflection, people in ancient times spread white mud on the bottom of the pond, which made the water cloudy white. Kinkaku-ji Temple is beautifully reflected in the pond, creating a gorgeous view.


Next is the pond. In the pond there’s an island called “Ashihara-jima,” and on it there are some stones that Yoshimitsu cherished. However, you can’t see the stones from the shore without a telescope (or a good zoom lens on your camera). If you do have a telescope you should check them out -- both the arrangement called Sanzon-Seki and the stone called Hosokawa-Ishi. Sanzon-Seki is an arrangement of three stones. The middle one represents a statue of the Buddha, and the other stones represent his servants. Hosokawa-Ishi is a stone that was given to Yorimichi Hosokawa, who was a great samurai. When Yoshimitsu Ashikaga was 11 years old, his father told him that he must obey Hosokawa as if he were his own father. Soon after that his father died, and Yoshimitsu honored his father’s words, revered Yoriyuki Hosokawa like his own father.


There are a couple of stone arrangements in the pond as well, which are called Tsuru-Shima and Kame-Shima. The two arrangements represent the crane and turtle respectively, which together with the Sanzon-Seki are often featured in garden ponds to represent hope for a long life.


Near the Golden Pavilion there are four stones called Yodomari-Ishi, which means “ships moored in the sea at night.” The “ships” are supposedly on their way to get medicine so that people can enjoy long lives.


If you go to the pavilion, be sure to look behind the buildings. There’s a big pine tree there called Rikushu-no-Matsu. The tree is about 600 years old, and it was originally a bonsai of Yoshimitsu's.
The tree represents the ship that travels to the Buddhist islands where people dwell in the afterlife.
There are a lot of motifs like these in Japanese gardens.


If you walk the route you’ll next come to the Ginga-Sen, a spring providing delicious water. Yoshimitsu used to make tea using water from the Ginga-Sen.


Next, you’ll come to Kinkaku-ji-gaki. This was the first bamboo fence designed for the Golden Pavilion. Kinkaku-ji-gaki is formed by bamboo split in half and tied with a black-dyed palm rope. This style is called Yotsumegaki.


Next, you’ll pass the waterfall called Ryumonbaku. The arrangement of stones there represents a carp going up the waterfall. There’s a folk legend in China that a carp that manages to go up a waterfall will turn into a dragon. The stone that represents the carp is struck by the waterfall in the middle and is called Rigyo-seki (lit. “carp stone”). This legend was favored by samurai for its sense of aspiration -- that if you do your best, you can become anything. In addition to the carp struck by the waterfall, there are also carps waiting in line.


When you’re in the area of the Golden Pavilion, pay attention to the stones around you. In particular, the stepping stones and stone stairs feature many beautiful stones. The circular stones embedded in the ground are placed to mark viewing spots, so be sure to stand on those and notice the views that they offer. What kind of scenery will you see? Also, while I personally like the design of this step and this floor, I have some doubts whether they are truly from the time period. The impressive design of the garden demonstrates Yoshimitsu’s highly developed aesthetic sensibilities. It’s said that Yoshimitsu had good sense because he studied both aristocratic culture and Zen. Perhaps designs like this were considered fancy in his time.


By the way, since there was no concrete at that time, clay soil was put between the stones in this way to fix them in place.


Today I’ve told you about the Japanese garden at the Golden Pavilion. Since Yoshimitsu Ashikaga is a samurai general, I would like to say that the garden represents the samurai style, but I don't see the many large objects that symbolize the samurai aesthetic -- instead, it feels closer to the aristocratic style. The unique combination of magnificence and delicacy in this garden is said to show Yoshimitsu’s personality. When you visit, I think it's fun to go around while imagining what that personality might have been.


Thank you.
